Extended Storage of LLRW - Reference Material

The table is a database of reference material related to the storage of LLRW. Here, users can find the most up to date bibliography of reference material related to extended storage of LLRW with regard to all licensing circumstances. Links or ADAMS accession numbers are provided for references as well as a brief description of applicability to LLRW storage. Where applicable the reference is tied to particular elements contributory to safe, secure LLRW storage as provided in attachment.

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Title Licensee Applicability Applicability Summary
RIS 2011-09, "Available Resources Associated with Extended Interim Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste," NRC, 08/16/2011 Power Reactor,
Non-Power Reactors, Materials Licensees
A regulatory information summary that addresses all U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensees who provide for extended storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste, all Agreement State Radiation Control Program Directors, and all State Liaison Officers.
Generic Letter 81-38, Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste at Power Reactor Sites," U.S. NRC, 11/10/1981 Power Reactors A generic letter providing guidance to power reactor licensees related to design, construction and operation of at plant LLRW storage facilities
DOE/LLW-146, "Annotated List of Regulation and Guidance Applicable to Temporary Storage of Commercial LLRW," U.S. DOE, April 1992 All types of Licensees Early Compilation of relevant guidance
SECY-94-198, "Review of Existing Guidance Concerning the Extended Storage of LLRW," August 1, 1994 Power Reactors, Materials Licensee NRC staff initiative to consolidate LLRW storage guidance for all licensees
RIS 08-012, "Considerations for Extended Interim Storage on LLRW by Fuel Cycle and materials Licensees," NRC, May 9, 2008 Fuel Cycle and Materials Licensees Generic communication citing guidelines re: LLRW originally contained in IN 90-09, references updates associated with new security considerations
NUREG–1537, "Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for Licensing of Non-Power Reactors," NRC, 2/1996 Non-Power Reactors Contains considerations for prospective non-power reactor licensees, including considerations for storage of incidental LLRW
NUREG–1556, Volume 15, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licensees: Guidance About Changes of Control and About Bankruptcy Involving Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Materials Licensees," NRC, November 2000 Materials Licensees Guidance for licensees storing LLRW who are undergoing financial difficulty and wish to remain compliant with regard to licensed radioative material
NUREG–1757: "Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance," Volume 1, "Decommissioning Process for Materials Licensees," Rev. 2, NRC, September 2006 Materials Licensees Guidance related to the management of stored LLRW by licensees during the decommissioning process
NUREG-/CR–4062, "Extended Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste: Potential Problem Areas," NRC, December 1985 All Licensees Early contractor perspective of difficulties arising from extended storage of LLRW
NUREG/CR–5569, "Health Physics Positions Database," NRC, February 1994 All Licensees NRC health physics positions on a variety of topics some of which are directly related to extended storage of LLRW and many which are indirectly related
IN 93-50, "Extended Storage of Sealed Sources," NRC, July 8, 1993 Licensees managing unwanted radioactive sealed sources Information specifically targeted to the management of unwanted raioactive sealed sources, including suggestions for possible disposition pathways
IN 94-23, "Guidelines to Hazardous Mixed Waste Generators on the Elements of a Mixed Waste Program," NRC, March 25, 1994 All Licensees Guidance specific to licensees dealing with mixed waste. See also 40 CFR Part 266, Subpart N
NUREG–800 Ch. 11, Section 11.4, Rev. 3, "Solid Waste Management," Appendix 11-4 A, "Design Guidance for temporary Storage of LLRW." Power Reactors Provides information useful in the design and construction of temporary LLRW storage facilities by power reactor licensees and applicatnts
DOE M 435.1-1 "Radioactive Waste management Manual," 7/9/1999 All Licensees Chapter IV Provides guidance for management of various types of LLRW in various circumstances
Regulatory Guide 1.143, "Design Guidance for Radioactive waste management Systems, Structures, and Components Installed in Light-Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Rev. 2, Nov. 2001 Power Reactors  
RIS 08-032 "Interim Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage at Reactor Sites," NRC, December 30, 2008 Power and
Non-Power Reactors
Generic communication citing, reminding licensees of previous guidance and resources, and updating its applicability
DOE/LLW-146 "Annotated List of Regulations and Guidelines Applicatble to Storage of LLRW," DOE, April 1992 All Licensees Assist entities w/LLW storage management systems to comply with applicatble regulations
NUREG–1936, "EIS for Combined License for Calvert Cliffs NPP, Unit 3," Section 6.1.6, p. 6-13, April 2010, USACE Power Reactors Example of discussion of environmental impacts of LLW stored at NPP
SECY 81-383, "Storage of LLRW at Reactor Sites" (available by contacting NRC Public Document Room, 301-415-4737) Power Reactors Early guidances re: LLW storage
NUREG/BR–0500, "Safety Culture Policy Statement, June 2011, NRC All Licensees Articulates core traits that lend themselves to a safe work environment relevant to all licensees, including those storing LLW
RG 4.22 Decommissioning Planning during Operations Section C 5.1 All Licensees Contains guidance related to inspection frequency for LLW packages in storage

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, March 11, 2024