Low-Level Waste Disposal Statistics
Approximately 3.3 million cubic feet and 173 thousand curies of low-level radioactive waste were disposed of in 2023*. The volume and radioactivity of waste vary from year to year based on the types and quantities of waste shipped. The Waste Control Specialists LLC facility in Andrews County, TX began disposal operations in 2012, which is why it is not in the tables below before 2012. Totals may not add up due to rounding.
See the disposal facility volume and activity by year below:
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 |
| 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |
2023 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
33,811 |
151,740 |
Barnwell, SC |
10,399 |
13,533 |
Clive, UT |
3,242,704 |
6,340 |
Richland, WA |
14,092 |
1,017 |
3,301,006 |
172,630 |

2022 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
31,287 |
116,524 |
Barnwell, SC |
7,032 |
29,749 |
Clive, UT |
2,259,959 |
6,969 |
Richland, WA |
26,682 |
1,049 |
2,324,960 |
154,291 |

2021 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
28,097 |
107,331 |
Barnwell, SC |
15,126 |
924 |
Clive, UT |
889,420 |
6,369 |
Richland, WA |
20,002 |
6,590 |
952,645 |
121,214 |

2020 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
31,560 |
23,933 |
Barnwell, SC |
31,478 |
643 |
Clive, UT |
930,528 |
6,511 |
Richland, WA |
15,291 |
9,236 |
1,008,857 |
40,323 |

2019 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
32,151 |
93,992 |
Barnwell, SC |
10,770 |
30,553 |
Clive, UT |
4,185,374 |
9,554 |
Richland, WA |
20,918 |
670 |
4,249,212 |
134,768 |

2018 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
16,687 |
210,119 |
Barnwell, SC |
12,510 |
1,436 |
Clive, UT |
5,047,404 |
11,426 |
Richland, WA |
15,285 |
1,360 |
5,091,885 |
224,341 |

2017 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
11,535 |
34,111 |
Barnwell, SC |
13,511 |
1,256 |
Clive, UT |
5,014,929 |
11,987 |
Richland, WA |
13,910 |
9,826 |
5,053,885 |
57,179 |

2016 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
12,732 |
116,214 |
Barnwell, SC |
7,078 |
737 |
Clive, UT |
1,609,959 |
11,633 |
Richland, WA |
21,218 |
75,743 |
1,650,987 |
204,326 |

2015 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
24,484 |
43,199 |
Barnwell, SC |
9,889 |
9,618 |
Clive, UT |
1,233,270 |
13,300 |
Richland, WA |
27,400 |
739 |
1,295,043 |
66,857 |

2014 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
40,081 |
52,361 |
Barnwell, SC |
10,196 |
4,977 |
Clive, UT |
1,063,642 |
6,787 |
Richland, WA |
20,467 |
6,594 |
1,134,386 |
70,719 |

2013 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
14,669 |
120,929 |
Barnwell, SC |
7,706 |
1,694 |
Clive, UT |
1,210,988 |
10,680 |
Richland, WA |
24,959 |
4,844 |
1,258,322 |
138,146 |

2012 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Andrews County, TX |
10,599 |
55,904 |
Barnwell, SC |
11,490 |
5,215 |
Clive, UT |
2,816,562 |
7,577 |
Richland, WA |
23,470 |
8,691 |
2,862,121 |
77,387 |

2011 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Barnwell, SC |
11,608 |
44,225 |
Clive, UT |
1,755,829 |
8,551 |
Richland, WA |
40,632 |
434 |
1,808,069 |
53,210 |

2010 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Barnwell, SC |
34,914 |
4,345 |
Clive, UT |
2,092,944 |
7,050 |
Richland, WA |
18,494 |
48,656 |
2,146,352 |
60,051 |

2009 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies)** |
Barnwell, SC |
11,355 |
3,694 |
Clive, UT |
1,752,511 |
5,886 |
Richland, WA |
33,262 |
493 |
1,797,128 |
10,073 |

2008 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies) |
Barnwell, SC |
22,278 |
762,018 |
Clive, UT |
2,040,296 |
4,694 |
Richland, WA |
22,791 |
16,452 |
2,085,365 |
783,164 |

2007 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies) |
Barnwell, SC |
38,067 |
1,096,214 |
Clive, UT |
2,492,385 |
3,901 |
Richland, WA |
96,679 |
13,706 |
2,627,131 |
1,113,821 |

2006 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies) |
Barnwell, SC |
38,129 |
322,491 |
Clive, UT |
3,983,800 |
4,570 |
Richland, WA |
24,864 |
1,787 |
4,046,793 |
328,848 |

2005 Volume and Activity by Disposal Facility
Disposal Facility |
Volume (Cubic Feet) |
Activity (Curies) |
Barnwell, SC |
43,014 |
517,693 |
Clive, UT |
3,940,775 |
3,262 |
Richland, WA |
30,026 |
6,247 |
4,013,815 |
527,202 |

* Latest available data via the U.S. Department of Energy Manifest Information Management System (MIMS) |
** For sites that accept class A, B, and C waste (Barnwell, Richland, and Andrews County) activity levels can vary significantly from year to year depending on generators shipping waste in a given year. |