Power Reactor Safeguards Contigency Planning For Surface Vehicle Bombs(Generic Letter 89-07, Supplement 1)
August 21, 1989
On April 28, 1989, the NRC staff issued Generic Letter 89-07 which requested
power reactor licensees to modify their safeguards contingency procedures to
address the possibility of a land vehicle bomb, if such a threat were to
materialize. Several telephone requests for additional information have been
received from affected licensees. The purpose of Enclosure 1 to this
supplement is to share the responses to these requests.
No additional burden or response is required by this supplement, which is
intended only as clarification of the original request. This supplement is
not expected to affect the date by which affected licensees must provide con-
firmation that they have modified their safeguards contingency planning.
James G. Partlow
Associate Director for Projects
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
1. Clarification of Vehicle Bomb Generic Letter
2. Listing of Most Recently Issued NRC Generic Letters
Technical Contact: Barry Mendelsohn, NRR
(301) 492-3207
. Enclosure 1
Clarification of Vehicle Bomb Generic Letter
1) QUESTION In response to a specific threat to our plant, we have plans to
dig a ditch across our plant access road at a choke point and to park a
truck across the road; but we wouldn't be able to keep this road blocked
indefinitely because it is needed for plant operation and maintenance.
Does the generic letter require plans for a more permanent protective
ANSWER No. Generic Letter 89-07 does not require licensees to plan for
permanent measures against vehicle bombs. Plans for short-range
temporary measures that could be implemented within 12 hours after
notification would be responsive to the generic letter. These could
include ditches to temporarily bar all land vehicular traffic.
2) QUESTION We can block our roads without difficulty, but we are concerned
that an off-road vehicle would be able to get around these blocks. Do we
have to plan to block such a vehicle too?
ANSWER Yes. Commercially available four-wheel-drive, off-road vehicles,
within the bounds of the vehicle characteristics provided in the Safe-
guards Information Addendum to Generic Letter 89-07, should be considered
if the licensee believes that the characteristics of its sites make it
prudent to consider such capabilities. (Military type tracked vehicles
need not be considered.) Although typical four-wheel-drive vehicles are
smaller, GMC Trucks sells a four-wheel-drive, dual rear wheel truck with
11,000 lb. gross vehicle weight and 8,000 lb. payload capacity.
3) QUESTION Do you have any guidance on the dimensions of a ditch that would
be necessary to block a vehicle with the characteristics defined in the
Safeguards Information Addendum?
ANSWER Sandia National Laboratories, SAND 85-0935 (NUREG/CR-4250),
"Vehicle Barriers: Emphasis on Natural Features," July 1985, contains
information that licensees may find beneficial for planning emergency
construction of ditches as barriers, as well as in estimating the value
of natural terrain and soil conditions for restricting off-road vehicles.
4) QUESTION Our terrain is completely flat and isolated, and there are no
convenient choke points on our property. There aren't enough trucks in
the area that we could borrow to use as temporary barriers. We could
install some concrete posts on which to string cables as barriers should
a need arise, but that would involve an immediate capital expense. That
doesn't seem to jibe with the guidance that only paper plans are needed
in response to the generic letter.
ANSWER You are correct. Changes in physical plant are not required. The
generic letter is principally intended to elicit creative and innovative
thinking and planning by licensees that capitalizes upon the unique
features and characteristics of each site and environs. In that regard,
your flat and isolated terrain may make it possible for you to readily
detect and intercept a vehicle before it can get close to your plant
during a period of alert following a warning from the NRC. Moreover, it
is not essential that plans be limited to what a licensee can do on
licensee property. You may wish to discuss with your local law enforce-
ment authority what road block assistance they could offer in this
. contingency. Again, each site is unique and will require thoughtful
consideration of site-specific features and characteristics in its
contingency planning.
5) QUESTION We are going to rebuild our CAS for other reasons. The CAS is a
vital area and the generic letter suggests determining safe standoff
distances for all vital equipment. The CAS building we had planned would
not have had the same standoff distance as our plant safety related
structures. Must we go to the expense of constructing the new CAS with
blast hardening features?
ANSWER No. Specific requirements for the CAS are contained in 10 CFR
73.55(e)(1), which are not changed by Generic Letter 89-07. Contingency
planning for protection against a vehicle bomb is principally concerned
with protecting plant operations and safety systems from unacceptable
damage. Accordingly, this contingency planning should focus upon systems
essential to maintain the plant in a safe condition.
6) QUESTION Instead of the safety-related equipment subject to NRC's seismic
criteria, our approved security plan designates as vital an alternate set
of safe-shutdown equipment. However, after reviewing our plant layout
and topography, we conclude that our contingency planning for a surface
vehicle bomb would be most effective if it focused on basic
safety-related equipment instead of our alternate safe-shutdown
equipment. Would this be acceptable?
ANSWER Yes. For purposes of vehicle bomb contingency planning, equipment
to be protected to provide a safe shutdown capability need not be re-
stricted to equipment that is designated as vital in the licensee's
security plan. The important thing is to address vital safety functions
such as:
o Reactivity control
o Reactor core cooling and heat removal from
the primary system
o Reactor coolant system integrity
o Containment integrity
o Radioactivity control
For more detailed discussion see NUREG/CR-5246, "A Methodology to Assist
in Contingency Planning for Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against
Land Vehicle Bombs".
7) QUESTION Our new reactor does not yet have an approved security plan. We
think the methodology of NUREG/CR-5246, which was distributed with the
generic letter, would give results similar to application of the vital
equipment guidelines of NUREG-1178. We recognize that the generic letter
does not require use of NUREG/CR-5246, but if we went to the expense of
performing such a detailed analysis could we use its results also for our
vital equipment designations?
ANSWER No. Vital equipment is defined in 10 CFR 73.2 and further clari-
fied in Review Guideline 17. NUREG-1178 is an internal staff report to
the NRC that has not been implemented and is still being reviewed.
8) QUESTION We were sent the generic letter because we have an operating
reactor; however, it is a non-power reactor and the subject of the
. letter is power reactors. Must we respond in writing as requested of all
ANSWER No. The generic letter was erroneously addressed to "all
licensees of operating plants;" however, it was authorized to apply to
power reactors only. Non-power reactor licensees need not provide a
9) QUESTION We have a reactor that's not yet licensed for operation. The
generic letter requires a response within 180 days from receipt of the
letter. Can we wait till we submit our security and contingency plans?
ANSWER Yes. It would be appropriate to include contingency planning for
a land vehicle bomb when you submit your contingency plan in compliance
with 10 CFR 50.34(d). At that time the plan's statement of perceived
dangers should include a land vehicle bomb with the characteristics
described in the Safeguards Information Addendum to Generic Letter 89-07.
10) QUESTION We didn't receive the Safeguards Information Addendum until
several weeks after receipt of the basic generic letter. Although we
should not have any difficulty completing our planning in time, we want
to understand when the 180 day clock starts for our written response.
ANSWER The clock started when you received the final part of the generic
letter, which was the Safeguards Information Addendum. You may wish to
make a note of when that occurred. Although in a couple of cases there
was some problem with the mail, each power reactor licensee should have
received its copy by now.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021