Document Number |
Title |
Publish Date |
Follow-up Paleoliquefaction Studies of the Central Virginia Seismic Zone |
12/04/2024 |
RES-DE-SGSEB-2024-01 |
Global GS24 Ground Motion Models for Active Crustal Regions based on Non-Traditional Modeling Approach |
09/09/2024 |
TLR-RES/DE-2023-14-Rev 0 |
Assessment of Thermal Aging Embrittlement of Austenitic Stainless Steel Weld Metals |
08/13/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-1 |
Confirmatory Calculation: Influence of Cladding Modeling Assumptions for NuScale Pressure - Temperature Limits |
03/12/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-2 |
Preliminary Assessment of Models for Generating Predictions of Long-term Corrrosion in Molten Salts |
04/29/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-3 |
FAVPRO Software Verification and Validation Plan and Results Report for v0.1.15 (SVVP) |
04/30/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-4 |
FAVPRO Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) |
04/22/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-5 |
FAVPRO Configuration Management and Maintenance Plan (CMMP) |
04/30/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-6 |
Review of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Fusion Reactor Materials |
05/14/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-7 |
FAVPRO User Guide |
06/05/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-8 |
Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Analysis of French Stress Corrosion Cracking Operating Experience Applied to the US Fleet using the Extremely Low Probability of Rupture Code |
06/24/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-9 |
Effect of Fission Products on Degradation of Structural Materials in Molten Salt Reactors |
06/31/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-10 |
Assessing Uncertainty in Modeling Chloride-Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking |
06/12/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-11 |
Safety and Regulatory Considerations for On-Site Hydrogen Production Facilities Co-located with Nuclear Power Plants |
08/21/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-12 |
Technical Information Needs and Regulatory Considerations for Front-End Transportation Activities of HALEU Fuel Feed Material |
08/31/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-13 |
FAVPRO Theory Manual |
08/30/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-14 |
Examining Graphite Degradation in Molten Salt Environments: A Chemical, Physical and Material Analysis |
09/05/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-15 |
Storage and Transportation of Molten Salt Reactor Wastes Identification of Technical Info Needs and Safety Implications for Safety Review Guidance |
09/25/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-16 |
Integration of Safety, Security, and Safeguards During Design and Operations – A Technical Assessment and Regulatory Considerations for Advanced Reactor and Advanced Fuel Fabrication Facilities |
10/24/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-17 |
Assessment of Technical Information Needs and Considerations for Front-End Activities for Molten Salt Fuel Types |
10/01/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-18 |
Assessment of Condition Monitoring Methods and Technologies for Inservice Inspection and Testing of Nuclear Power Plant Components |
11/08/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-19 |
Assessment of stress relaxation cracking of Austenitic Components in regards to the ASME Section III, Division 5 rules |
11/27/2024 |
RES-DE-REB-2024-20 |
Nuclear Nano Technology – Applications in Advanced Fuel Assemblies |
01/02/2025 |
RES-DE-ICEEB-2024-003a |
Research Plan Development |
06/30/2024 |
RES-DE-ICEEB-2024-003b |
Identification of a Representative Use Case |
06/30/2024 |
RES-DE-ICEEB-2024-003c |
Identification of AI/ML Technologies |
06/30/2024 |
RES-DE-ICEEB-2024-003d |
Use Case Implementation |
06/30/2024 |
RES-DE-ICEEB-2024-003e |
Performance Evaluation & Gap Analysis |
06/30/2024 |
RES-DE-ICEEB-2024-003 |
Characterizing Nuclear Cybersecurity States Using AI/ML – Final Report |
06/30/2024 |
RES-DE-ICEEB-2024-005 |
Analyzing the Impact of Using Wireless Technologies for Monitoring Safety-Related Critical Digital Assets |
02/29/2024 |