Recent FOIA Requests – July 2016

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during July 2016. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Description FOIA/PA Number
Copy of materials provided in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0535 FOIA/PA-2016-0636
Copies of the documents produces in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0526 and FOIA/PA-2016-0576 FOIA/PA-2016-0635
Listing of all staff from Information and Records Services Division that attended a working group meeting at the Controlled Unclassified Information Office (CUIO) at the NARA on April 10, 2012; copies of all NRC contacts, showing name, title, email and phone number of NARA-(CUIO) FOIA/PA-2016-0634
"Contract issued to Towers Watson, for the Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) Report/Investigation, #OIG-13-A-15" FOIA/PA-2016-0633
"All NRC maintained contacts of members of Department of Homeland Security - U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), showing name, position, email and phone number" FOIA/PA-2016-0632
"SRM M100112, SRM on SECY 12-0011, SECY 12-0011, SECY 12-0047, SECY 12-0054, SECY 12-0057, M120403" FOIA/PA-2016-0631
"SRM M070531, and any report released or related to SRM M070531" FOIA/PA-2016-0630
"Organizational chart, staff roster and purpose of Security Operations Center (SOC), Office of Information Services - System engineering and Security Operations Branch, and Badging Office; and SRM M110527" FOIA/PA-2016-0629
"Organizational chart, job duties and cell number assigned to the Inspector General, Deputy Inspector General, Assistant Inspector General for Investigations, Senior Assistant for investigative operations" FOIA/PA-2016-0628
"All internal and external communication related to FOIA Case 2013-0008" FOIA/PA-2016-0627
"Copy of Contract #GS-00F-0001N" FOIA/PA-2016-0626
"Listing/Index of all closed investigations referred to the Department of Justice (DOJ), showing case number, type of case and date case closed and opened" FOIA/PA-2016-0625
"Same search as 2016-0517, but the report that was released before the 2013 version released in above request" FOIA/PA-2016-0624
"Design control measures Intake Cooling Water (ICW), Component Cooling Water (CCW), the Cooling Canal System (CCS) Turkey Point Units 3 and 4; Allegation Report RII-2016-A-0014" FOIA/PA-2016-0623
All records pertaining to any investigation by the NRC of an incident that occurred at the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant in Jensen Beach, FL on 08/15/2012; copies of reports from all investigations of the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant by the NRC from 2000 to present FOIA/PA-2016-0622
Access to and copies of any and all electronic correspondence regarding the appointment of Shirley Ann Jackson to the Boards of Directors of the Public Service Enterprise Group, International Business Machines, and Medtronic Plc FOIA/PA-2016-0621
Access to and copies of any and all electronic correspondence regarding the appointment of Luis A. Reyes to the Board of Directors of First Energy Corp FOIA/PA-2016-0620
Copies of communication with the Washington State Department of Corrections about named individual, referenced in an email dated June 15, 2015, 11:32 A.M., between named NRC staff members FOIA/PA-2016-0619
"Same search as 2011-0222 FOIA, but for Washington State only, for 2012-present" FOIA/PA-2016-0618
"All released records in FOIA Case 2012-0021" FOIA/PA-2016-0617
"All internal and external communications related to FOIA Case 2012-0021" FOIA/PA-2016-0616
"Letter from Representative Ed Markey, on handling of lawsuit in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal involving radioactive patients; copy of lawsuit" FOIA/PA-2016-0615
"Copy of email from named individual to another named individual, April 14, 2015, 11:31AM, "2015-0022A"" FOIA/PA-2016-0614
"Press release dated 6/13/2014 related to Nogales Sabotage" FOIA/PA-2016-0613
Organizational chart, job duties, cell number assigned to named NRC staff FOIA/PA-2016-0612
"Information Assessment Team Advisory, dated October 16, 2001" FOIA/PA-2016-0611
A copy of records, electronic or otherwise, pertaining to FOIA Case FOIA-PA-2016-00548, all case processing notes, emails associated with this FOIA request, letters, inter-agency communications, etc., that were generated during the processing of this request FOIA/PA-2016-0610
Database developed by the NRC on Environmental Qualification (EQ) FOIA/PA-2016-0609
Document titled "Summary of Uranium Production by District, Locality, and Property, dated July 1, 1967," referenced in the DOE Report titled "Defense-Related Uranium Mines Location and Status Topic Report," dated August 2014 FOIA/PA-2016-0608
Four emails from named NRC staffer, each dated May 19, 2016, with the following subjects: (1) Failure to Study Dam Security, (2) Need-to-Know Regarding Nuclear Safety Issues Associated with Flooding, (3) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards ACRS, and (4) Keeping Inundation Levels from the Public FOIA/PA-2016-0607
Copy of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's full response to the June 8, 2015 inquiry letter from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform ("the Committee") requesting information regarding the use of fines and penalties FOIA/PA-2016-0606
Copies of all documents related to OSRAM's E-Distribution License No. 20-30024-02E FOIA/PA-2016-0605
Copy of Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) license for named individual issued for McGuire Nuclear Station FOIA/PA-2016-0604
Copy of the original license application and all supporting correspondence for US NRC radioactive materials license no. 42-35061-01 FOIA/PA-2016-0603
Copies of any and all correspondence regarding Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson's appointment to the Board of Directors of FedEx Corporation in 1999 FOIA/PA-2016-0602
All documents pertaining to the Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) Reports involving the Nuclear Security Incident Response (NSIR) staff abuses of time, attendance and travel, and mismanagement of abuses, since 2003, and OIG reports of claims by NSIR staff of harassment by supervisors since 2006; all documents pertaining to annual Human Resource Management System Planned Accomplishment Reports for Division of Security Operations and/or its predecessor organization FOIA/PA-2016-0601
Known depleted uranium findings in the Udari Desert, Kuwait between 2008 and 2009 FOIA/PA-2016-0600
Case number 2-2015-031 FOIA/PA-2016-0599
Last two annual reports submitted to Congress of data mining activity FOIA/PA-2016-0598
"Access to and copies of the names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, grade and step (if applicable), and job titles of all Nuclear Regulatory Commission employees in Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Arizona, Maryland, Washington, D.C., Delaware, Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana and Arkansas" FOIA/PA-2016-0597
A list, or other record(s), of all final audit reports issued by the Office of the Inspector General between January 1, 2011 and present FOIA/PA-2016-0596
Named individual's Reactor Operator (RO) and Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) Nuclear License Exams from August, 1981, LaSalle County Nuclear Station FOIA/PA-2016-0595
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) CR 16-00853 "Reluctance to Generate Condition Report" from Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station FOIA/PA-2016-0594
Records maintained about named individual under the Privacy Act System of Records: NRC-3, NRC-10, NRC-19, NRC-23, NRC-25, NRC-27, NRC-37, NRC-39 and NRC-40 FOIA/PA-2016-0593
Copies of past requests that the FOIA program be audited in 2016, from staff, non-staff that were sent to the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) requesting FOIA audit FOIA/PA-2016-0592
"1st 100 pages of NUREG-0386" FOIA/PA-2016-0591
"HQ press releases: 12-043, 12-041; ML013200502" FOIA/PA-2016-0590
All email Outlook contacts issued to two NRC employees FOIA/PA-2016-0589
"SECY 09-0087, ML092650473, ML091630303" FOIA/PA-2016-0588
Transcript of the May 19th, 2016 interview named individual had with other named individuals FOIA/PA-2016-0587
Senior Operators License of named individual FOIA/PA-2016-0586
All records related to an inquiry/investigation completed by named individual, related to an allegation of harassing conduct in Region 4 FOIA/PA-2016-0585
All real-time messages sent or received from June 10, 2016-June 17, 2016 by all Office of Congressional Affairs' (OCA) employees FOIA/PA-2016-0584
"RDT F3-2T, an Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)/Oak Ridge
National Laboratory standard entitled "Calibration System Requirements" from February 1969"
Any and all building records, including permits, permit applications, job cards and contract specifications pertaining to Diablo Canyon Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County, CA, 1975-1995 FOIA/PA-2016-0582
All records relating to the design, deployment, operation, and recent removal to the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) of the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators deployed at the seismic array at Burnt Mountain, Alaska by the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFRAC), date range 01/01/1971-07/10/2016 FOIA/PA-2016-0581
Record of all safety, environmental and security investigations, fines and other actions taken by the NRC against the Surry Nuclear Power Plant in Virginia, operated by the Virginia Electric and Power Company (VEPCO), January 1, 1970 through December 31, 1989 FOIA/PA-2016-0580
All records related to the incident at the Surry Virginia Nuclear Power Plant, where in early May 1979 sodium hydroxide was discovered sprinkled on the fuel rods of the power plant FOIA/PA-2016-0579
Copies of available records pertaining an investigation by NRC Office of the Inspector General (OIG) into an allegation concerning Commissioner William Ostendorff and an investigation of the Palisades nuclear plant being conducted by the NRC Office of Investigations FOIA/PA-2016-0578
Non-public record ADAMS 8412050573, dated 11/28/1984 FOIA/PA-2016-0577
"Copies of records relating to Johnson Matthey, Inc., d/b/a Tracerco ("Tracerco"), from January 1, 2011 to the present" FOIA/PA-2016-0576
"Records pertaining to Commission William Ostendorf's appointment calendar, including records of drop-in meetings, for the period December 1, 2011 to December 1, 2012" FOIA/PA-2016-0575
Records pertaining to the investigation by the NRC Office of Investigations into water tank leaks from the Safety Injection Refueling Water Tank (SIRWT) in the area of the control room at the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant FOIA/PA-2016-0574
Access to records regarding the NRC Environmental Qualification (EQ) Pilot Component Design Bases Inspection (CDBI) inspector training that took place in the Fall of 2015 FOIA/PA-2016-0573
Any Freedom of Information Act requests and the responsive materials thereof filed January 2011 to present regarding Senator Marco Rubio or the staff or representatives of Senator Marco Rubio FOIA/PA-2016-0572
Copies of the 33 listed initial FOIA Requests FOIA/PA-2016-0571
All internal and external communication related to CON-2011-0002 and NRC reply letter to Department of State CON-2011-0002 FOIA/PA-2016-0570
Copies of all settlement agreements related to FOIA lawsuits, or relate to FOIA claims FOIA/PA-2016-0569
Letter to Michael Binder, President, CNSC, Canada, response to letter concerning the MOU for exchange of classified information between NRC and CNSCC FOIA/PA-2016-0568
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NRC and Department of Justice (DOJ) dated December 14, 1988, Memorandum from Stephen Burns to Commission dated 9/6/2005 "Status of Case law related to employee protection actions" SECY Aug 18, 2004, and SECY 04-0092 and SECY 92-314 FOIA/PA-2016-0567
SRM-SECY 09-0087 and SECY 09-0087 FOIA/PA-2016-0566
ML15113B323 and ML031070459 FOIA/PA-2016-0565
ML102230141 FOIA/PA-2016-0564
ML111460416 FOIA/PA-2016-0563
ML003725832 FOIA/PA-2016-0562
ML003762439 FOIA/PA-2016-0561
"Any Freedom of Information Act requests and the responsive materials thereof filed January 2011 to present regarding Senator Pat Toomey or the staff or representative of Senator Pat Toomey" FOIA/PA-2016-0560
"List of all current portable gauge, XRF and industrial radiography licensees, U.S. NRC Materials License number, mailing address, name of License RSO, email address and phone number (if available)" FOIA/PA-2016-0559
"Communications and analysis of the Exelon's Oyster Creek atomic power station "Request for Extension to Comply with NRC Order EA-2013-109 Modifying Licenses with Regard to Reliable Hardened Containment Vent Capable of Operation Under Severe Accident Conditions" and the NRC decision regarding "Relaxation of the Schedule Requirement for Order" FOIA/PA-2016-0558
"All records classified "non-public" placed in ADAMS on April 13, 2016" FOIA/PA-2016-0557
Copy of closing memo of the investigation of the NRC of complaints by named individual regarding Southern Polytechnic State University's (SPSU) expenditures of NRC grant funds FOIA/PA-2016-0556
"A copy of the Office of Investigations Report No. 2-2015-003 and activities pursuant to IA-16-030" FOIA/PA-2016-0555
Copy of records pertaining to the motor vehicle incident that occurred on April 2, 2015, involving Eco-Energy Transportation, LLC, et al., Rowan County FOIA/PA-2016-0554
All records dated October 1, 2015, and later leading to the NRC's conclusion stated in its March 23, 2016, letter (ML16083A479) that a Chilled Work Environment existed at the Watts Bar nuclear plant FOIA/PA-2016-0553
Copy of all of your agency's SF-326 forms, filed since 2010 through date of processing this request FOIA/PA-2016-0552
"Copy of records, electronic or otherwise, of the Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) of your agency" FOIA/PA-2016-0551
"Copy of all complaints submitted about your agency's cafeteria (at Headquarters), for calendar years 2014 and 2015" FOIA/PA-2016-0550
"Complete copy of all file documentation related to Medical Waste Incinerator Operations at Botsford General Hospital or Botsford Hospital, 28050 Grand River avenue, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48336, from 1965 to 1995" FOIA/PA-2016-0549
Appeal the redactions and the search performed of the most recent report of Annual assessment of applying agency's criteria of designating records public or Non-public, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0517 FOIA/PA-2016-0131A
Appeal the search performed of the past consults with U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ) about the release of Office of Investigation (OI) reports per page 8, Section (0310) of Directive 3.4, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0514 FOIA/PA-2016-0130A
Appeal the search performed of the purpose, organizational chart of NRC Classified Document locator pilot program, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0502 FOIA/PA-2016-0129A
Appeal the search performed of all internal and external communications related to CON-2011-0005, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0541 FOIA/PA-2016-0128A
Appeal the search performed and the redactions made to the notices from FOIA section to office of Public Affairs, about new media FOIA request, date range 2015 through current, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0512 FOIA/PA-2016-0127A
Appeal the redactions and search performed of the copies of past approvals of releasing records of allegations information to an organization or person outside NRC, from 2014 through current, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0518 FOIA/PA-2016-0126A
Appeal the search performed of "Same Subject Search of FOIA 2011-0225 but for 2011 through current", in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0544 FOIA/PA-2016-0125A
Appeal the redactions, the denial of cell phone number, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0504 FOIA/PA-2016-0124A
Appeal the full denial of a copy of the Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) report, OIG-OI-A-16, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0519 FOIA/PA-2016-0123A
Appeal the search performed on NRC Personally Identifiable Information breach notification policy (ML072140170), in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0516 FOIA/PA-2016-0122A
Appeal the administrative closing of FOIA/PA-2016-0447 FOIA/PA-2016-0121A
Appeal the search and redactions made to the released record in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0499 FOIA/PA-2016-0120A
Appeal search performed on NRC Contract# JCN W4116, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0446 FOIA/PA-2016-0119A
Appeal redactions made to the released records in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0501 FOIA/PA-2016-0118A
Appeal the search performed on the Personally Identifiable Information Project purpose, staff roster and org chart, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0515 FOIA/PA-2016-0117A
Appeal the full denial and search performed of all internal and external communication related to CON-2011-0004, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0507 FOIA/PA-2016-0116A
Appeal the search performed of not providing org chart and staff roster or purpose of committee in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0523 FOIA/PA-2016-0115A
Appeal the denial of releasing requested cell numbers in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0485 FOIA/PA-2016-0114A
Appeal the full denial and search performed of all internal and external communication related to CON-2011-0003, in response to FOIA/PA-2016-0506 FOIA/PA-2016-0113A

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