T4 Transformation and Modernization of NRC Environmental Review Processes: Meeting the Challenge
This session will describe how the NRC continues to meet its requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and associated laws, while transforming its reviews into a more modern risk-informed framework. The staff will highlight how it is adapting environmental experience to support a new generation of NEPA reviews for advanced reactor technologies, license renewals, non-power reactors, and materials reviews. A wide variety of staff and stakeholders will discuss their recent experiences and lessons learned, project updates, and future ideas.
Introductory Remarks
Bradley R. Crowell, Commissioner, NRC
An Overview: FAST-41 and the Permitting Council
Manisha Patel, Deputy Executive Director, Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council
Clinch River Nuclear Project: Licensing Insights
Raymond Schiele, Senior Manager, Licensing New Nuclear Program, Tennessee Valley Authority
- Larae Bill, Cultural Resource Manager and Director of Tribal DOE/AIP, Shoshone Bannock Tribes
Transformation of the Environmental Review Process
Kenneth Erwin, Chief, Environmental Review New Reactors Branch, Division of Rulemaking, Environmental, and Financial Support, NMSS/NRC
- Peyton Doub, Environmental Scientist, Environmental Review New Reactors Branch, Division of Rulemaking Environmental, and Financial Support, NMSS/NRC e-mail: Peyton.Doub@nrc.gov
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, May 03, 2024