2018 |
RIS-18-03 | 09/11/2018 | Notice of Issuance of Enforcement Guidance Memorandum—Interim Guidance for Dispositioning Apparent Violations of 10 CFR Parts 34, 36, and 39 Requirements Resulting From the Use of Direct Ion Storage Dosimetry During Licensed Activities |
RIS-18-01 (ERRATA) | 01/22/2018 | Common Violations Cited During First 2 Years of 10 CFR Part 37, "Physical Protection of Category 1 and Category 2 Quantities of Radioactive Material," Implementation and Guidance Documents Available to Support Rule Implementation |
2016 |
RIS-16-11 | 11/13/2016 | Requests to Dispose of Very Low-Level Radioactive Waste Pursuant to 10 CFR 20.2002 |
2015 |
RIS-15-18 and enclosure | 12/14/2015 | Sodium Iodide-131 (I-131) Patient Release Information Collection |
RIS-15-08 | 06/24/2015 | Oversight of Counterfeit, Fraudulent and Suspect Items in the Nuclear Industry |
RIS-15-03 | 02/24/2015 | Identifying and Reporting Security Incidents Under 10CFR Part 37 |
2014 |
RIS-14-10 | 09/18/2014 | Requirements for Exempt Distribution Licensee Annual Transfer Reports |
RIS-14-08 | 05/27/2014 Rev 1: 5/5/2016 | Regulatory Requirements for Transfer of Control (Change of Ownership) of Specific Materials Licenses |
RIS-14-04 | 05/12/2014 | National Source Tracking System Long-Term Storage Indicator |
2013 |
RIS-13-12 | 08/23/2013 | Notice of Issuance of Enforcement Guidance Memorandum – Interim Guidance for Dispositioning Violations Involving 10 CFR 35.60 and 10 CFR 35.63 for the Calibration of Instrumentation to Measure the Activity of Rubidium-82 and the Determination of Rubidium-82 Patient Dosages |
RIS-13-10 | 07/30/2013 | Permanent Implant Brachytherapy Reporting Medical Event Reporting Under 10 CFR Part 35 |
RIS-13-03 | 04/24/2013 | RIS 2013-03 “Pre-Application Communication and Scheduling for Medical Radioisotope Facilities Intending to Produce Molybdenum-99 |
2012 |
RIS-12-04 | 03/20/2012 | Notice of Revision to the Criteria for Identifying Materials Licensees for Discussion at the Agency Action Review Meeting |
RIS-12-01 | 01/17/2012 | Availability of Safety Culture Policy Statement |
2011 |
RIS-11-06 | 07/01/2011 | Pre-Application Communication and Voluntary Submittal of Schedule For Future Molybdenum-99 Facility Licensing Actions for NRC Review |
RIS-11-01 | 01/25/2011 | NRC Policy On Release Of Iodine-131 Therapy Patients Under 10 CFR 35.75 To Locations Other Than Private Residences |
2010 |
RIS-10-09 | 09/09/2010 | Radiation Safety Officers for Medical-Use Licenses Under 10 CFR Part 35 |
RIS-10-04 | 05/25/2010 | Monitoring the Status of Regulated Activities during a Pandemic |
RIS-10-02 | 01/21/2010 | The Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) Federally Funded Voluntary Security Enhancements for High-Risk Radiological Material |
2009 |
RIS-09-15 | 12/03/2009 | National Source Tracking System Annual Inventory Reconciliation |
RIS-09-09 | 07/13/2009 | Use of Multiple Dosimetry and Compartment Factors in Determining Effective Dose Equivalent From External Radiation Exposures |
RIS-09-07 | 05/07/2009 | Status Update For The Implementation Of NRC Regulatory Authority For Certain Naturally Occurring And Accelerator-Produced Radioactive Material |
2008 |
RIS-08-31 | 12/01/2008 | Licensing Requirements for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy |
RIS-08-24 | 10/03/2008 | Security Responsibilities of Service Providers and Client Licensees |
RIS-08-23 | 10/03/2008 | The Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI) Domestic Threat Reduction Program & Federally Funded Voluntary Security Enchancements for High-Risk Radiological Material |
RIS-08-17 | 07/18/2008 | Voluntary Security Enchancements for Self-Control Irradiators Containing Cesium Chloride Sources |
RIS-08-13 | 06/16/2008 | Status and Plans for Implementation of NRC Regulatory Authority for Certain Naturally Occurring and Accelerator-Produced Radioactive Material |
RIS-08-12 | 05/09/2008 | Considerations for Extended Interim Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste by Fuel Cycle and Materials Licensees |
RIS-08-11 | 05/12/2008 | Precautions to Protect Children Who May Come in Contact With Patients Released After Therapeutic Administration of Iodine-131 |
RIS-08-09 | 03/24/2008 | Notice of Revision to Criteria for Nominating Materials Licensees for Discussion at the Agency Action Review Meeting |
RIS-08-07 | 03/27/2008 | Dose Limit for Patient Release Under 10 CFR 35.75 |
RIS-08-02 | 02/01/2008 | Actions to Increase the Security of High Activity Radioactive Sources |
2007 |
RIS-07-27 | 12/05/2007 | Improving Public Understanding of the Risks Associated with Medical Events |
RIS-07-23 | 10/04/2007 | Date for Operation of National Source Tracking System |
RIS-07-22 | 10/04/2007 | Status Update for Implementation of NRC Regulatory Authority for Certain Naturally-Occurring and Accelerator-Produced Radioactive Material |
RIS-07-15 | 06/05/2007 | Unescorted Access to Materials for Non-Manufacturer and Distributor Service Providers |
RIS-07-14 | 06/05/2007 | Fingerprinting Requirements for Licensees Implementing the Increased Control Order |
RIS-07-13 | 08/31/2007 | Verification of the Authenticity of Materials Possession Licenses |
RIS-07-10 | 05/15/2007 | Subscriptions to New List Server for Automatic Notifications of Medical-related Generic Communications, Federal Register Notices And Newsletters |
RIS-07-05 | 03/20/2007 | Status and Plans for Implementation of NRC Regulatory Authority for Certain Naturally-occurring and Accelerator-produced Radioactive Material |
RIS-07-04 | 03/09/2007 | Personally Identifiable Information Submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
RIS-07-03 | 03/01/2007 | Ionizing Radiation Warning Symbol |
2006 |
RIS-06-27. Sup. 1 | 06/27/2007 | Availability of NRC 313a Series of Forms and Guidance for Their Completion |
RIS-06-27 | 12/13/2006 | Availability of NRC 313A Series of Forms and Guidance for their Completion |
RIS-06-26 | 12/07/2006 | Training and Experience and Grandfather Provisions for Authorized Medical Physicists under 10 CFE Part 35 |
RIS-06-25 | 12/07/2006 | Requirements for the Distribution and Possession of Tritium Exit Signs and the Requirements in 10 CFR 31.5 and 32.51a |
RIS-06-19 | 09/14/2006 | Availability of Guidance on Radioactive Seed Localization |
RIS-06-18 | 08/31/2006 | Requesting Exemption form the Public Dose Limits for Certain Caregivers of Hospital Patients |
RIS-06-16 | 08/15/2006 | Transfer of the Management Oversight of Certain NRC Region I Licensees in Mississippi to the NRC Region IV Office |
2005 |
RIS-05-31 | 12/22/2005 | Control of Security-Related Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information Handled by Individuals, Firms, and Entities Subject to NRC Regulation of the Use of Source, Byproduct, and Special Nuclear Material |
RIS-05-24 | 11/23/2005 | Control of Radiation Dose to Visitors of Hospital Patients |
RIS-05-23 | 10/07/2005 | Clarification of the Physical Presence Requirement During Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Treatments |
RIS-05-21 | 11/14/2005 | Clarification of the Reporting Requirements in 10 CFR 20.2201 |
RIS-05-18 | 08/25/2005 | Guidance for Establishing and Maintaining a Safety Conscious Work Environment |
RIS-05-16 | 08/10/2005 | Issuance of NRC Management Directive 8.17, Licensee Complaints Against NRC Employees |
RIS-05-13 | 07/13/2005 | NRC Incident Response and the National Response Plan |
RIS-05-12 | 07/11/2005 | Transportation of Radioactive Material Quantities of Concern NRC Threat Advisory and Protective Measures System |
2004 |
RIS 04-01 | 02/17/2004 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2004-01: Method for Estimating Effective Dose Equivalent from External Radiation Sources Using Two Dosimeters |
RIS-04-11 | 06/29/2004 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2004-11: Supporting Information Associated with Requests for Withholding Proprietary Information |
RIS-04-17 | 11/23/2004 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2004-17: Revised Decay-in-Storage Provisions for the Storage of Radioactive Waste Containing Byproduct Material |
RIS-04-17r1 | 09/27/2005 | Revised Decay-In-Storage Provisions for the Storage of Radioactive Waste Containing Byproduct Material |
2003 |
RIS 03-17 | 10/06/2003 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2003-17: Complying with 10 CFR 35.59, "Recentness of Training," for Board-Certified Individuals Whose Training and Experience Were Completed More than 7 Years Ago |
RIS 03-15 | 09/05/2003 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2003-15: Consolidation of the Region I and Region II Materials Program |
RIS 03-04 | 02/13/2003 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2003-04: Use of the Effective Dose Equivalent in Place Of the Deep Dose Equivalent in Dose Assessments |
2002 |
RIS 02-23 | 11/27/2002 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-23: Availability of Guide For Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine |
RIS 02-20 | 11/07/2002 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-20: Clarification of Requirements Under 10 CFR 35.432,"Calibration Measurements of Brachytherapy Sources |
RIS 02-19 | 10/21/2002 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-19: New Modalities to be Regulated under 10 CFR 35.1000 |
RIS 02-10 | 07/09/2002 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-10: Revision of the Skin Dose Limit in 10 CFR Part 20 |
RIS 02-06 | 04/16/2002 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-06: Evaluating Occupational Dose for Individuals Exposed to NRC-licensed Material and Medical X-rays |
RIS 02-02 | 01/16/2002 | NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-02: Lessons Learned Related to Recently Submitted Decommissioning Plans and License Termination Plans |
2001 |
RIS 01-04 | 01/24/2001 | Issuance of Updated Guidance on The Transfer of Ownership or Control of Licensed Activities (NUREG-1556, Volume 15) |
2000 |
RIS 00-09 | 06/26/2000 | Standard Review Plan for Licensee Requests to Extend the Time Periods Established for Initiation of Decommissioning Activities |
RIS 00-10 | 06/30/2000 | Technical Information to Facilitate Public Access to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) |
RIS 00-10er | 08/07/2000 | ERRATA Technical Information to Facilitate Public Access to the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) |
1999 |
RIS 99-01 | 10/04/1999 | Revisions to the Generic Communications Program |
RIS 99-04 | 11/23/1999 | Sources of Information Previously Published in the AEOD Annual Report |