Decommissioning Communications – Generic Communications
On this page:
Generic communications are NRC's primary method of sending information to specific classes of licensees. The following are related to decommissioning:
Timeliness Rule
Document Number |
Description |
Rev. 1 |
Timeliness of Decommissioning Materials licensees rule |
Rev. 1 |
NRC Timeliness Goals, Prioritization of Incoming License Applications and Voluntary Submittal of Schedule for Future Actions for NRC Review |
RIS-00-009 |
Standard Review Plan for Licensee Requests to Extend the Time Periods Established for Initiation of Decommissioning Activities |
Dry Cask Storage
Document Number |
Description |
AL-95-004 |
Decommissioning activities and planning for Dry Cask storage |
BL-96-04 |
Chemical, Galvanic, or Other reactions in spent fuel storage and transportation casks |
IN-03-016 |
Icing Conditions between Bottom of Dry Storage System and Storage Pad |
IN-02-035 |
Changes to 10 CFR Parts 71 AND 72 Quality Assurance Programs |
IN-00-011 |
Licensee Responsibility for Quality Assurance Oversight of Contractor Activities Regarding Fabrication and Use of Spent Fuel Storage Cask Systems |
IN-99-029 |
Authorized Contents of Spent Fuel Casks |
IN-97-051 |
Problems Experienced Loading and Unloading Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation Casks |
IN-97-039 |
Inadequate 10 CFR 72.48 Safety Evaluations of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations |
IN-95-028 |
Emplacement of Support Pads for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Installations at Reactor Sites |
RIS-07-009 |
Examples of Recurring Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) for 10 CFR Part 71 and 72 Applications |
RIS-06-022 |
Lessons Learned from Recent 10 CFR Part 72 Dry Cask Storage Campaign |
RIS-05-005 |
Regulatory Issues Regarding Criticality Analyses for Spent Fuel Pools and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations |
RIS-04-020 |
Lessons Learned from Review of 10 CFR Parts 71 and 10 CFR 72 Applications |
RIS-03-005 |
Issuance of Orders Imposing Additional Physical Protection Measures for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations Using Dry Storage |
RIS-02-012d |
Decommissioning Power Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations Using Dry Storage NRC Threat Advisory and Protective Measures System |
Spent Fuel Pool
Document Number |
Description |
BL-94-01 |
Potential Fuel Pool Drain-down Caused by Inadequate Maintenance Practices at Dresden Unit 1 |
IN-04-005 |
Spent Fuel Pool Leakage to Onsite Groundwater |
IN-02-003 |
Highly Radioactive Particle Control Problems during Spent Fuel Pool Cleanout |
RIS-02-012c |
Decommissioning Power Reactors and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations Using Wet Storage NRC Threat Advisory and Protective Measures System |
Low-Level Waste
Document Number |
Description |
BL-79-20 |
Packaging, Transport and Burial of Low-Level Radioactive Waste |
GL-85-014 |
Commercial Storage at Power Reactor Sites of Low Level Radioactive Waste Not Generated By the Utility |
GL-80-009 |
Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal |
IN-97-056 |
Possession Limits for Special Nuclear Material at the Environcare of Utah Low-Level Radioactive Material |
IN-91-065 |
Emergency Access to Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facilities |
IN-90-009 |
Extended Interim Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Waste by Fuel Cycle and Materials Licensees |
Document Number |
Description |
IN-06-13 |
Ground-Water Contamination Due to Undetected Leakage of Radioactive Water
IN-94-038 |
Results of a Special NRC Inspection at Dresden Unit 1 Following a Rupture of Service Water inside Containment |
IN-81-018 |
Excessive Radiation Exposures to the Fingers...During Cleaning and Wipe Testing of Sealed Sources at a Mfg. Facility |
Policies, Rules, Requirements
Document Number |
Description |
GL-83-007 |
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 |
GL-80-038 |
Summary-Certain Non-Power Reactor Physical Protection Requirements |
IN-96-047 |
Recordkeeping, Decommissioning Notifications for Disposals of Radioactive Waste by Land Burial Authorized under Former 10 CFR 20.304, 20.302, and Current 20.2002 |
IN-94-021 |
Regulatory Requirements When No Operations Are Being Performed |
Sup. 1 |
License and Fee Requirements for Processing Financial Assurance Submittals for Decommissioning |
IN-90-016 |
Compliance with New Decommissioning Rule |
RIS-06-025 |
Requirements for the Distribution and Possession of Tritium Exit Signs and the Requirements in 10 CFR 31.5 and 32.51a |
RIS-06-020 |
Guidance for Receiving Enforcement Discretion When Concentrating Uranium at Community Water Systems |
RIS-06-009 |
NRC's Procedures for Review of Decommissioning Funding Assurance Reports |
Rev. 1 |
Revised Decay-In-Storage Provisions for the Storage of Radioactive Waste Containing Byproduct Material |
RIS-06-001 |
Expiration Date for NRC-Approved Spent Fuel Transportation Routes |
RIS-01-004 |
Issuance of Updated Guidance on the Transfer of Ownership or Control of Licensed Activities (NUREG-1556, Volume 15) |
Document Number |
Description |
BL-03-04 |
Re-base lining of Data in Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards system |
IN-99-033 |
Management of Wastes Contaminated with Radioactive Materials |
IN-85-092 |
Surveys of Wastes before Disposal from Nuclear Reactor Facilities |
RIS-04-008 |
Results of the License Termination Rule Analysis |
RIS-02-002 |
Lessons Learned Related to Recently Submitted Decommissioning Plans and License Termination Plans |
RIS-01-007 |
10 CFR 50.75(f)(1) Reports on the Status of Decommissioning Funds (Due March 31, 2001) |