Tracking Number |
Requester's Name |
Requester's Organization |
Request Description |
Received Date |
2019-000347 |
Wheeler Cowperthwaite |
Cape Cod Times |
All investigation reports and summaries, between 2016 and July 1, 2019, including those produced by the Office of the Inspector General, stemming from the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, Massachusetts. This includes, but is not limited to, audits and investigation reports of employees, incidents and contractors |
07/01/2019 |
2019-000348 |
Cheryl Olson |
Dairyland Power Cooperative |
Information pertaining to NRC correspondence regarding the LaCrosse Boiling Water Reactor and the related independent spent fuel storage facility (ISFSI) |
07/01/2019 |
2019-000349 |
Kristen Bonds |
Source Production & Equipment co. |
A historical list of licensees/ persons who have requested SPEC related information in the last 5 years including the requesters name, date and overview of information received by the requester. Request topics may include but are not limited to: Radioactive Material License-LA-2966-L01; Quality Assurance Program- Approval #0102; SPEC manufactured Type B packages: SPEC 150(USA/9263/B(U)-96), SPEC 300 (USA/9282/B(U)-96), SPEC C-1(USA-9036-B(U)-96); SSDR's for SPEC manufactured Devices and source assemblies; and Any Additional information requested in the last 5 years |
07/02/2019 |
2019-000350 |
Nick Maxwell |
The "publicly available copy of the agreement between Holtec and Intrepid Mining LLC (Intrepid) concerning the control of mineral rights and potash mining on the proposed project site." See ML19081A075, page 12 of 52; and the "publicly available...redacted or similar version" of the "agreement (MOA) between Holtec and Eddy Lea Energy Alliance, LLC (ELEA) covering the design, licensing, construction, operation, decommissioning, and purchase terms of the site and the approval by the New Mexico Board of Finance for the sale of the site to Holtec." See ML19081A075, page 13 of 52 |
07/02/2019 |
2019-000351 |
Vernon Thornblad |
Information on whether Republic Steel actually received radioactive isotopes and if so, in which facility they were received, the nature of their experimentation and work with radioactive isotopes, it's purpose and the results, and on what became of the radioactive isotopes and any contaminated equipment and/or waste that resulted upon the conclusion of their work. Is there a record in which storage facility all of the radioactive materials, waste, and contaminated equipment were taken? |
07/02/2019 |
2019-000352 |
Dan Humphreys |
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee |
Any correspondence between named individual, and emails with domain of and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
07/02/2019 |
2019-000353 |
Michael Ravnitzky |
A copy of the records marked "non-responsive" in the response to NRC-2019-000221 |
07/03/2019 |
2019-000354 |
Robert Leyse |
A copy of INPO SER 76-84, referenced in NRC Information Notice No. 85-86: Lightning Strikes at Nuclear Power Generating Stations |
07/09/2019 |
2019-000356 |
Priscilla Leonard |
Conner & Winters |
Interview transcripts associated with NRC Enforcement Action EA-18-037, other than those already released in response to FOIA request NRC-2019-000224 |
07/10/2019 |
2019-000357 |
Brian Magnuson |
Copy of NRC Investigative File on Allegation RIII-15-A-0058 |
07/10/2019 |
2019-000358 |
Brian Magnuson |
Copy of NRC Investigative File on Allegation RIII-16-A-0040 |
07/10/2019 |
2019-000359 |
Brian Magnuson |
Copy of NRC Investigative File on Allegation RIII-17-A-0001 |
07/10/2019 |
2019-000360 |
Ben Ammerman |
Newmeyer & Dillion LLP |
Any and all Orders issued by the NRC, or any of its affiliated agencies, other administrative or disciplinary actions taken by NRC, records of investigations for violations of federal law and regulations, and records relevant to misconduct, in regard to and/or against Foss Therapy Services, Inc. and/or named individual |
07/15/2019 |
2019-000361 |
Sana Memon |
Corporate Research and Investigations Ltd. |
Copy of named individual's Senior Reactor Operators (SRO) License |
07/16/2019 |
2019-000362 |
Kevin Esperas |
Corporate Research and Investigations Ltd. |
Copy of named individual's Senior Reactor Operators (SRO) License |
07/18/2019 |
2019-000363 |
Samuel Miranda |
NRC memorandum, "Supporting Information for Staff Recommendations in Response to Executive Director for Operations Tasking in September 15, 2016, Exelon Backfit Appeal Decision," dated September 6, 2017 (ML17237C035) |
07/18/2019 |
2019-000364 |
Teresa Johns |
All records pertaining to named individual’s case |
07/22/2019 |
2019-000365 |
Kevin Esperas |
Corporate Research and Investigations Group |
Background screening and the release of records of named individual |
07/22/2019 |
2019-000366 |
Connie Marini |
Environmental Data Resources, Inc. |
The most recent listing of companies that have been issued an NRC license and are included in the Materials Licensing Tracking System (MLTS) Database (active and retired licenses) for the entire United States |
07/22/2019 |
2019-000367 |
Monica Dias |
Frost Brown Todd LLC |
A certified copy of the "U.S. NRC Safety Culture Communicator, Case Study 4, March 2012, titled "April 2010 Upper Big Branch Mine Explosion - 29 Lives Lost" (ML12069A003) |
07/23/2019 |
2019-000368 |
Sana Memon |
Corporate Research and Investigations Group |
Background screening and the release of records of named individual |
07/23/2019 |
2019-000369 |
Sana Memon |
Corporate Research and Investigations Group |
Background screening and the release of records of named individual |
07/23/2019 |
2019-000370 |
Werda Rais |
Corporate Research and Investigations Group |
Background screening and the release of records of named individual |
07/23/2019 |
2019-000371 |
Kevan Crawford |
Name of contracted federal court recorder (from Murray, UT) who recorded named individual's sworn deposition in August 1993; an audio copy of the conference call on or about February 15, 1993 between named individual and NRC staff |
07/23/2019 |
2019-000372 |
Ma Flor Contreras |
Reason why named individual was detained at border on July 9, 2019 |
07/23/2019 |
2019-000373 |
Shirsho Dasgupta |
McClatchy DC Bureau |
All inspections of nuclear facilities and nuclear power plants, and all inspections of nuclear waste disposal sites and facilities conducted by the NRC from 2013 to the present day, as specified |
07/24/2019 |
2019-000374 |
Melissa Hunter |
Fishbeck, Thompson, Carr & Huber, Inc. |
Requesting information regarding an ERNS incident. NRC Report # 395602, Site ID- 97395602, Date- 07/18/1997; Location address- 1 Lake St, Pentwater, Oceana County, MI 49449 |
07/24/2019 |
2019-000375 |
Katie Elizardi |
Entergy Services, LLC |
Documents pertaining to the NRC’s Office of Investigations Case No. 3-2018-007, specifically, I request the final Report of Investigation |
07/24/2019 |
2019-000376 |
Thomas Devine |
Government Accountability Project |
All documents and communications regarding civil nuclear cooperation with Middle Eastern countries, most notably Saudi Arabia, the "Middle East Marshall Plans", and Negotiation of a U.S. Saudi "123" Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, from January 20, 2017 to present; documents, briefings, correspondence, and/or telephone conversations regarding the "International Peace Power and Prosperity" (IP3 Corporation) and its proposal for nuclear and cyber cooperation with various Middle Eastern countries, to include Saudi Arabia; and documents and deliberations regarding Westinghouse, to include its March 2017 bankruptcy and the U.S. government's subsequent policy response |
07/24/2019 |
2019-000377 |
Dr. Kevan C. Crawford |
A copy of the Idaho State University non-power reactor investigation report submitted in 1993 (in addition to NRC-2019-000371) |
07/29/2019 |
2019-000378 |
Dr. Kevan C. Crawford |
A copy of the Notice of Violation (NOV) for the undocumented receipt of controlled quantities of radioactive by-product materials referred to in the citation for undocumented transfers in NOV 93-1 for the non-power reactor licensee at Idaho State University |
07/29/2019 |
2019-000379 |
Clifford Chapin |
Copies of operator licenses of named individual, as specified |
07/29/2019 |
2019-000380 |
William G. Miossi |
Winston & Strawn LLP |
Appeal the denial of the full, un-redacted Office of Investigations Report No. 2-2017-004, and any other evidence relied upon by OI in issued the Apparent Violation dated May 15, 2019 that was not referenced or identified in Report No. 2-2017-004, in response to NRC-2019-000327 |
07/29/2019 |
2019-000381 |
Shirsho Dasgupta |
McClatchy DC Bureau |
All data on fire inspection findings at NRC regulated sites/facilities, all data on fire events from licensee event reports, and all data on significant enforcement actions taken by the NRC, from 2000 to present day, as specified |
07/31/2019 |
2019-000382 |
Dr. Quentin Jevar Crocheron |
Crocheron Consulting, V.A. |
All records with named individual to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Social Security Administration Office of the Inspector General, Office of Special Counsel (Justice Department), Postal Inspector Office of the Inspector General, Office of Professional Accountability (Department of Justice)/All bureaus |
07/31/2019 |
2019-000383 |
Kelly Clemens |
A common cause analysis performed titled CA3017998-Compressed Air System Common Cause published in 2015 or 2016 that documented the failures and vulnerabilities of this system and how it effects Safety-Related components |
07/31/2019 |
2019-000384 |
Erin Lisann Hagle |
All employee/medical records pertaining to named individual, as specified |
07/31/2019 |
2019-000385 |
Travis Annatoyn |
Democracy Forward Foundation |
Any and all records relating to a nuclear cooperation agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia, as described |
08/01/2019 |