The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is in the process of rescinding or revising guidance and policies posted on this webpage in accordance with Executive Order 14151 Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing, and Executive Order 14168 Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government. In the interim, any previously issued diversity, equity, inclusion, or gender-related guidance on this webpage should be considered rescinded that is inconsistent with these Executive Orders.

List of CFR Sections Affected – 2022

10 CFR 87 FR Page
Chapter I Policy statement 66228
Chapter I Regulatory issue summary 68335
1.5 (b)(1) revised 20696
2 Policy statement 2309
2.4 Amended 20696
2.101 (a)(5) amended 20696
2.205 (j) amended 2312
2.810 (a)(1) and (b) revised 8946
11.7 Regulation at 86 FR 73636 withdrawn 12853
11.7 Amended 45239
11.8 Regulation at 86 FR 73636 withdrawn 12853
11.8 (c) added 45240
11.15 Regulation at 86 FR 73636 withdrawn 12853
11.15 (b)(1), (c)(1)(ii), (e)(1), (3), (4), and (f)(1) revised 45240
11.16 Regulation at 86 FR 73637 withdrawn 12853
11.16 Amended 45241
13.3 (a)(1)(iv) and (b)(1)(ii) amended 2312
20 Appendix D amended 20696, 68030
25.5 Regulation at 86 FR 73637 withdrawn 12853
25.5 Amended 45241
25.8 Regulation at 86 FR 73637 withdrawn 12853
25.8 (c)(2) revised 45241
25.17 Regulation at 86 FR 73637 withdrawn 12853
25.17 (d)(1)(i), (f)(1), (3), and (4) revised 45241
25 Regulation at 86 FR 73638 withdrawn 12853
25 Appendix A revised 45242
26 Nomenclature change 71455
26.4 (e)(6)(iv) amended; (j)(3) revised 71455
26.5 Amended 71455
26.8 (b) amended 71456
26.31 (b)(2), (d)(1)(i)(D), (ii), and (3)(i) amended; (d)(1) introductory text revised 71456
26.83 (b) revised 71456
26.85 (a) introductory text and (2) revised; (b) removed; (a)(3), (4), and (c) through € redesignated as (a)(4), (5) and new (b) through (d); new (a)(3) added; new (a)(5) and new (b)(1) amended 71456
26.87 (a), (f) introductory text, (2), (3), and (5) amended; (b) and (f)(4) revised 71457
26.89 (c) amended; (d) revised 71457
26.97 Heading and (c)(2) revised; (a) introductory text, (4), (b)(1) through (3), and (d) amended 71457
26.105 Heading and (e) revised, (a), (c), and (d) amended 71457
26.107 (b) revised; (d) added 71457
26.109 (b)(1) revised; (b)(2) amended 71458
26.111 (a) and (e) revised; (b) and (c) amended; (f) removed 71458
26.115 (a) introductory text and (f)(1) republished; (a)(3), (4), (e), (f) introductory text, (2), (3), and (g) revised 71458
26.117 Heading revised; (a), (f), (g), (i), and (j) amended 71458
26.129 (b)(1)(ii) and (2) introductory text revised 71459
26.133 Revised 71459
26.137 (d)(5), (e)(6) introductory text, and (i) through (iii) revised; (e)(6)(v) removed 71459
26.151 Revised 71459
26.153 Heading, (a), and (g) revised 71459
26.155 Removed 71459
26.157 (a) revised; (b) through (e) and undesignated center heading following € removed 71459
26.159 (b)(1)(ii), (2) introductory text, (d), and (e) revised; (c) amended 71460
26.161 (b) introductory text, (c)(3), (4), (f)(5), and (7) amended; (c)(5), (6), (d) heading, (e) heading, and (h) revised 71460
26.163 (a) heading and (b) heading republished; (a)(1), (2) introductory text, (i), (ii), and (b)(1) revised 71460
26.165 (b)(2) and (f)(1) introductory text amended; (b)(3) and (f)(2) revised 71461
26.167 (c) heading, (d)(1), and (f)(3) amended; (d)(3) introductory text and (e)(3) introductory text republished; (d)(3)(i) through (iii), (4), (e)(2), and (3)(i) (iv) revised through 71462
26.168 (h)(1) revised 71462
26.169 (a), (c)(2), and (h) introductory text amended; (h)(3) introductory text and (v) introductory text republished; (h)(3)(i), (ii), (iii) introductory text, (B), (C), (iv), and (v)(A) revised; (h)(3)(iii)(D) through (G), (v)(C), and (D) added 71462
26.183 (c) introductory text, (1), and (d)(2)(ii) revised 71462
26.185 (g)(3) removed; (f)(3), (g)(4), and (5) redesignated as paragraph (f)(4), new (g)(3), and (4); new (f)(3) added; (g)(2) introductory text, (iii), and (j) heading revised; (g)(1), new (3), (j)(1), (2), (3), and (4) introductory text amended 71462
26.405 (d) revised 71463
26.415 (c) amended 71463
26.715 (b)(1) amended 71463
26.717 (b)(3) and (4) revised 71463
30.6 (b)(2)(i) and (ii) amended 20697
35.13 (b)(4) revised 68031
40.5 (b)(2)(i) and (ii) amended 20697
50 Policy statement 66227
50.55 (a) introductory text, (1) introductory text, (3) introductory text, (i) through (iii), and (b)(1)(ii) amended; (a)(3)(iv) added; (b)(1)(ii) table, (2)(xv)(K)(4) table, and (3)(iv) table redesignated as (b)(1)(ii) Table 1, (2)(xv)(K)(4) Table 2, and (3)(iv) Table 3; (b)(1)(ii) Table 1 heading, (2)(xv)(K)(4) Table 2 heading, and (3)(iv) Table 3 heading revised 11949
50.55a (a)(1)(i)(E)(18), (ii) through (iv), (v)(B), (b)(1), (2) introductory text, (viii) through (xiv), (xv) introductory text, (xviii) through (xxi), (xxv), (xxvi), (xxix), (xxxii), (xxxvi), (xxxix), (3) introductory text, (iii), (iv), (viii) through (xi), and (f)(4) amended; (a)(1)(i)(E)(19) and (g)(4) introductory text revised; (a)(1)(i)(E)(20), (b)(2)(xliii), and (f)(7) added; (b)(2)(xl) and (3)(vii) removed 65148
50.55a (b)(2)(xxv)(A) heading revised 73633
50.72 Footnote 1 amended 20697
50.75 (e)(1)(ii)(A) amended 68031
51.4 Amended 68031
52 Policy statement 66227
52.17 Footnote 2 amended 68031
55.5 (b)(2)(i) amended 20697
70.5 (b)(2)(i) and (ii) amended 20697
70.61 (b) introductory text amended 20697
72.214 Regulation at 86 FR 69983 confirmed 3421
72.214 Amended 35862, 44277, 68031
72.214 Regulation at 87 FR 35862 eff. Date confirmed 45242
72.214 Regulation at 87 FR 44277 eff. Date confirmed 57571
72.214 Amended; eff. 1-18-23 66543
72.214 Regulation at 87 FR 66543 eff. Date confirmed; eff. 1-18-23 79217
73 Policy statement 54861
73 Appendix A amended 20698, 68032
95.5 Regulation at 86 FR 73638 withdrawn 12853
95.5 Amended 45242
110.22 (a)(4) added 68032
150.15 (a)(7)(iii) and (8) amended; (a)(9) added 68032
170.3 Amended 37214
170.11 (a)(1) and (c) revised; (a)(13) redesignated as (d) 37214
170.12 (b)(3) and (f) revised 37214
170.20 Amended 37214
170.21 Table 1 amended 20698, 37214
170.31 Table 1 revised 37215
171.15 (b)(1), (2) introductory text, (c)(1), (2) introductory text, and (e) revised 37221
171.16 (c) revised 8946
171.16 (b) introductory text and (d) revised 37221
207.7 (c)(1) amended 1063
218.42 (b)(1) revised 1063
429 Technical correction 66935
429.1 Revised 63646
429.2 (a) revised; (b) amended 63646
429.3 Added 63646
429.4 (a) revised; (c)(2) redesignated as (c)(3); new (c)(2) added 63891
429.4 (c)(2), (3), and (d) through (f) redesignated as (c)(3), (4), and (e) through (g); new (c)(2) and new (d) added; eff. 1-6-23 75166
429.4 (c)(1) through (4) redesignated as (c)(2) through (5); new (c)(1) added; eff. 1-17-23 77317
429.11 (a) and (b)(1) amended 53637
429.11 Revised 63646
429.12 (d) revised 43976
429.12 (e)(2) removed; (e)(3) redesignated as new (e)(2) 53637
429.12 (b)(8) revised; eff. 1-17-23 77317
429.16 (a)(1) Table 1, (4)(i), and (b)(2)(i) table revised 64583
429.17 Note preceding (a) and (c) added 43977
429.18 Heading, (a)(2)(vii), (b)(2), and (3) revised; note preceding (a) added 43977
429.19 Note preceding (a) added; (b)(2) and (3) revised 43977
429.20 (a)(2)(i) introductory text, (ii) introductory text, and (3) revised 33379
429.27 Note preceding (a) added; (b)(2)(ii) and (iii) revised 43978
429.27 Revised 53637
429.32 Note preceding (a) and (c) added; (b) revised 43978
429.32 (a)(2) introductory text and (ii)(B) revised; (a)(3) and (4) added 50422
429.33 Note preceding (a) added; (b) and (c) revised 43978
429.33 (a)(2)(iv) and (3)(i)(C) amended 53638
429.33 Correction: (b)(2)(i) introductory text, (ii) introductory text, (3)(i), and (ii) introductory text revised 54330
429.43 (a)(3) added 45195
429.43 Heading revised; (b)(2)(iii), (iv), (ix), (x), and (4)(iii) through (vi) removed; (b)(2)(v) through (viii) and (4)(vii) through (xiii) redesignated as (b)(2)(iii) through (vi) and (4)(iii) through (ix); (b)(2)(xi) through (xiv) redesignated as (b)(2)(vii) through (x); eff. 1-17-23 77317
429.43 (a) introductory text, (1)(ii)(A) introductory text, (B) introductory text, (b)(2)(xi) (xii), (4)(vii) and (viii) revised; (a)(3) Table 1, (b)(2)(xiv), (xv), (4)(x) through (xiv) redesignated as (a)(3)(i)(A) Table 1, (b)(2)(xiii), (xiv), (4)(ix) through (xiii); (a)(3)(i) amended; (a)(3)(ii) and (b)(5) added; (b)(2)(xiii) and (4)(ix) removed 63892
429.43 (a)(3)(i)(B) added; Table 2 redesignated as Table 3; eff. 1-1-23 65667
429.43 (a)(3)(iii) added; eff. 1-6-23 75166
429.45 (a)(2) revised; (a)(3) added 65899
429.46 (a)(2)(ii) introductory text revised 33379
429.46 Note preceding (a), (a)(3), (4), and © added; (a)(2)(i) introductory text and (b)(2) revised 43979
429.55 Added 53638
429.59 Note preceding (a) added; (b)(2)(iv) and (3)(iv) revised 43979
429.59 (a)(1)(i) and (2)(i) revised; (a)(2)(iv) through (vii) added 57297
429.64 Added 63647
429.65 Added 63648
429.66 Added 53639
429.67 Added; eff. 1-17-23 77317
429.70 (i) added 43979
429.70 (c)(2)(iv) table and (5)(vi)(B) table revised 45195
429.70 (a) revised; (j) and (k) added 63649
429.70 (c)(2)(i) revised 63894
429.70 (c) heading, (1) introductory text, (2)(iv) table, and (5)(vi)(B) table revised; (l) added; eff. 1-17-23 77321
429.73 Added 63651
429.74 Added 63652
429.75 Added 63652
429.10—429.75 (Subpart B) Appendix B added 636653
429.102 (a)(1) amended 53639
429.102 (c)(4)(i) and (iii) revised 64586
429.104 Revised 63895
429.110 (e)(1) and (5) revised 57298
429.110 (a)(2) and (3) redesignated as (a)(3) and (4); new (a)(2) added; (b)(1)(iv) revised 63895
429.120 Amended 1063
429.134 (c)(1) revised 33379
429.134 (s) added 45197
429.134 (t) added 50423
429.134 (u) added 55122
429.134 (i)(3) added 57298
429.134 (s)(1) amended; (v) added 63895
429.134 (s)(2) and (3) added; eff. 1-3-23 65667
429.134 (w) added   65899
429.134 (x) added; eff. 1-6-23 75167
429.134 (y) added; eff. 1-17-23 77324
429.158 (a) and (b) amended 64586
430.2 Amended 16385, 27480, 30790, 42308, 50423, 51220, 51537, 53639, 54129, 54346, 64586
430.3 (a) and (h) introductory text revised; (h)(3) added 16385
430.3 (e)(25) removed; (g)(17), (18), and (k) through (v) redesignated as (g)(18), (19), and (l) through (w); new (g)(17), (j)(3), and new (k) added; (g) introductory text, (16), (j)(3), and new (w)(1) through new (3) revised 30790
430.3 (d)(1) through (3) and (o)(6) amended 33380
430.3 (b)(4) and (p) introductory text revised; (b)(5) and (p) Note 1 added; (p)(6) amended; (p)(8) removed 50424
430.3 (p)(3) through (9) redesignated as (p)(4) through (10); new (p)(3) added; new (p)(6) revised; new (p)(7) amended 51537
430.3 Amended 52433
430.3 (e)(5) through (16), (q)(4), (5), (7), (9), (10), (11) through (15), and (16) through (20) redesignated as new (e)(6) through (17),(q)(5), new (7), new (9), new (10), (11), (13) through (17), and (19) through (23); (e)(17) removed; new (e)(6), new (7), new (10), new (12), new (15), (18), (m)(2), and (q)(2) amended; (e)(4), new (9), (e) Note 1, (q) introductory text, new (q)(7), (9), (10), and (13) revised; new (e)(5), (m)(3), (q)(4), (12), and (18) added 53640
430.3 (e)(22) introductory text, (p)(3) introductory text, and (6) amended 55122
430.3 Correction: (p)(4) introductory text and (7) amended 60867
430.23 (u) and (v) revised 16386
430.23 (j)(2)(i) and (4)(i) removed; (j)(2)(ii) and (4)(ii) redesignated as (j)(2)(i) and (4)(i); new (j)(2)(ii) and (4)(ii) added; (j)(1)(i), (ii), (3)(i), new (4)(i) and (5) revised 33380
430.23 (w) revised 50424
430.23 (bb) revised 51221
430.23 (i) revised 51537
430.23 (r) revised 53641
430.23 (aa) revised  
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix T amended 16386
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix I amended 18271
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix Y amended 28756, 55122
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix O amended 30791
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix J amended 33381
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix J1 removed 33395
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix J2 amended 33395
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix J3 amended   33403
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix U amended 50424
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix I and Appendix I1 revised 51538
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix R amended 53641
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix Y1 amended 55125
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Correction: Appendix Y amended 60867
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix M amended 64586
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix M1 amended 64588
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Correction: Appendix M amended 66935
430.21—430.27 (Subpart B) Appendix J, Appendix J2, and Appendix J3 amended 78820
430.32 (f)(1)(iii) removed; (g)(4) and (h)(3) revised 2689
430.32 (q) revised 16386
430.32 (n)(5) introductory text, (6) introductory 27460
text, (u)(1) introductory text, (x)(1) introductory text, (2), (3), (bb)(1) introductory text, and (2) introductory text revised; (dd) added  
430.32 (n) and (x) revised 53643
430.32 (c)(6)(ii) revised 64586
430.32 (s)(2)(ii) introductory text revised 72866
430 Appendix Z revised 51221
431 Policy statement 23421
431 Determination 31359, 34067, 78821
431.2 Amended 45197
431.12 Amended 63654
431.12 Correction: Amended 64689
431.14 Removed 63656
431.15 (a), (b), (c)(3), (4), (7), and (d) through (f) revised; (c) introductory text amended; (c)(8) and (9) added 63656
431.17 Removed 63657
431.18 (b) revised 63657
431.19 Removed 63657
431.20 Removed 63657
431.21 Removed 63657
431.25 (g)(9), (h) introductory text, Table 5 heading, (i) introductory text, and Table 6 heading revised 63657
431.11—431.36 (Subpart B) Appendix B added 63657
431.92 Amended 45197, 63896
431.92 Amended; eff. 1-6-23 75167
431.92 Amended; eff. 1-17-23 77325
431.95 (a), (b), (c) introductory text, and (2) revised; (c)(3) and (4) redesignated as (c)(5) and (6); new (c)(3), new (4), and (7) added 45198
through (9); (b)(1), new (8), and (c)(2) revised; new (b)(2) added; eff. 1-17-23 77325
431.95 (b)(7) and (c)(2) revised; (c)(3) through (7) redesignated as (c)(4) through (8); (b)(8) and new (c)(3) added 63896
431.95 (b)(4) and (c)(2) revised; eff. 1-6-23 75168
431.96 Table 1 and (d) table redesignated as (b) Table 1 and (d) Table 2; (a) and new (b) Table 1 revised 45198
431.96 (b) Table 1 revised; eff. 1-17-23 77325
431.96 (b)(1) and Table 1 revised 63897
431.96 (b) Table 1, (1), and (c) revised; eff. 1-6-23 75168
431.97 (g) and Table 14 added; eff. 1-3-23 65668
431.91—431.97 (Subpart F) Appendix B amended 45199
431.91—431.97 (Subpart F) Appendixes C, D, and D1 added 63898
431.91—431.97 (Subpart F) Appendix G added; eff. 1-6-23 75169
431.91—431.97 (Subpart F) Appendix E and Appendix F added; eff. 1-17-23 77327
431.91—431.97 (Subpart F) Appendix F1 added; eff. 1-17-23 77328
431.91—431.97 (Subpart F) Correction: Appendix F amended 78513
431.132 Amended 65899
431.133 Revised 65900
431.134 Revised 65900
431.152 Revised 33405
431.154 Revised 33405
431.262 Amended   13909
431.263 Transferred 13910
431.264 (b) revised; (d) added 13910
431.322 Amended 37699
431.323 (a) and (b) revised; (c) redesignated as (d); new (c) added 37699
431.324 Revised 37699
431.382 (b) revised 1063
431.462 Amended 57298
431.463 (a) revised; (d)(5) and (6) added   57299
431.464 (c) added 57299
431.461—431.466 (Subpart Y) Appendix D added 57299
433.2 Amended 20293
433.3 (a) and (b) introductory text revised; (b)(5) added 20294
433.100 (b) removed; (c) redesignated as new (b); (a)(5) added; (a)(4) and new (b) revised 20294
433.101 (a)(4) and (b) revised; (a)(5) added 20294
435.2 Amended 19613
435.3 (a) revised; (b)(4) added 19613
435.4 (a)(3) introductory text revised; (a)(3)(i) amended; (a)(4) added 19613
435.5 (c) revised; (d) added 19613
490.604 (a) revised 1064
495.91—431.97 (Subpart F) Appendix G1 added; eff. 1-6-23 75170
501.181 (c)(1) revised 1064
601.400 (a), (b), and (e) revised 1064
601 Appendix A amended 1064
626 Revised   64372
707 Authority citation revised 49978
707.7 (a)(2) and (b)(2)(iii) through (v) revised; (b)(2)(vi) added 49978
707.14 (e) revised 49979
820.81 Amended 1064
824.1 Amended 1064
824.4 (c) revised 1064
851.5 (a) amended 1064
851 Appendix B amended 1064
1013.3 (a)(1)(iv) and (b)(1)(ii) revised 1065
1017.29 (c) revised 1065
1050.303 (d) amended 1065
1707.102 Introductory text revised 22437
1707.102 Regulation at 87 FR 22437 eff. Date confirmed 35862
Proposed Rules:
1—199 (Ch. I 2361, 25431
20 12254, 27025, 29840
26 12254, 27025, 29840
30 25157, 38012, 42969, 47947
32 38012
35 =
37 67397
50 6434, 11986, 12254, 27025, 29840, 44281, 58459, 67571, 71531, 79258
51 12254, 27025, 29840
52 12254, 27025, 29840
70 25157, 42969, 47947
71 55708, 65177
72 12254, 27025, 29840, 35923, 44283, 66613
73 12254, 27025, 29840
140 12254, 27025, 29840
170 10081
171 10081
429 890, 1554, 2490, 2731, 5560, 6436, 6948, 7048, 11892, 13648, 14622, 16830, 20608, 21268, 22640, 23920, 34934, 35286, 35678, 37122, 44194, 53302, 63324, 63356, 74023
430 890, 1554, 2559, 2731, 3229, 3450, 3702, 4513, 5742, 6786, 7396, 7758, 8745, 10719, 11326, 11327, 11892, 11990, 12621, 13648, 14622, 16830, 20608, 21816, 22640, 26303, 26304, 29576, 30433, 31435, 32329, 32351, 34934, 35286, 35925, 36249, 37240, 40590, 42270, 51734, 52282, 52861, 60941, 63324, 63356, 65533, 65687, 68931, 69082, 73259
431 1554, 2490, 2731, 3457, 3461, 5560, 6436, 6948, 7048, 10726, 10751, 11335, 11650, 12802, 14186, 17025, 18290, 18936, 19810, 21268, 23471, 23920, 24455, 24469, 27025, 28782, 30610, 31743, 31964, 34220, 37122, 37934, 38296, 39008, 43226, 44194, 45703, 49537, 53302, 53699, 60555, 60942, 62038, 74023, 74850, 75388
433 78382
435 78382
460 2359
626 47652
851 54178
1021 68385

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, April 27, 2023