TH22 International Collaboration on New Reactor Licensing

Global interest in small modular reactors and advanced reactors continues to grow as many countries look to address climate change, electrification, energy security, and new applications such as process heat. As vendors around the world develop new technologies, many ministries, regulators, international organizations, industry groups, and vendors have called for broader collaboration in design review and licensing among regulatory bodies. Cooperation among international partners provides opportunities to improve efficiency in reviews, contributing to data validation and verification efforts, and sharing differing or unique perspectives and regulatory approaches to improve nuclear safety. This session will bring together diverse representatives to discuss how their organizations are working to increase international cooperation related to small modular reactors and advanced reactors while maintaining each regulator's independence and respecting national sovereignty.
  • Dan Dorman, Executive Director for Operations, OEDO/NRC
  • Introductory Remarks
    Dan Dorman, Executive Director for Operations, OEDO/NRC
  • Nuclear Harmonization and Standardization Initiative: The Regulatory Track
    Anna Bradford, Director, Division of Nuclear Installation Safety, International Atomic Energy Agency
  • EU SMR Pre-partnership Licensing Workstream
    Marco Brugmans, Deputy Chair of the Board, Netherlands Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection
  • UAE - ROK Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Regulation
    Christer Viktorsson, Director General, UAE Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation
  • Joint Early Review of NUWARD's Conceptual Design by ASN, STUK, SUJB
    Petteri Tiippana, Director General, Finland Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority
  • Randy Howell, International Relations Specialist, International Cooperation and Assistance, OIP/NRC e-mail:

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, May 07, 2024