W12 Future-Focused Research—What Will We Think of Next?

This session will showcase the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) Future Focused Research (FFR) Program. The FFR is a modest program initiated in FY2020 to help the NRC prepare for technology advancements in nuclear-related applications. A brief introduction of the program’s purpose and its proposal submittal and evaluation processes will be provided by the RES Office Director. A presentation by the Principal Investigators of five of the eighteen total research projects will include each project’s purpose, status, and summary of current research results. The five representative research projects include two from the first year of the FFR program (FY2020), one from the program’s second year (FY2021), and two from the FY2022 group of projects just initiated. The presentations will include slides and discussions of current research results, insights of how the FFR projects relate to NRC interests, known technical knowledge gaps, and regulatory needs.




  • James Steckel, Program Manager, Regulatory Guide and Programs Management Branch, Division of Engineering, RES/NRC e-mail: James.Steckel@nrc.gov

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, May 09, 2024