Budget Analyst

NRC Budget Analysts formulate budgets, develop financial justifications, prepare management advisories, and present budgetary recommendations to mid- and senior-level officials. Budget analysts collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to obtain data, prepare reports, formulate budget estimates and make budgetary and financial recommendations. They need to do more than just understand the data; they must have a firm understanding of the data’s context.
  • They use various financial management and analytical tools to plan, provide budgetary guidance and make presentations to assist NRC decision-makers to execute their financial and budgetary duties.
  • The research, planning and cost and economic analysis work performed by Budget Analysts contribute directly to effective day-to-day funds control and overall budget execution.
  • By contributing to the research and financial discussions within NRC offices, Budget Analysts are key contributors to impactful decision-making within NRC.
Two male budget analyst employees looking down at a document on a table.  One is seated holding a pen to the document with his left hand on his chin, and the other employee is standing, leaning over onto the table with his left arm

Quotes from current or former employees in this position:

"You have to be willing to get in there and pull the thread
and follow and investigate what you notice."

"Budget Analysts are always looking for a way to make things
better: easier, faster, more efficient."

"The work is different all the time, not repetitious."

  • Incumbents have strong analytical skills, supported by effective research and planning abilities
  • They are skilled at using financial management systems to register and extract data that is ultimately used to develop recommendations and plans that address budgetary issues and help with financial forecasts
  • They are knowledgeable of the statutory and regulatory guidance that is available to develop and justify budgets that are in conformance with NRC expectations
  • Incumbents are skillful collaborators, problem solvers and individual and team-based communicators
  • They understand the critical importance of accurate and complete financial forecasts
  • They are skilled at delivering written and oral information that contributes to top-level policy decisions
  • They are good listeners, positive reactors and realize that their work contributes to not only daily accomplishments but long-term agency success as well
  • Their quantitative ability is their strong suit; however, they are adept at effectively explaining cost implications and budgetary impacts in ways that are understandable to managerial decision-makers
  • Assignments are such that meeting deadlines are critical to success
  • Incumbents have the ability to prepare and present cost-benefit options and carry out the discussions and positively receive the push back that often come from staff and managerial reviews of financial projections that do not always jive with program and policy objectives
​Budget Analysts range in grade from GG-7-15, depending upon the level of duties and responsibilities.
  • Performs financial analysis, funds control, budget execution and budget formulation/preparation, as well as cost and economic analyses that contribute to staff and managerial problem-solving and decision-making activities
  • Advises agency management
  • Uses agency financial management systems and tools
  • Performs research that contributes to financial, accounting or economic analyses
  • Analyzes facts, draws conclusions and presents alternatives
  • Prepares studies and reports
  • Presents budgetary/financial comparisons and problem-solving options
  • Formulates budgets
  • Participates in funds control matters
  • Coordinates input of various parties
  • Makes oral and written presentations to leadership
  • Headquarters—Offices/Divisions, Rockville, MD
  • Regions—King of Prussia, PA; Atlanta, GA; Lisle, IL; Arlington, TX
  • ​​Analytical
  • Strong research, evaluative and interpretive skills
  • Strategic thinking
  • Self-motivated and assertive
  • Curiosity and follow-through
  • Strong financial management ability
  • Quantitative ability
  • Planning ability
  • Ability to present findings in clear and effective ways
  • Exceptional attention to detail
  • Ability to self-manage
  • Oral and written communication skills
  • Interpersonal skill, ability to communicate with a variety of stakeholders
  • Presentation skills, informally and formally, information and recommendations
  • Effective listening ability
  • Skill in maintaining effective working relationships
  • Knowledge of agency financial management programs
  • Skill in use of modern computer software and agency financial systems for reporting and extracting data
Candidates for Budget Analyst opportunities can be found in the following types of NRC jobs:
  • Program Analyst
  • Financial Analyst
  • Auditors
  • Management Analyst
  • Project Manager
  • Contract Specialist

Or you can advance your career by pursuing:
  • Branch Chief
  • Team Lead
  • Deputy Budget Director/Budget Director (SES)
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