Document Number |
Title |
Publish Date |
RES-DE-REB-2021-1 |
The State of Technology of Application of Digital Twins |
06/15/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-2 |
Assessment of Non-Gross Breaches in Spent Fuel Cladding during Drying Operations |
05/26/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-3 |
Fracture Analysis of Vessels – Oak Ridge FAVOR v20.1.12 Theory and Implementation of Algorithms, Methods, and Correlations |
06/30/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-4 |
Fracture Analysis of Vessels – Oak Ridge FAVOR v20.1.12 User’s Guide |
07/15/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-5 |
FAVOR Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) |
06/21/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-6 |
FAVOR Configuration Management and Maintenance Plan (CMMP) |
06/21/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-7 |
Benchmarking of Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Models in Grizzly |
06/30/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-8 |
Assessment of Graphite Properties and Degradation Including Source Dependence |
08/31/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-9 |
Probabilistic Leak-Before-Break Evaluation of Westinghouse Four-Loop Pressurized-Water Reactor Primary Coolant Loop Piping using the Extremely Low Probability of Rupture Code |
08/13/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-10 |
FAVOR v20.1.12 Software Requirements Document |
09/01/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-12 |
Assessment of Cold Spray Technology for Nuclear Power Applications |
09/30/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-13 |
Summary of Investigations into Addressing the Shallow Surface-Breaking Flaw Issue: Summary and Recommendations |
12/31/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-14-R1 |
Probabilistic Leak-Before-Break Evaluations of Pressurized-Water Reactor Piping Systems using the Extremely Low Probability of Rupture Code |
04/01/2022 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-15 |
Application of Probabilistic Analysis Techniques in Mechanical Integrity Assessments |
09/24/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-16 |
Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Application: FAVOR Case Study |
09/30/2021 |
RES-DE-REB-2021-17 |
Technical Challenges and Gaps in Digital-Twin-Enabling Technologies for Nuclear Reactor Application |
12/31/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-1 |
Estimation Scheme for Weld Residual Stress Effect on Crack Opening Displacements |
03/23/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-2 |
Effect of Crack Face Pressure Distribution on Crack Opening Displacements and Associated Leak Rates |
09/18/2020 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-3 |
Technical Assessment of Materials Compatibility in Molten Salt Reactors |
03/31/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-4 |
Corrosion in Gas-cooled Reactors |
03/31/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-5 |
Status of Advanced Non-Light Water Reactor Research Activities: Materials, Chemistry, and Component Integrity |
04/01/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-6 |
Technical Assistance to Review American Society of Mechanical Engineer’s Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Case and Licensee Relief Requests for Carbon Fiber Repairs |
05/18/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-7 |
Corrosion in Sodium Fast Reactors |
05/31/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-8 |
Calculational Methods for Reactor Pressure Vessel Fluence in Extended Beltline Locations |
05/25/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-9 |
Reactor Pressure Vessel Fluence, DPA, and Uncertainty Quantification in Extended Beltline Locations |
05/25/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-10 |
Additional Technical Information in Support of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Review of the 2017 Edition of ASME Section III, Division 5, "High Temperature Reactors," Subsection HH, Subpart A: "Graphite Materials." |
05/31/2021 |
RES-DE-CIB-2021-11 |
Sensitivity Studies and Analyses Involving the Extremely Low Probability of Rupture Code |
05/14/2021 |