The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

Recent FOIA Requests – January 2020

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during January 2020. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Tracking Number Requester's Name Requester's Organization Request Description Received Date
2020-000100 Monika Anic FD Stonewater The FY 2020-2024 Real Property Efficiency Plan including all attachments that are associated with the document 01/06/2020
2020-000101 Aaron M. Paul Grand Canyon Trust All documents dated, created, or modified on or after January 1, 1995, relating to the development, submission, review, analysis, revision, or approval of reclamation plans for the White Mesa uranium mill near Blanding, Utah, Docket No. 40-8681 01/09/2020
2020-000102 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000023 01/09/2020
2020-000103 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000024 01/09/2020
2020-000104 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000058 01/09/2020
2020-000105 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000059 01/09/2020
2020-000106 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000057 01/09/2020
2020-000107 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000085 01/09/2020
2020-000108 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000086 01/09/2020
2020-000109 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000060 01/09/2020
2020-000110 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000008 01/10/2020
2020-000111 Priscilla Leonard Conner & Winters Appeal the fee waiver denial in response to NRC-2020-000056 01/10/2020
2020-000112 John B. Pender   Documents relating to a visit by named individual and others on behalf of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission to the USAEC in 1962-63, visiting nuclear locations including Nevada (including documents deputizing or authorizing him as a USAEC personnel (relevant to a claim for compensation as participant), and documents detailing where he went, what he did and what his exposure of nuclear radiation was) 01/10/2020
2020-000113 Rebecca Rust   Copy of named individual's operator license from Nuclear Power Training Command in Ballston Spa, NY, in 1996 (Knolls Atomic Power Lab) 01/13/2020
2020-000114 Rachel Williams Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Any and all correspondence between Kelly Loeffler and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and between NRC and Intercontinental Exchange or Bakkt 01/13/2020
2020-000115 Dale Yielding   Access to records associated with named individual's claim of a chilled environment, Reassignment(s) after resolving potential non-concurrence


2020-000116 Clay Keys   Copy of FOIA request, NRC-2018-000451, and NRC's response 01/14/2020
2020-000117 Charles Langley Public Watchdogs Copies of all written correspondence, handwritten notes, and meeting transcripts between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and employees of Southern California Edison or its legal representatives at Alston & Bird or other law firms from July 2012 through January 15, 2019 01/15/2020
2020-000118 Charles Langley Public Watchdogs Copies of all written correspondence, handwritten notes, and meeting transcripts between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and employees of Southern California Edison or its legal representatives at Alston & Bird or other law firms from January 16, 2019 through January 15, 2020 01/15/2020
2020-000119 Charles Langley Public Watchdogs Copies of all written correspondence, handwritten notes, and meeting transcripts between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and employees of Holtec International or its legal representatives, or its affiliated corporate entities (DBA "Holtec") from January 1, 2018 through January 15, 2020; and copies of all photographs and videos of canisters inside and outside the Canister Enclosure Cavity (CEC) taken after August 1, 2018 01/15/2020
2020-000120 Manuel Lorenzo Sentis Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI Copy of the following documents: 1) Pepping, R.E., M.S.Y. Chu, and M.D. Siegel, 1983. "A simplified analysis of a hypothetical repository in a basalt formation, Volume 2," in Technical Assistance for Regulatory Development: Review and Evaluation of the Draft EPA Standard 40 CFR 191 for Disposal of High-Level Waste, SAND82-1557, NUREG/CR3235, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM; and 2) Hunter, R.L.; Cranwell, R.M.; Chu, M.S.Y., Assessing compliance with the EPA high-level waste standard: an overview Sandia National Labs., Albuquerque, NM (USA) NUREG/CR--4510, Oct 1986; 62 p; SAND--86-0121; Available from NTIS, PC A04/MF A01 - GPO as TI87002258 01/17/2020
2020-000121 Tivara A. Tanudjaja   A list of all the locations of low level waste disposal sites in the United States in the years 2000, 2010, and 2019, and a list of groundwater quality data in each of the previous locations mentioned in the years 2000, 2010, and 2019 01/21/2020
2020-000122 Oscar Alvarado   Analysis, recommendations, letters, radiation measurements, alerts notices and studies on the Laguna Verde nuclear plant in Mexico, produced by the NRC between 2012 and 2019 01/21/2020
2020-000123 Ken Rumelt Vermont Law School Records related to environmental impacts at the Florida Power & Light Co.'s Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station, as described 01/21/2020
2020-000124 Julian Tarver   Copies of all prison mail rejections sent to NRC since 2012 01/21/2020
2020-000125 Julian Tarver   Newest 50 pages of the NRC FOIA log 01/21/2020
2020-000126 Julian Tarver   Copies of all internal and external communication emails, notes, memos and letters related to named individual's past FOIA request on Chattanooga Police Dept, in 2018 01/21/2020
2020-000127 Christopher Rheinheimer Hanson Bridgett LLP All information and documents concerning any communication between any person affiliated with NRC and any person affiliated with the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning Greenaction for Environmental Justice's 10 CFR 2.206 Petition to Revoke Materials License No. 29-31396-01 (Reference No. OEDO-17-00454) concerning Tetra Tech EC, Inc.'s nuclear materials license; and all information and documents regarding any request from DOJ to hold Greenaction's petition in abeyance and/or postpone a final decision on the petition 01/22/2020
2020-000128 Jeff Kuyper Los Padres ForestWatch A copy of the report prepared by the Nuclear Fuel Working Group (to which the Interior Secretary is a member) setting forth the Working Group’s findings and making recommendations to further enable domestic nuclear fuel production. The report is required by the President's Memorandum on the Effect of Uranium Imports on the National Security and Establishment of the United States Nuclear Fuel Working Group dated July 12, 2019 01/23/2020
2020-000129 Diane Curran Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg, L.L.P. All documents recording or otherwise discussing the “internal technical discussion(s)” and/or “staff review” referred to in the Denial Notice, 84 Fed. Reg. at 65,028, Col. 1, and names of all NRC staff members who participated in the above discussion(s) and/or review and documents reflecting their expertise with respect to Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR); all “current ASR literature and case history” on which the Denial Notice relies for the specific proposition that “visual inspections are sufficient to identify manifestations of potentially damaging ASR before there would be significant structural impacts”; all internal/external correspondence and meeting records regarding the C-10 Rulemaking Petition and/or the Denial Notice from September 25, 2014 to January 23, 2020; and all internal/external correspondence and meeting records regarding the Buford Memorandum (ML13108A047), from April 30, 2013 to January 23, 2020 01/23/2020
2020-000130 Emma Stallwortthy   A log of all FOIA requests received for the years 2012, 2013, and 2014, as specified 01/23/2020
2020-000131 Douglas MacMillan The Washington Post All correspondence to or from Nuclear Regulatory Chairman Kristine Svinicki between the dates of January 1, 2017 and the date of search which mention the word "Holtec" or are to or from an email address with the domain name "" 01/27/2020
2020-000132 Ann M. Hurley McDonald Toole Wiggins, P.A. Any and all records of contact with named individual pertaining to an injury sustained at the Florida Power & Light St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant 01/27/2020
2020-000133 Michael Ayele Association For The Advancement of Civil liberties Submission of questions pertaining to a variety of different matters that does not fall within NRC's responsibility 01/27/2020
2020-000134 Charles Langley Public Watchdogs Seeking records that identify the present Current Licensing Basis (CLB) for San Onofre Units 2 and 3, that is in effect on January 1, 2020, Docket numbers 50-361 and 50-362, License No. NPF-10 and NPF-15 (no need for Unit 1) 01/28/2020
2020-000135 Tivara Tanudjaja   Records of accidents during transporting high level waste to the high level waste disposal facility of U.S. Ecology, located in Richland, Washington during the years 2005 to 2015 (by “accident” I mean instances where leaks were found during transport; where the amount of high level waste sent is not the same amount as the high level waste received by the U.S. Ecology disposal facility) 01/29/2020
2020-000136 Chris Pasquali   Interested in reports and documentation related to unidentified lights, objects and aircraft over and around nuclear power generating stations since 1951 01/29/2020
2020-000137 Thomas Devine Government Accountability Project All documents and communications, from January 20, 2017 to present, regarding: Civil nuclear cooperation with Middle Eastern countries, most notably Saudi Arabia; The Middle East Marshall Plan; Negotiation of a U.S.-Saudi "123" Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement; Records regarding the International Peace Power and Prosperity (IPA# Corporation) and its proposal for nuclear and cyber cooperation with various Middle Eastern countries; and Documents and deliberations regarding Westinghouse, to include its March 2017 bankruptcy and the U.S. government's subsequent policy response 01/30/2020
2020-000138 Korrie Ann Whitten   "I want for that nuclear threat u left me and the Navy not caring" 01/31/2020
2020-000139 Nicholas G. Napolio University of Southern California All Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) entered into by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and any other agency or bureau in the federal government (cabinet departments, independent agencies, offices in the executive office of the President, etc.) from as far back as records are kept until the present 01/31/2020
2020-000140 Kayla Saenger Banks Environmental Data, Inc. A copy of the Web-Based Licensing (WBL) system database for all records in Texas 02/04/2020
2020-000141 Stephen Veldhuizen MB Public Affairs, Inc. All Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests requesting records on Kelly Loeffler, Jeffrey Sprecher, Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (ICE), New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Bakkt, LLC, from January 1, 2017 to present; and the FOIA request log from November 1, 2019 to present 02/06/2020
2020-000142 Stephen Veldhuizen MB Public Affairs, Inc. All written correspondence and emails between the NRC and Kelly Loeffler, and Jeffrey Sprecher, from January 1, 2013 to present; and all emails sent or received by the NRC containing the terms "Kelly Loeffler" and "Jeffrey Sprecher", from January 1 2013 to present 02/06/2020
2020-000143 Nicholas G. Napolio University of Southern California Appeal administrative closure due to request not being reasonably described, in response to NRC-2020-000139 02/07/2020

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, March 10, 2021