Newsletters and Other NRC Information
On this page:
If you would like to receive email notices for News Releases, Speeches, ADAMS User Information, Generic Communication, and/or Indian Point Nuclear Plant Information, you may subscribe.
If you would like to receive any of the following documents, you may e-mail the contact listed to put your name on a mailing list.
Mixed Oxide Fuel Newsletter
The Mixed Oxide Xchange (NUREG/BR-0284) was an NRC quarterly newsletter providing licensing information on a mixed oxide fuel fabrication facility. We generally focused on the U.S. MOX facility safety review, environmental review, and hearing. Occasionally, we covered peripheral issues like lead test assembly license amendments, transportation cask licensing, and foreign export licensing.
Contact: David Brown,
NMSS Licensee Newsletters
The newsletter provides timely, helpful information on NRC's materials program to help licensees understand requirements, guidance, and other NMSS initiatives. Our aim is to give licensees information they need to more effectively and efficiently fulfill license requirements to maintain public health and safety. The newsletter is e-mailed to interested persons, so please provide an e-mail address. Issues of the newsletter are available at NMSS Quarterly Newsletters (NUREG/BR-0117).
Contact: Vanessa Cox,
Safety Culture Trait Talk
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) defines nuclear safety culture as the core values and behaviors resulting from a collective commitment by leaders and individuals to emphasize safety over competing goals to ensure protection of people and the environment. Trait Talk is an educational tool developed to provide a better understanding of the nine safety culture traits found in the NRC's Safety Culture Policy Statement.
State and Tribal Program Announcements
These announcements are related to NRC's Agreement State program.
Contact: Patricia McGrady-Finneran,
Vendor Newsletters
The Vendor Times is an annually published newsletter designed to enhance outreach and communications with vendors supplying safety-related parts and services. In addition to the public website, the "Vendor Times" newsletter is another source of information that provides current NRC updates and ongoing vendor activities to the public. This newsletter will include topics such as recent findings, potential rulemakings, upcoming conferences, operating experience, and other useful information. Useful and informative feedback on the contents of this newsletter is welcomed. If you would like to suggest topics, please email the contact official of this newsletter. Please check out our latest published newsletter below.
Contact: Shavon Edmonds,