Document Number | Title | Revision | Publish Date | Reviewed Date |
AL-99-05 | Amended Regulations Governing Timepieces Containing Tritium | -- | 09/13/1999 | -- |
AL-99-04 | Availability of Revised NRC Form 3, "Notice to Employees" | W | 81 FR 31969 05/20/2016 | -- |
| 09/10/1999 |
AL-99-03 | Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations | W | 81 FR 31969 05/20/2016 | -- |
| 08/20/1999 |
AL-99-02 | Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates | W | 81 FR 73448 10/25/16 | 10/16 |
| 06/03/1999 |
AL-99-01 | Reorganization of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation | W | 81 FR 31969 05/20/2016 | -- |
| 04/09/1999 |