Locations of Low-Level Waste Disposal Facilities
The four active, licensed low-level waste disposal facilities are located in Agreement States (see map). Additional information about the facilities may be found at the Web sites maintained by the respective Agreement States.
EnergySolutions Barnwell Operations, located in Barnwell, South Carolina
Currently, Barnwell accepts waste from the Atlantic compact states (Connecticut, New Jersey, and South Carolina). Barnwell is licensed by the State of South Carolina to dispose of Class A, B, and C waste.
U.S. Ecology, located in Richland, Washington
Richland accepts waste from the Northwest and Rocky Mountain compacts. Richland is licensed by the State of Washington to dispose of Class A, B, and C waste.
EnergySolutions Clive Operations, located in Clive, Utah
Clive accepts waste from all regions of the United States. Clive is licensed by the State of Utah for Class A waste only.
Waste Control Specialists (WCS), LLC, located near Andrews, Texas
WCS accepts waste from the Texas Compact generators and outside generators with permission from the Compact. WCS is licensed by the State of Texas to dispose of Class A, B, and C waste.