Title |
Licensee Applicability |
Applicability Summary |
RIS 2011-09, "Available Resources Associated with Extended Interim Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste," NRC, 08/16/2011 |
Power Reactor,
Non-Power Reactors, Materials Licensees |
A regulatory information summary that addresses all U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensees who provide for extended storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste, all Agreement State Radiation Control Program Directors, and all State Liaison Officers. |
Generic Letter 81-38, Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste at Power Reactor Sites," U.S. NRC, 11/10/1981 |
Power Reactors |
A generic letter providing guidance to power reactor licensees related to design, construction and operation of at plant LLRW storage facilities |
DOE/LLW-146, "Annotated List of Regulation and Guidance Applicable to Temporary Storage of Commercial LLRW," U.S. DOE, April 1992 |
All types of Licensees |
Early Compilation of relevant guidance |
SECY-94-198, "Review of Existing Guidance Concerning the Extended Storage of LLRW," August 1, 1994 |
Power Reactors, Materials Licensee |
NRC staff initiative to consolidate LLRW storage guidance for all licensees |
RIS 08-012, "Considerations for Extended Interim Storage on LLRW by Fuel Cycle and materials Licensees," NRC, May 9, 2008 |
Fuel Cycle and Materials Licensees |
Generic communication citing guidelines re: LLRW originally contained in IN 90-09, references updates associated with new security considerations |
NUREG–1537, "Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for Licensing of Non-Power Reactors," NRC, 2/1996 |
Non-Power Reactors |
Contains considerations for prospective non-power reactor licensees, including considerations for storage of incidental LLRW |
NUREG–1556, Volume 15, "Consolidated Guidance About Materials Licensees: Guidance About Changes of Control and About Bankruptcy Involving Byproduct, Source, or Special Nuclear Materials Licensees," NRC, November 2000 |
Materials Licensees |
Guidance for licensees storing LLRW who are undergoing financial difficulty and wish to remain compliant with regard to licensed radioative material |
NUREG–1757: "Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance," Volume 1, "Decommissioning Process for Materials Licensees," Rev. 2, NRC, September 2006 |
Materials Licensees |
Guidance related to the management of stored LLRW by licensees during the decommissioning process |
NUREG-/CR–4062, "Extended Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste: Potential Problem Areas," NRC, December 1985 |
All Licensees |
Early contractor perspective of difficulties arising from extended storage of LLRW |
NUREG/CR–5569, "Health Physics Positions Database," NRC, February 1994 |
All Licensees |
NRC health physics positions on a variety of topics some of which are directly related to extended storage of LLRW and many which are indirectly related |
IN 93-50, "Extended Storage of Sealed Sources," NRC, July 8, 1993 |
Licensees managing unwanted radioactive sealed sources |
Information specifically targeted to the management of unwanted raioactive sealed sources, including suggestions for possible disposition pathways |
IN 94-23, "Guidelines to Hazardous Mixed Waste Generators on the Elements of a Mixed Waste Program," NRC, March 25, 1994 |
All Licensees |
Guidance specific to licensees dealing with mixed waste. See also 40 CFR Part 266, Subpart N |
NUREG–800 Ch. 11, Section 11.4, Rev. 3, "Solid Waste Management," Appendix 11-4 A, "Design Guidance for temporary Storage of LLRW." |
Power Reactors |
Provides information useful in the design and construction of temporary LLRW storage facilities by power reactor licensees and applicatnts |
DOE M 435.1-1 "Radioactive Waste management Manual," 7/9/1999 |
All Licensees |
Chapter IV Provides guidance for management of various types of LLRW in various circumstances |
Regulatory Guide 1.143, "Design Guidance for Radioactive waste management Systems, Structures, and Components Installed in Light-Water Cooled Nuclear Power Plants," Rev. 2, Nov. 2001 |
Power Reactors |
RIS 08-032 "Interim Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage at Reactor Sites," NRC, December 30, 2008 |
Power and
Non-Power Reactors |
Generic communication citing, reminding licensees of previous guidance and resources, and updating its applicability |
DOE/LLW-146 "Annotated List of Regulations and Guidelines Applicatble to Storage of LLRW," DOE, April 1992 |
All Licensees |
Assist entities w/LLW storage management systems to comply with applicatble regulations |
NUREG–1936, "EIS for Combined License for Calvert Cliffs NPP, Unit 3," Section 6.1.6, p. 6-13, April 2010, USACE |
Power Reactors |
Example of discussion of environmental impacts of LLW stored at NPP |
SECY 81-383, "Storage of LLRW at Reactor Sites" (available by contacting NRC Public Document Room, 301-415-4737) |
Power Reactors |
Early guidances re: LLW storage |
NUREG/BR–0500, "Safety Culture Policy Statement, June 2011, NRC |
All Licensees |
Articulates core traits that lend themselves to a safe work environment relevant to all licensees, including those storing LLW |
RG 4.22 Decommissioning Planning during Operations Section C 5.1 |
All Licensees |
Contains guidance related to inspection frequency for LLW packages in storage |