Transmitting NUREG-0578, "TMI-2 Lessons Learned" (Generic Letter 79-32)
See attached list
Docket No.
Sent to all utilities on attached sheet
Enclosed for your information is the first report of the TMI-2 Lessons
Learned Task Force. It contains a set of short term recommendations to
be implemented in two stages over the next 18 months on operating
plants, plants under construction, and pending construction permit
applications. There are 23 specific recommendations which would provide
substantial, additional protection for the public health and safety.
Three of the recommendations appear to require changes in existing
regulations for which the Task Force recommends immediate effective
rulemaking. They are: 1)inerting of Mark I and Mark II BWR containments
that are not already inerted; 2) provision of the capability to install
an external recombiner for plants that do not already have recombiners;
and, 3) revised limiting conditions of operation to operating licenses
for total loss of safety system availability through human or
operational error.
While the Task Force recommended actions were discussed with the
Regulatory Requirements Review Committee, the Commission, the TMI-
Subcommittee of the ACRS, and ACRS, the final management review is
still underway. Final review of the Director of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation has not been completed. Upon completion of his review and
final approval, further guidance will be provided.
- 2 -
Now that specific recommendations for short term action have been
identified by the Lessons Learned Task Force, the Task Force will turn
to broader, more fundamental interests as described in Section 3 of the
enclosed report. The Task Force intends to develop its final
recommendations into a report to be released in early September 1979.
The final report will also be sent to all applicants, permittees and
Domenic E. Vassallo, Acting Director
Division of Project Management
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUREG-0578, "TMI-2 Lessons Learned
Task Force Status Report and
Short-Term Recommendations"
cc: w/enclosure:
Service List for each
utility listed on attached sheet
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021