Requests for Additional Information Regarding the NuScale US600 Design

The links below provide access to requests for additional information (RAIs) that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has issued in connection with its review of the application that NuScale Power, LLC submitted to obtain a design certification for a 12-module small modular reactor (SMR). The purpose of these RAIs is to obtain all of the information that the NRC staff deems necessary to resolve any safety or environmental issues that are not adequately addressed in the application. Consequently, the applicant's responses to RAIs become supplements to the initial application. For details, see the following categories of RAIs:

All Design Certification Application (DCA) review related RAIs and the applicant's related responses can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the DCA RAI Report.

All Topical Report (TR) review related RAIs and the applicant's related responses can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the TR RAI Report.

Note that some RAIs and related responses may not be publicly available because they contain sensitive information.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, February 17, 2023