Resolution Schedule
The NRC is currently implementing its plan to have all pressurized-water reactor (PWR) licensees perform a plant-specific evaluation of the potential for excessive head loss across the containment sump screen because of the accumulation of debris on the containment sump screen. Key milestones from that plan to resolve Generic Safety Issue (GSI) 191, "PWR Sump Performance," are provided in the table below.
Based on the information available to date, continued operation of PWRs is justified until the plant-specific evaluations are completed. To provide additional assurance until those evaluations are completed, the NRC asked the licensees of PWRs to implement interim compensatory measures. The NRC has reviewed the adequacy of the interim compensatory measures being implemented by licensees.
However, if the results ongoing NRC inspections and reviews indicate that unsafe conditions exist at any operating PWR, the NRC will take immediate plant-specific actions to ensure the continued health and safety of the public. Also, if a licensee discovers that it is not in compliance with the NRC regulations during the implementation of the requested actions in Bulletin 2003-01, it is required to take prompt corrective actions.
The NRC is currently re-evaluating the schedule for activities needed to close GSI-191. At the conclusion of this re-evaluation, a revised closure date will be published.
Date |
Activity |
Status |
Close GSI-191 |
Pending |
Complete review of licensee supplemental responses |
Ongoing |
06/2008 |
Complete Temporary Instruction 2515/166 inspections of plant changes |
Completed |
04/2008 |
Complete audit of selected plant analyses/modifications |
Completed |
Initiate review of final supplemental generic letter responses |
Completed |
12/2005 |
Complete Temporary Instruction 2515/153 inspections of interim compensatory actions |
Completed |
12/2005 |
Close-out all Bulletin 2003-01 responses |
Completed |
03/2005 |
Licensees submit responses to generic letter |
Completed |
02/2005 |
Launch pilot program and identify pilot plants for application of sump evaluation methodology |
Completed |
01/2005 |
Public meeting on SE |
Completed |
12/2004 |
NEI 04-07 released (combining updated NEI evaluation methodology and SE) |
Completed |
12/2004 |
Issue safety evaluation (SE) on NEI evaluation methodology |
Completed |
12/2004 |
Participate in industry workshop on performing PWR sump evaluations |
Completed |
09/2004 |
Complete technical evaluation of NEI evaluation guidelines |
Completed |
09/2004 |
Issue generic letter requesting plant-specific evaulation of sump performance |
Completed |
varies |
Licensees implement compensatory measures |
Ongoing |
08/2004 |
Complete review of all Bulletin 2003-01 responses |
Completed |
07/2004 |
Receive revision to NEI evaluation methodology |
Completed |
05/2004 |
Receive new version of NEI evaluation methodology |
Completed |
03/2004 |
Workshop with industry on NEI Draft evaluation methodology technical issues |
Completed |
11/2003 |
Issue Regulatory Guide 1.82, Rev. 3 |
Completed |
11/2003 |
Receive NEI Draft Containment Sump Evaluation Methodology and obtain contract assistance from Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Completed |
10/2003 |
Issue Temporary Instruction 2515/153 related to Bulletin 2003-01 |
Completed |
06/2003 |
Issue Bulletin 2003-01 requesting compensatory measures regarding sump performance |
Completed |
09/2002 |
NEI guidance document, NEI 02-01, published |
Completed |
09/2001 |
Complete technical assessment of PWR sump blockage |
Completed |