Cladding Rupture, Swelling & Coolant Blockage as a Result of a Reactor Accident (Generic Letter 79-69)
December 20, 1970
On November 1, 1979, we met with reactor fuel vendors, some plant licensees,
and other interested parties to discuss recently developed staff views on
cladding rupture, swelling, and coolant blockage that could result from
reactor accidents. Based on a preliminary evaluation of the correlations
being developed, the NRC staff determined that parts of the ECCS models
might be non-conservative in this area and therefore might not be in
compliance with Appendix K of 10 CFR 50. We understand from the discussions
at the meeting, confirmed by vendor letters of November 2, 1979, that
differences between the present models and our preliminary correlations are
either small within the limited range of applicability or that these
differences do not produce large changes in peak cladding temperature. In
either case, we now understand that such differences should not affect
compliance with the temperature limit specified in 10 CFR 50.46 for licensed
operating reactors. On this basis it might be expected that the effect on
plants under review would also be small, but that effect has not yet been
We are transmitting herewith our draft report on cladding rupture
temperature, strain, and resulting assembly flow blockage; this report
provides a full discussion of the information we presented at the November
1, 1979 meeting. Should you desire to comment on this draft report,
"Cladding Swelling and Rupture Models for LOCA Analysis," please provide us
with written comments by January 9, 1980. Because we are requesting a
critique that will help ensure the technical quality of the final report, we
request that the focus of your comments be technical in nature. You may also
wish to address the topics for discussion that we have sent to the fuel
vendors and which are set forth in the enclosure to this letter. We also
welcome comments and suggestions on clarity so that the final report can be
made complete and explicit on correlation derivation and use.
Darrell G. Eisenhut, Acting Director
Division of Operating Reactors
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
1.Draft Report
2.Topics for Discussion
Topics for Discussion
1. Confirm that the Zircaloy cladding models displayed in Section 4.0 and
which are referenced in Section 5.0 are the models that are used in
your licensing LOCA analyses. Confirm that your models have been
displayed accurately (i.e., to within +/-5%). If you are unable to
respond affirmatively to the above requests, provide the appropriate
references and describe the discrepancies.
2. The location, magnitude, and shapes of superplastic strain peaks and
low-ductility valleys cannot be determined precisely from prototypical
rod burst tests because there are too few such experiments with enough
controlled variables. Do you have any information that would suggest
altering the shapes and magnitudes of the strain and blockage
correlation curves?
3. Most of the recent (since 1974) prototypical data were supported by
public funds and are publically available. It therefore appears
practical and beneficial to develop standardized rupture temperature,
strain, and blockage curves. The curves in the report (or modifications
that we might make) could serve as an interim licensing standard, and
an industry standards committee could develop revised curves based on
present and future research results.
4. It may be appropriate to require that approved vendor cladding models
be revised to conform with the correlations that will appear in the
final version of the report. If your present models are in agreement
with, or conservatively overpredict, the NRC correlations over the
range of temperature and stress of interest, and if you wish not to
change your present curves your ECCS model revision could simply
consist of explicit limits on the range of applicability of your
5. The alpha-plus-beta strain and blockage "valleys" portray a real
phenomenon, but the exact location of the very steep sides of the
valley may be unknowable for real LOCA conditions. Sensitivity analyses
could be done to account for uncertainties in the location of the
curves and in prediction of the rupture temperature and stress, but
this would have the effect of narrowing the allowable calculated valley
and creating a pseudo singularity in the analysis. It might be better
for the licensing analysis to be insensitive to this feature.
6. The on-going NRC research program has produced data over, a wide range
of conditions. Based on discussions with those performing licensing
LOCA analyses, it appears that the actual range of interest may be
quite narrow, and that the future program could be beneficially focused
on a narrower range.
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021