Locations of Fuel Cycle Facilities Undergoing Decommissioning

The Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) provides oversight for active fuel cycle facilities as well as for decommissioning fuel cycle facilities. As technology improves and operations of these facilities change, there are often unused areas on the site with residual contamination. There are two fuel cycle facilities now undergoing partial decommissioning. The Lead Cascade, found in Piketon, OH, was a demonstration cascade (i.e. a test loop) for the American Centrifuge Plant that operated under its own license. It is now in decommissioning status.  For more information, see Fuel Cycle Facilities

Fuel Cycle Facilities Fuel Cycle Facilities    

Fuel Cycle Facilities Undergoing Decommissioning

Name Location Status
Honeywell Metropolis, IL Partial Decommissioning
Lead Cascade Piketon, OH Decommissioning
NFS Erwin, TN Partial Decommissioning

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 9, 2021