10 CFR |
70 FR Page |
Chapter I (Parts 0–199) |
0—199 (Ch. I) Policy statement |
51581 |
Nomenclature change |
69421 |
1.3 (c) revised |
69421 |
1.5 (b)(2) and (3) revised |
69421 |
1.32 (b) revised |
69421 |
1.33 Revised |
69422 |
1.34 (d) revised |
69422 |
1.35 revised |
69422 |
1.41 Heading and introductory text revised |
69422 |
1.43 Revised |
69422 |
1.46 Added |
69422 |
2 Authority citation revised |
61886 |
2.101 (a-1)(5) and (e) removed; (f) and (g) redesignated as (e) and (f); (a)(5), (a-1) introductory text and (c) revised |
61887 |
2.102 (d) removed |
61887 |
2.104 Footnote 4 and (d)(3) removed; (d)(4) redesignated as (d)(3); (d) introductory text, (1) and (2) revised |
61887 |
2.105 (e)(2) revised; (f) removed |
61887 |
2.332 (a) introductory text, (2) and (b) revised |
20461 |
2.334 Revised |
20461 |
2.402 (a) revised |
61887 |
2 Appendix B added |
20462 |
05- 9.8 (b) revised |
34306 |
9.13 Amended |
34306 |
9.21 (c)(5) and (6) revised |
34306 |
9.23 (a)(1)(ii) and (b) introductory text revised 05-34306 9.25 (g) and (h) revised |
34306 |
9.27 (a) revised |
34307 |
9.28 Added |
34307 |
9.29 Revised |
34307 |
9.35 (d) revised |
34308 |
9.40 (f) revised |
34308 |
9.43 (d) revised |
34308 |
9.53 (b) revised |
34308 |
9.54 (a)(1) revised |
34309 |
9.61 (c) introductory text, (1) introductory text and (i) revised |
34309 |
9.62 Revised |
34309 |
9.65 (b) revised |
34309 |
9.66 (b) revised |
34309 |
9.67 (a) revised |
34309 |
9.85 Revised |
34309 |
9.95 Revised |
34309 |
10 Nomenclature changes |
30897 |
25 Authority citation revised |
32227 |
25.3 Regulation at 69 FR 74952 withdrawn |
8921 |
Revised |
32227 |
25.5 Regulation at 69 FR 74952 withdrawn |
8921 |
Amended |
32227 |
25.17 Regulation at 69 FR 74953 withdrawn |
8921 |
(a) revised |
32227 |
25.37 Regulation at 69 FR 74953 withdrawn |
8921 |
(b) revised |
32227 |
30.34 (i) added |
2009 |
35.2 Amended |
16361 |
35.8 (b) revised (OMB numbers) |
16361 |
35.10 (b) revised |
16361 |
35.13 (b)(1) and (3) revised |
16361 |
35.14 (a) revised |
16361 |
35.50 (a), (b)(1)(i) introductory text, (ii)(G) and (c) revised; (b)(2) removed; (d) and (e) added |
16361 |
35.51 (a) and (b) revised; (c) added |
16362 |
35.55 (a), (b)(1)(i) introductory text and (2) revised |
16362 |
35.57 Revised |
16363 |
35.75 (a) footnote 1 amended |
16363 |
35.100 (b)(2) revised |
16363 |
35.190 (a), (c)(1) introductory text, (ii)(B) and (2) revised |
16363 |
35.200 (b)(2) revised |
16363 |
35.290 (a), (b), (c)(1) introductory text, (ii) introductory text, (B) and (2) revised |
16364 |
35.390 (a), (b)(1) introductory text, (ii) introductory text, (B), (G)(1), (3), (4) and (2) revised; (b)(1)(ii)(F) removed |
16364 |
35.392 (a), (c)(2)(ii) and (3) revised |
16364 |
35.394 (a), (c)(2)(ii) and (3) revised |
16365 |
35.396 Added |
16365 |
35.490 (a), (b)(2) and (3) revised |
16366 |
35.491 (b)(3) revised |
16366 |
35.590 (a) and (b) revised; (c) added |
16366 |
35.690 (a), (b)(2) and (3) revised; (c) added |
16366 |
35.980 (b)(2) revised |
16367 |
50 Appendix E amended |
3599 |
Actions on petitions |
52893 |
50 Authority citation revised |
61887 |
50.8 (b) revised |
61887 |
50.33a Removed |
61888 |
50.55a (b)(2)(xxi)(C) removed; (b) introductory text, (4) introductory text, (5) introductory text, (f)(2), (3)(iii)(A), (iv)(A), (4)(ii), (g)(2), (3)(i), (ii), (4)(i) and (ii) revised |
05-56812 |
50.80 (b) revised |
61888 |
Appendix L removed; Appendix N amended |
61888 |
52.77 Revised |
61888 |
72 Eff. date confirmed |
22781, 50957,
55513, 71381 |
72.214 Amended |
9504, 9507,
29934, 32982,
37649, 42488,
55026 |
Regulation at 70 FR 9504 confirmed |
22781 |
Regulation at 70 FR 9507 withdrawn |
24936 |
Regulation at 70 FR 29934 withdrawn |
40879 |
Regulation at 70 FR 37649 confirmed |
50957 |
Regulation at 70 FR 42488 confirmed |
55513 |
95 Authority citation revised |
32227 |
95.3 Regulation at 69 FR 74953 withdrawn |
8921 |
Revised |
32227 |
95.5 Regulation at 69 FR 74953 withdrawn |
8921 |
Amended |
32227 |
95.59 Regulation at 69 FR 74953 withdrawn |
8921 |
Revised |
32227 |
110.2 Amended |
37991, 41938 |
110.9 (e) revised |
41939 |
110.21 (a)(4) amended |
37991 |
(a)(4) correctly amended |
46066 |
110.22 (a)(3) amended |
37991 |
(a)(3) correctly amended |
46066 |
110.23 (a)(2), (3), (5) and (6) revised |
37991 |
(a)(2) correctly revised |
46066 |
110.25 Removed |
41939 |
110.27 (a) introductory text revised; (f) added |
37991 |
110.28 Amended |
29936 |
110.29 Amended |
29936 |
110.32 (f)(1) revised; (g) and (h) added |
37991 |
110.40 (b)(6)(iv) amended |
37992 |
(b)(4) through (7) redesignated as (b)(5) through (8); (b)(3) and new (b)(7)(iii) revised; new (b)(7)(iv) further redesignated as (b)(7)(v); new (b)(4) and (7)(iv) added |
41939 |
(b)(7)(iv) correctly amended |
46066 |
110.41 (a)(3) amended |
37992 |
(a)(4) revised; (a)(4) through (9) redesignated as (a)(5) through (10); new (a)(4) added |
41939 |
(a)(4) correctly amended |
46066 |
110.42 (e) added |
37992 |
(b) introductory text revised |
41939 |
(e)(1) corrected |
46066 |
110.43 (e) and (f) added |
37992 |
110.45 (c) and (d) redesignated as (d) and (e); (b)(5) and new (c) added |
37992 |
110.50 (b)(4) and (5) redesignated as (b)(5) and (6); (a)(3) and new (b)(5) amended; new (b)(4) and (7) added |
37993 |
110.70 (b)(3) revised; (b)(4) redesignated as (b)(5); new (b)(4) added |
41939 |
110 Appendix P added |
37993 |
140 Authority citation revised |
61888 |
140.11 (a)(4) revised |
61888 |
170.2 (t) added |
30543 |
170.11 (a)(1)(iii)(A)(1) and (2) revised; (a)(1)(iii)(A)(3) added |
30543 |
170.20 Revised |
30543 |
170.21 Table amended |
30543 |
170.31 Revised |
30544 |
Table correctly amended |
33819 |
171.11 (c)(2) removed; (c)(3), (4) and (5) redesignated as (c)(2), (3) and (4) |
30548 |
171.15 (b) through (e) revised |
30548 |
(b)(1) correctly amended |
33820 |
171.16 (c), (d) and (e) revised |
30549 |
Table correctly amended |
33820 |
First (e) introductory text and (1) correctly removed |
46265 |