V. |
Initial FOIA/PA Access Request |
A. |
Numbers of initial requests. |
1. |
Number of requests pending as of end of preceding fiscal year (09/30/03) |
71 |
2. |
Number of requests received during current fiscal year |
372 |
3. |
Number of requests processed during current fiscal year |
389 |
4. |
Number of requests pending as of end of current fiscal year (09/30/04) |
54 |
B. |
Disposition of initial requests. |
1. |
Number of total grants |
155 |
2. |
Number of partial grants |
101 |
3. |
Number of denials |
22 |
a. |
number of times each FOIA exemption used (counting each exemption once per request) |
(1) Exemption 1 |
1 |
(2) Exemption 2 |
37 |
(3) Exemption 3 |
4 |
(4) Exemption 4 |
16 |
(5) Exemption 5 |
47 |
(6) Exemption 6 |
36 |
(7) Exemption 7(A) |
18 |
(8) Exemption 7(B) |
0 |
(9) Exemption 7(C) |
39 |
(10) Exemption 7(D) |
3 |
(11) Exemption 7(E) |
0 |
(12) Exemption 7(F) |
0 |
(13) Exemption 8 |
0 |
(14) Exemption 9 |
0 |
4. |
Other reasons for nondisclosure (total) |
111 |
a. |
no records |
50 |
b. |
referrals |
0 |
c. |
requests withdrawn |
23 |
d. |
fee-related reason |
30 |
e. |
records not reasonably described |
1 |
f. |
not a proper FOIA request for some other reason |
1 |
g. |
not an agency record |
0 |
h. |
duplicate request |
2 |
i. |
other (neither confirm nor deny (3),
lack of response(1)) |
4 |
VI. |
Appeals of Initial Denials of FOIA/PA Requests |
A. |
Numbers of appeals. |
1. |
Number of appeals received during fiscal year |
10 |
2. |
Number of appeals processed during fiscal year |
12 |
B. |
Disposition of appeals. |
1. |
Number completely upheld |
4 |
2. |
Number partially reversed |
4 |
3. |
Number completely reversed |
0 |
a. |
number of times each FOIA exemption used
(counting each exemption once per appeal) |
(1) Exemption 1 |
1 |
(2) Exemption 2 |
2 |
(3) Exemption 3 |
1 |
(4) Exemption 4 |
1 |
(5) Exemption 5 |
4 |
(6) Exemption 6 |
2 |
(7) Exemption 7(A) |
0 |
(8) Exemption 7(B) |
0 |
(9) Exemption 7(C) |
1 |
(10) Exemption 7(D) |
0 |
(11) Exemption 7(E) |
0 |
(12) Exemption 7(F) |
0 |
(13) Exemption 8 |
0 |
(14) Exemption 9 |
0 |
4. |
Other reasons for nondisclosure (total) |
4 |
a. |
no records |
1 |
b. |
referrals |
0 |
c. |
requests withdrawn |
1 |
d. |
fee-related reason |
0 |
e. |
records not reasonably described |
0 |
f. |
not a proper FOIA request for some other reason |
1 |
g. |
not an agency record |
0 |
h. |
duplicate request |
0 |
i. |
other (expedited processing denial) |
1 |
VII. |
Compliance with Time Limits/Status of Pending Requests |
FY 2004 median day calculations are based on working days. |
A. |
Median processing time for requests processed during the year. |
1. |
Simple requests (Track A). |
a. |
number of requests processed |
357 |
b. |
median number of days to process |
11 |
2. |
Complex requests (Tracks B & C). |
a. |
number of requests processed |
27 |
b. |
median number of days to process |
47 |
3. |
Requests accorded expedited processing. |
a. |
number of requests processed |
5 |
b. |
median number of days to process |
60 |
B. |
Status of pending requests. |
1. |
Number of requests pending as of end of current fiscal year: 54 |
Track A |
Track B |
2. |
Median number of days that such requests were pending as of that date: |
Track A |
Track B |