Licensing Actions for Accident Tolerant Fuels
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On this page:
Coated Cladding
Action Type |
Submittal |
Requestor |
Description |
Evaluation |
License Amendment Request |
12/12/19 |
Calvert Cliffs |
Request to use lead test assemblies that contain chromium-coated cladding and doped pellets. |
01/26/21 |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
04/06/20 |
Westinghouse |
Traveller transportation package to include coated cladding, doped pellets, and 7 weight percent U-235 enriched fuel |
09/15/20 |
Letter Authorization Request |
06/15/20 |
Framatome |
Request to transport a small number of ATRIUM 10 fuel assemblies equipped with inert test rods in a TN-B1 transportation package |
10/09/20 |
Topical Report |
03/31/21 |
Westinghouse |
WCAP-18546-P/NP, "Westinghouse AXIOM Cladding for Use in Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel" |
12/16/22 |
License Amendment Request |
08/31/22 |
Byron Station, Unit 2 |
Amendment to allow a previously irradiated Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Lead
Test Assembly (LTA) to be further irradiated. |
07/20/23 |
Doped Pellets
Action Type |
Submittal |
Requestor |
Description |
Evaluation |
Topical Report |
12/31/15 |
Global Nuclear Fuel – Americas |
NEDO-33406-A, Revision 3 |
11/09/15 |
Topical Report |
04/29/16 |
Framatome |
ANP-10340P, Revision 0 |
05/31/18 |
Transportation Authorization |
09/06/18 |
Westinghouse |
Special authorization to transport fuel rods containing uranium silicide pellets and doped pellets in a Traveller transportation package |
12/20/18 |
License Amendment Request |
03/08/18 |
Byron |
Request to utilize accident tolerant fuel lead test assemblies |
04/03/19 |
License Amendment Request |
10/11/18 |
Brunswick |
Request to revise technical Specification 5.6.5b to allow application of advanced Framatome Atrium 11 fuel methodologies |
03/06/20 |
License Amendment Request |
07/15/19 |
Susquehanna Units 1 and 2 |
Request to allow application of advanced Framatome Atrium 11 Fuel methodologies. |
01/21/21 |
License Amendment Request |
12/12/19 |
Calvert Cliffs |
Request to use lead test assemblies that contain chromium-coated cladding and doped pellets. |
01/26/21 |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
04/06/20 |
Westinghouse |
Traveller transportation package to include coated cladding, doped pellets, and 7 percent enriched fuel |
09/15/20 |
Topical Report |
05/08/20 |
Westinghouse |
WCAP-18482-P/WCAP-18482-NP, Revision 0, "Westinghouse Advanced Doped Pellet Technology (ADOPTTM) Fuel" |
06/13/22 |
Topical Report |
06/28/21 |
Framatome |
ANP-10340P, Rev. 0, "Incorporation of Chromia-Doped Fuel Properties in Framatome PWR Methods" |
10/16/23 |
License Amendment Request |
07/23/21 |
Browns Ferry Units 1, 2, and 3 |
Request to allow application of advanced Framatome methodologies and adoption of TSTF-564-A, Revision 2, “Safety Limit MCPR” in support of ATRIUM 11 fuel use. |
01/13/23 |
License Amendment Request |
07/29/21 |
Monticello |
Request to allow revised methodologies for determining the core operating limits, to support ATRIUM 11 fuel use. |
01/13/23 |
FeCrAl Cladding
Action Type |
Submittal |
Requestor |
Description |
Evaluation |
Transportation Authorization |
10/19/18 |
Global Nuclear Fuel – Americas |
Special authorization to transport FeCrAl fuel rods in Model No. RAJ-II transportation package |
02/05/19 |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
07/31/19 |
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy |
Revision No. 28 of Certificate of Compliance No. 9228 for the GE Model No. 2000 (GE2000) transportation package. Allows the transport of FeCrAl lead test assemblies |
04/23/20 |
Increased Enrichment
Action Type |
Submittal |
Requestor |
Description |
Evaluation |
Topical Report |
01/29/21 |
Framatome |
ANP-10353P, Revision 0, "Increased Enrichment for PWRs" |
03/22/23 |
Topical Report (3 Total Actions) |
12/17/21 |
Global Nuclear Fuel |
Revision 4 of LANCR02 Lattice Physics Model Description and
Revision 0 of the LANCR02/PANAC11 Application Methodology |
08/21/23 |
License Amendment Request |
06/30/22 |
Vogtle Units 1 and 2 |
Request to allow use of four LTAs with coated cladding, doped pellets, and fuel pellets enriched up to 6 weight percent U-235. |
08/01/23 |
Topical Report |
10/31/22 |
Global Nuclear Fuel |
Implementation of LANCR02/PANAC11 |
Topical Report |
06/28/23 |
Westinghouse |
WCAP-18773, Higher Enrichment for Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering Fuel Designs |
Action Type |
Submittal |
Requestor |
Description |
Evaluation |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
04/06/20 |
Westinghouse |
Traveller transportation package to include coated cladding, doped pellets, ATF and 7 weight percent U-235 enriched fuel |
09/15/20 |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
03/30/21 |
Framatome |
Revision No. 13 to Certificate of Compliance No. 9319 for the MAP-12 and MAP-13 packages. Request to transport fresh fuel assemblies with enrichments up to 8 weight percent U-235 |
12/16/21 |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
06/29/21 |
Orano NCS |
DN30-X transportation package to transport uranium hexafluoride with enrichments up to 20 weight percent U-235 |
03/27/23 |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
08/02/21 |
Westinghouse |
Request to transport fresh fuel rods with enrichments up to 7 weight percent U-235 in Traveller STD & XL transportation packages |
04/27/22 |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
09/23/22 |
Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas |
Request to transport fresh fuel assemblies with enrichments up to 8 weight percent U-235 in the RAJ-II transportation package |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
01/31/23 |
Framatome |
Request to transport fresh fuel assemblies with enrichments up to 8 weight percent U-235 in the TN-B1 transportation package |
Fuel Cycle Facilities
Action Type |
Submittal |
Requestor |
Description |
Evaluation |
License Amendment Request |
11/12/19 |
Louisiana Energy Services |
Increase enrichment to 5.5 weight percent U-235 |
05/19/20 |
License Amendment Request |
06/23/20 – Request Letter
10/31/19 – Document to be reviewed |
Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas |
Review of minimum margin of subcriticality for enrichments up to 8 weight percent U-235 |
08/13/20 |
License Review |
01/20/22 |
Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas |
Review of minimum margin of subcriticality for enrichments up to 20 weight percent U-235 |
08/02/22 |
License Review |
11/29/21 |
Framatome |
Framatome Inc. Richland Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facility’s Request to Amend License No. SNM-1227; Docket No. 70-1257 and Approval of Criticality Safety Methods |
07/11/22 |
License Amendment Request |
06/24/22 |
Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas |
Increase enrichment up to 8 weight percent U-235 at the GNF-A Facility |
License Amendment Request |
12/05/19 |
Centrus |
Amendment to materials license SNM-2011 for the American Centrifuge Plant for a HALEU demonstration project with enrichments up to 20 weight percent U-235 for future use in DOE’s research and development activities |
06/11/21 |
Higher Burnup
Action Type |
Submittal |
Requestor |
Description |
Evaluation |
Topical Report |
04/26/24 |
EPRI Report 3002023895, “xLPR Estimation of PWR LOCA Frequencies (MRP-480)” |
Topical Report |
04/26/24 |
EPRI Report 3002028675, “LOCA Analysis of FFRD for Westinghouse 2-Loop, 3-Loop, and 4-Loop Plants” |
Topical Report |
04/26/24 |
EPRI Report 3002028673, “LOCA Induced FFRD with Leak Before Break Credit” |
Topical Report |
02/29/24 |
Westinghouse |
WCAP-18850, “Adaption of the FULL SPECTRIM LOCA (FSLOCA) Evaluation Methodology to Perform Analysis of Cladding Rupture for High Burnup Fuel” |
White Paper |
08/04/23 |
Framatome |
Regulatory Engagement for High Burnup Fuel Fragmentation, Relocation and Dispersal |
10/27/23 |
Topical Report Revision |
03/17/20 |
Global Nuclear Fuel – Americas |
Proposed Amendment #51 to NEDE-24011-P-A-29, General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel (GESTAR II). Proposes new Appendix B that has a small section to allow higher burnup lead use test assemblies. |
10/19/20 |
Topical Report |
12/14/20 |
Westinghouse |
WCAP-18446-P / WCAP-18446-NP, Revision 0, "Incremental Extension of Burnup Limit for Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering Fuel Designs" |
Topical Report |
12/31/19 |
Framatome |
BAW-10227P, Revision 2, "Evaluation of Advanced Cladding and Structural Material (M5) in PWR reactor Fuel" |
01/13/23 |
Action Type |
Submittal |
Requestor |
Description |
Evaluation |
Certificate of Compliance Revision |
12/12/18 |
Framatome |
Revision 11 to Certificate of Compliance No. 9319 for the Model Nos. MAP-12 and MAP-13 Transportation Packages |
01/10/19 |
License Amendment Request |
07/01/20 |
GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy |
Amendment to allow irradiated ATF fuel rods to be transported to Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
07/16/20 |