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Commission Orders for 2003

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CLI Number Licensee Docket Date/
CLI-03-18 Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. 12/18/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the petition of the Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone for reconsideration of the Commission's decision in CLI-03-14.
CLI-03-17 Duke Energy Corporation 12/09/2003
50-369/370 & 50-413/414-LR
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League's (BREDL) petition for review of LBP-03-17, an order of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding that denied BREDL's Amended Contention 2, which addressed Licensee's Severe Accident Mitigation Analysis.
CLI-03-16 Private Fuel Storage, L.L.C. 11/13/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order allowing parties to the proceeding to file petitions for review of any interlocutory Atomic Safety and Licensing Board orders on matters the parties wish to challenge, with the exception of matters that are currently pending before the Board.
CLI-03-15 Sequoyah Fuels Corporation 11/13/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order deciding in response to a certified question of the Presiding Officer for this proceeding that the front end waste produced by Sequoyah Fuels Corporation in its operations may be considered byproduct material under section 11e(2) of the Atomic Energy Act. The Commission remanded the matter to the Presiding Officer for further action consistent with its decision.
CLI-03-14 Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc. 10/23/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order affirming LBP-03-12, the decision of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding that denied a supplemented petition to intervene of the Connecticut Coalition Against Millstone.
CLI-03-13 Fansteel, Inc. 10/23/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the request of the State of Oklahoma for a hearing on the license transfer request of Fansteel, Inc. The proceeding was terminated by this Order.
CLI-03-12 Pacific Gas and Electric 10/15/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the petitions for review of intervenors County of San Luis Obispo and the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace with respect to LBP-02-23 and LBP -03-11, decisions of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding. LBP-02-23 admitted for litigation a contention on financial qualifications. LBP-03-11 terminated the proceeding.
CLI-03-11 Duke Energy Corporation 09/08/2003
50-369/370 & 50-413/414-LR
Commission Memorandum and Order instructing the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding to indicate to the Commission when it expects to issue a decision on remaining contentions and the reasons for the delay in issuing the decision.
CLI-03-10 Pacific Gas and Electric 09/08/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order holding the application of the California Public Utilities Commission and San Luis Obispo County for a stay of an NRC staff license transfer order in abeyance pending a tentative settlement of bankruptcy-related matters.
CLI-03-09 Tennessee Valley Authority 08/28/2003
50-390-CIVP. 50-327/328-CIVP and 50-259/260/296-CIVP
Commission Memorandum and Order Granting the petition for review of the Tennessee Valley Authority with respect to the decision of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board in LBP-03-10. The Commission also established a briefing schedule.
CLI-03-08 Private Fuel Storage, L.L.C. 08/15/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the petition of the State of Utah for review of LBP-03-08, the ruling of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding on Utah's seismic issues concerning the ability of spent fuel casks to withstand a design basis earthquake.
CLI-03-07 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company 07/02/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the petition of the Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) which asked the Commission to reconsider the radiation dose standard set out in 10 C.F.R. §20.1402. The Commission further denied CAN's request that the Commission direct the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) for this proceeding to accept CAN's Amended Contention 6.1. The Commission also directed the ASLB to reject CAN's Amended Contention 6.1.
CLI-03-06 Sequoyah Fuels Corporation 06/13/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order permitting the State of Oklahoma to raise in the proceeding the issue of whether the decommissioning waste present at the Licensee's Gore site qualifies as byproduct material within the ambit of §11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act. The Commission established a briefing schedule for consideration of the issue.
CLI-03-05 Private Fuel Storage 05/28/2003
Commission Memorandum and Order holding in abeyance review of petitions for review of LBP-03-04 filed by Private Fuel Storage L.L.C. and the NRC staff until the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board for this proceeding has completed it review of the issues related to the consequences of airplane crashes at the proposed storage facility.
CLI-03-04 Pacific Gas and Electric 05/16/03
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the request of the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace and the Union of Concerned Scientists for suspension of the proceeding in this docket while the Commission considers the petition for rulemaking submitted by those organizations.
CLI-03-03 Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. 04/29/03
Commission Memorandum and Order denying the request of petitioners in this proceeding for the issuance of an order by the Commission that would enjoin Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc. from further construction of facilities for its Blended Low-Enriched Uranium project at its Erwin, Tennessee site
CLI-03-02 Pacific Gas and Electric 02/14/03
50-275-LT, 50-323-LT
Commission Memorandum and Order addressing the financial and technical qualifications issues, as well as, the antitrust issues raised by the Northern California Power Agency and other state, county and municipal entities. The Commission found that the technical qualifications issues were inadmissible and that the antitrust issues lacked substantive merit. The Commission further denied the remaining hearing requests and terminated the proceeding.
CLI-03-01 Pacific Gas and Electric 01/23/03
Commission Memorandum and Order affirming the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board decision LBP-02-23, which denied intervenors' contentions related to threats of terrorism.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, March 27, 2020