Date |
Description |
Accession No. |
11/21/2010 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to NRC RAI Re: EPU LAR 205 and Equivalent Margin Analysis (EMA)
(Pkg No. ML103610319) |
ML103610321 |
01/07/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Mechanical / Civil Engineering Issues - Piping Design Modifications |
ML110120234 |
01/28/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Instrumentation & Control (I&C) Issues - Main Feedwater and Component Cooling Water systems |
ML110330190 |
03/03/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Human Performance Issues - Round 1 |
ML110680074 |
03/09/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Instrumentation & Control (I&C) Issues - Round 2 - Leading Edge Flowmeter |
ML110700066 |
03/09/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Reactor Materials Issues - Round 1 - Low-upper Shelf Toughness Evaluation |
ML110700068 |
03/16/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to NRC RAI Re: EPU LAR 205 and Safety Analyses Issues - Round 1 General Design Criteria on Reactor Holddown Capability |
ML110770019 |
03/16/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to NRC RAI Re: EPU LAR 205 and Steam Generator Tube Integrity and Chemical Engineering (CSGB) Issues - Protective Coatings and Flow Accelerated Corrosion Programs |
ML110770020 |
03/23/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Piping and Non-Destructive Examination Issues - Fracture Prevention of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary |
ML110840042 |
03/25/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Unit 3 Mechanical / Civil Engineering Issues - Feedwater Piping Modifications |
ML110880060 |
03/31/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Probabilistic Risk Assessment Issues - Initiating Event Frequencies |
ML110940040 |
03/31/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Electrical Engineering Branch Issues – EPU Pressure Curve |
ML110940179 |
04/14/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 Reactor Materials Issues - Pressure-Temperature (P-T) Limit Calculations |
ML11105A145 |
04/14/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Balance of Plant Issues - Design Features - Turbine Controls |
ML11105A146 |
04/22/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Instrumentation and Controls Issues - Overtemperature and Overpower Values |
ML11115A113 |
04/22/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Environmental Review Issues - Management, Storage and Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste |
ML11115A114 |
04/26/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Mechanical / Civil Engineering Issues and Correction - HELB Pipe Break Locations |
ML11118A025 |
04/28/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Quality and Vendor Issues - Plant Transient Performance |
ML11119A134 |
04/28/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Containment and Ventilation Issues - In-leakage Flow Parameters |
ML11119A135 |
04/29/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Health Physics and Human Performance Issues - Shine Dose |
ML11124A107 |
05/11/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Reactor Systems Issues - Plant Piping Configuration |
ML11137A080 |
05/18/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Nuclear Performance and Code Review Issues - Nuclear Design Methodology |
ML11139A344 |
05/19/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Nuclear Performance and Code Review Issues - Nuclear Steam Supply System |
ML11143A010 |
05/26/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Containment and Ventilation Issues - Fission Product Control |
ML11151A203 |
05/26/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Containment and Ventilation Issues - Residual Heat Removal and Containment Spray |
ML11151A204 |
06/07/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 - Human Performance Issues - Round 1 -IHPB1.5 - Human Factor Interfaces |
ML11160A097 |
06/21/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 - RETRAN Input Deck Values |
ML11174A043 |
06/21/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Instrumentation and Control Issues - Changes to Setpoint Values |
ML11174A165 |
06/21/2011 |
WCAP-17070-NP, Revision 1, "Westinghouse Setpoint Methodology for Protection Systems, Turkey Point, Units 3 & 4 (Power Uprate to 2644 MWt - Core Power)," Attachment 2 to L-2011-190. |
ML11174A166 |
07/07/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Electrical Engineering Branch Issues - Radiation Dose Levels |
ML11192A204 |
07/07/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Nuclear Performance and Code Review (SNPB) Issues - ENDF/B-VII Library |
ML11192A194 |
07/22/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Containment and Ventilation Issues - LOCA & M&E Release Calculations |
ML11207A456 |
07/29/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Nuclear Performance and Code Review (SNPB) Issues - Boric Acid Precipitation |
ML11214A103 |
08/05/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Reactor Systems Issues - General Design Criteria |
ML11221A227 |
08/11/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Balance of Plant Issues - Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps |
ML11228A012 |
08/16/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, License Amendment Request for Extended Power Uprate (LAR-205) - Plant Modifications |
ML11231A247 |
08/16/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Instrumentation and Controls Issues - Steam Generator - Safety Injection Initiation Signal |
ML11231A248 |
08/19/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Reactor Systems Issues - Steam System Piping Failures |
ML11234A178 |
08/25/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Mechanical and Civil Engineering Issues - Steam System Piping Failures |
ML11241A170 |
08/29/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Instrumentation and Controls Issues - Instrumentation Trip Setpoints |
ML11242A159 |
09/14/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Nuclear Performance and Code Review (SNPB) Issues - Boric Acid Precipitation |
ML11259A006 |
09/16/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Reactor Systems (SRXB) - Heat Exchanger Fouling Factors |
ML11263A003 |
09/30/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Boric Acid Precipitation |
ML11276A079 |
09/30/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Trip Setpoint Analysis |
ML11276A080 |
10/06/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Locked Rotor Accident Analysis |
ML11280A265 |
10/12/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Boric Acid Precipitation Analysis |
ML11290A202 |
10/12/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Material CMTR Values in Design Basis Evaluationss |
ML11290A212 |
10/14/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Power Operated Relief Value |
ML11292A033 |
10/15/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Feedwater System Pipe Breaks |
ML11292A032 |
11/09/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and New and Spent Fuel Storage Requirements |
ML11318A284 |
12/22/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Core Operating Limits Report |
ML11362A381 |
12/22/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Crediting Alternate Absorbers |
ML11362A356 |
12/31/2011 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Thermal Conductivity Degradation |
ML12009A113 |
01/10/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Boron Dilution Analysis |
ML12011A187 |
01/16/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Thermal Conductivity Degradation |
ML12018A394 |
01/16/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Thermal Conductivity Degradation |
ML12020A063 |
01/17/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Thermal Conductivity Degradation - FRAPCON Code |
ML12018A393 |
01/19/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and WCAP-17070-P, Rev. 1 |
ML12023A032 |
01/23/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Thermal Conductivity Degradation - FRAPCON Code |
ML12025A080 |
01/23/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Non-LOCA Analyses |
ML12025A081 |
01/25/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Nuclear Fuel Design |
ML12027A011 |
01/31/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and WCAP-17070-P, Rev. 1 |
ML12033A138 |
02/03/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Minimum Fuel Temperatures |
ML12038A007 |
02/15/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and New Fuel Storage Requirements |
ML12048A068 |
02/23/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Overtemperature and Overpower Values |
ML120580184 |
02/23/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Spent Fuel Pool Storage Requirements |
ML12058A126 |
03/15/2012 |
Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Supplemental Response to RAI Regarding EPU LAR No. 205 and Changes on Relocation of Cycle Specific Parameters to the Core Operating Limits Report |
ML120790306 |