Listing of any new licenses since October 7, 2013 in the Material Licensing Tracking Systems dataset |
FOIA/PA-2014-0105 |
All documents released under FOIA/PA-2012-0126 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0104 |
Listing of the WASH–series of reports |
FOIA/PA-2014-0103 |
All emails and records regarding named individual from listed staff, from September 1, 2009 to present |
FOIA/PA-2014-0102 |
Copy of OIG Investigative Report 11-05 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0101 |
All documents related to Allegation RIV-2013-A-0059 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0100 |
Draft report on the Biennial ACRS Review of the NRC Safety Research Program |
FOIA/PA-2014-0099 |
Copy of OIG Investigative Report 11-05 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0098 |
Status of installation of level monitoring instrumentation on spent fuel level for all operating plants |
FOIA/PA-2014-0097 |
Copy of NRC's list of outstanding and stale dated checks, six months or older and $1,000.00 and greater for all available years |
FOIA/PA-2014-0096 |
Any and all documents regarding high burn up fuel in reactors at specified plants |
FOIA/PA-2014-0095 |
All records pertaining to redactions made to Generic Issue-204, from July 19, 2010 through March 31, 2012 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0094 |
Reports of Premium Class Travel generated by the GSA for the past three years |
FOIA/PA-2014-0093 |
APPEAL: Denial of Fee Waiver (FOIA/PA-2014-0012) |
FOIA/PA-2014-0007A |
All documents concerning Premium Class Travel for federal employees between 2009 and the present |
FOIA/PA-2014-0092 |
Reports required by the Federal Travel Regulation submitted to GSA regarding use of other than coach-class transportation, from 2010 thru 2013 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0091 |
Copy of the Premium Class Travel report for FY2010, FY2011 and FY2012 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0090 |
Any documents on or on behalf of James Lee Witt |
FOIA/PA-2014-0089 |
Copy of OI report, 1-2012-003 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0088 |
Records of multiple license numbers and amendments for research and development operations at the former nuclear facilities at Martin State Airport, Baltimore County, MD |
FOIA/PA-2014-0087 |
PowerPoint files pertaining to the construction, options, designs and cost of system to contain groundwater and radioactive contaminants at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plants, since March 11, 2011 to present |
FOIA/PA-2014-0086 |
Any information on named individual regarding listed letters and actions involving decisions to my position as stated |
FOIa/PA-2014-0085 |
Listed documents pertaining to the Final Status Survey on License No. 37-00401-03 for Janssen Biomedical |
FOIA/PA-2014-0084 |
Appeal: Denial of Fee Waiver (FOIA/PA-2014-0078) |
FOIA/PA-2014-0006A |
Copy of task order NRC-HQ-13-T-09-001 and all modifications |
FOIA/PA-2014-0083 |
Any and all records related to SES Bonus Awards and guidelines related to appraisals of SES Executive Performance Plans and Executive Resource Board bonus awards determinations during past five years |
FOIA/PA-2014-0082 |
Most recent copy of the MLTS Database (active and retired facilities) |
FOIA/PA-2014-0081 |
Any communications between FSME staff and any representative of Mineral Ablation, or emails related to the process of ablation, from August 13, 2013 to November 19, 2013 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0080 |
All replies and releases under FOIA to Leadership Directories, Inc., and all senior executive service officials names and addresses |
FOIA/PA-2014-0079 |
Copy of draft request for additional information, and all related documents sent to Entergy; and any 2012 or 2013 investigation or query into Entergy's finances |
FOIA/PA-2014-0078 |
All documents responsive to FOIA/PA-2013-0288, and copies of all FOIA requests, from May 1, 2013 to present, that includes the listed search terms |
FOIA/PA-2014-0077 |
Copy of IG documents done for a different agency since January 1, 2005 |
FOIA/PA-2014-0076 |