Acceptance Criteria for the Mark I Containment Long Term Program (Generic Letter 79-57)
Docket No. 50-220
Mr. Donald P. Dise
Vice President - Engineering
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
300 Erie Boulevard West
Syracuse, New York 13202
Dear Mr. Dise:
The staff has completed its review of the generic aspects of the Mark
I Containment Long Term Program (LTP). The results of this review are
reflected in the enclosed acceptance criteria, which are intended to be
used to perform individual plant-unique analyses for each Mark I
facility. These criteria have been developed from the staff's
evaluation of the Mark I LTP Load Definition Report, Plant Unique
Analysis Applications Guide, and related suppression pool hydrodynamic
experimental and analytical programs, which have been submitted by the
Mark I Owners Group.
In developing these criteria, we have considered verbal comments
provided by representatives of the Mark I Owners Group on a draft of
the criteria issued August 2, 1979. These comments were presented to
the staff during a meeting held on August 15, 1979, and supplemented by
additional information provided in a letter from General Electric dated
September 7, 1979. This information and internal comments by the staff
and our consultants have resulted in some modifications to the draft
criteria. However, others of the Owners Group recommendations were not
adopted for the NRC criteria, based on the staff's judgment relative to
the interpretation of specific data or analyses.
In certain cases, the staff's generic criteria identify specific
hydrodynamic load assessment techniques that will have to be evaluated
on a plant-specific basis. However, deviations from any other generic
criteria should be avoided.
The criteria also identify additional experimental verification that
must be obtained for "condensation oscillation" load uncertainty. This
requirement was communicated to you earlier in our letter dated October
2, 1979.
Mr. Donald P. Dise - 2 -
Within 30 days of your receipt of this letter, we request that you provide
the schedule for submittal of the LTP plant-unique analysis for your
facility. In developing this schedule, you should consider that we are
continuing to target the completion of this program and the termination of
the exemption issued for your facility for December 1980. The staff
presently expects to issue the generic Safety Evaluation Report supporting
these criteria In December 1979. Should you have any questions regarding
this action contact C. Grimes (301-492-8204).
Darrell G. Eisenhut, Acting Director
Division of Operating Reactors
As stated
cc w/enclosure
See next page
Mr. Donald P. Dise
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation - 3 -
Eugene B. Thomas, Jr., Esquire
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae
1757 N Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20036
Anthony Z. Roisman
Natural Resources Defense Council
917 15th Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20005
Oswego County Office Building
46 E. Bridge Street
Oswego, New York 13126
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021