Design Certification Renewal Application Review - ABWR GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy
On July 13, 1994, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued the final design approval (FDA), along with the "Final Safety Evaluation Report (FSER) related to certification of the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design" (NUREG-1503). On May 12, 1997, the NRC issued the final design certification rule (DCR) for the Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (ABWR) design in the Federal Register (62 FR 25800). Applicants or licensees intending to construct and operate a plant based on the ABWR design may do so by referencing its DCR, as set forth in Appendix A to Title 10, Part 52, of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR Part 52, Appendix A). A DCR is valid for 15 years from the date of issuance under 10 CFR 52.55(a). A DCR may be renewed for a period of 10 to 15 years.
By letter dated December 7, 2010, GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy submitted an application to renew the ABWR Design Certification (DC). The purpose of this renewal is to update the ABWR DC. For additional detail, see the following topics on this page:
Application Review Schedule
Key Milestones |
Completion Date
Actual - A
Target - T |
Application |
Received Design Certification Renewal Application
12/07/10 - A |
Acceptance Review |
NRC to issue Acceptance Review Determination Letter
02/14/11 - A |
Safety Review |
Phase 1 - Preliminary Supplemental Safety Evaluation Report (SER) and Requests for Additional Information
01/21/19 - A |
Phase 2 - Advanced Supplemental SER with No Open Items
06/28/19 - A |
Phase 3 - ACRS Review of SER with No Open Items
10/19 - A |
Phase 4 - Final SER with No Open Items
03/20 - A |
Rulemaking |
Issue final rule
09/29/21 - A |
Applicant Documents
The following table provides access to the documents submitted to support the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff's review of GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy application to renew the ABWR DC.
Date |
Description |
12/20/19 |
ABWR Standard Plant Design Certification Renewal Application Design Control Document, Revision 7, Tier 1 and Tier 2 ABWR DCD Revision 7 Cover Letter |
12/20/19 |
GE Hitachi ABWR Design Control Document Tier 1 & 2, Revision 7 |
02/19/16 |
ABWR Standard Plant Design Certification Renewal Application Design Control Document, Revision 6, Tier 1 and Tier 2 |
02/19/16 |
GE-Hitachi ABWR Design Control Document Tier 1 & 2, Revision 6 |
03/17/14 |
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy - United States Advanced Boiling Water Reactor ABWR) Design Certification Renewal Application - Submittal Date for ABWR DCD Revision 6 |
10/31/13 |
NRC Review of GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy - US Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Application |
12/07/10 |
GE-Hitachi ABWR Design Control Document Tier 1 & 2, Revision 5 |
12/07/10 |
Submittal of GE Hitachi, Application for Renewal of the Design Certification Rule for the U.S. Advanced Boling Water Reactor |
NRC Documents
This section lists documents in which the staff of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) sent documents to GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy in association with GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy's application to renew the ABWR DCR.
Date |
Description |
05/31/19 |
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy – U. S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Review Schedule |
08/03/17 |
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy – U. S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Review Schedule |
08/30/16 |
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy – U. S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Review Schedule |
07/20/12 |
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy – U.S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Design Certification Renewal Application |
02/14/11 |
Acceptance Review In The GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Design Certification Renewal Application For The U.S. Advanced Boiling Water Reactor |
01/19/11 |
Acknowledgment of Receipt of The Design Certification Renewal Application For The U.S. ABWR and Associated Federal Register Notice |
Requests for Additional Information
For all safety-related RAIs and the applicant's related responses, please refer to the eRAI Safety Report. Note that some RAIs and related responses may not be publicly available because they contain sensitive information.
Safety Evaluations with No Open Items
The following table provides access to Safety Evaluations with no Open Items that the NRC has issued in conjunction with its review of the application submitted by GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy to renew the ABWR DC.
Chapter |
Description |
Date |
1 |
Introduction and General Discussion |
06/26/19 |
2 |
Site Characteristics |
Section 2.3 "Meteorology"
06/20/18 |
Section 2.5 "Geological, Seismological, and Geotechnical Engineering"
06/12/17 |
Section 2.6.2 "Water Level (Flood) Design Site Parameters"
12/11/17 |
Section 2.6.8 "Requirements for Determination of ABWR Site Acceptability"
04/11/17 |
3 |
Design of Structures, Components, Equipment and Systems |
Section 3.2.3 "Safety Classifications"
06/19/19 |
Section 3.3 "Wind and Tornado Loadings"
06/20/18 |
Section "Missiles Generated by Natural Phenomena"
06/20/18 |
Section 3.7.3 "Seismic Subsystem Analysis"
07/26/18 |
4 |
Reactor |
Section 4.2, "Fuel System Design"
06/20/19 |
5 |
Reactor Coolant System and Connected Systems |
Section 5.2.5 "Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection"
05/07/18 |
Section 5.4.7 "Residual Heat Removal System"
06/19/19 |
Section, "ACIWA"
06/20/19 |
Section 5.4.8 "Reactor Water Cleanup System"
01/15/19 |
6 |
Engineered Safety Features |
Section "Short-Term Pressure Response"
02/08/19 |
Section "Suppression Pool Dynamic Loads"
02/08/19 |
Section "Containment Debris Protection for ECCS Strainers"
06/26/19 |
Section 6.3 "Emergency Core Cooling Systems"
06/25/19 |
7 |
Instrumentation and Control Systems |
Section, "Shutdown Panel"
06/19/19 |
Section, "Post Accident Monitoring System"
06/19/19 |
Section, "Control Rod Ganged Withdrawal Sequence Restrictions"
05/21/19 |
8 |
Electrical Power |
Section 8.2.5 "NRC Bulletin 2012-01: Design Vulnerability In Electric Power System"
02/07/19 |
Section "Isolation Between Class 1E Buses and Loads Designated as Non-Class 1E"
06/19/19 |
9 |
Auxiliary Systems |
Section 9.1.1 "New Fuel Storage"
07/23/18 |
Section "New and Spent Fuel Storage"
06/12/19 |
Section "Fuel Racks"
06/27/19 |
Section 9.1.3 "Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System"
06/19/19 |
Section 9.1.4 "Light Load Handling System (Related to Refueling)"
07/23/18 |
Section 9.1.5 "Overhead Heavy Load Handling Systems"
07/23/18 |
Section 9.5.1 "Fire Protection"
03/08/18 |
11 |
Radioactive Waste Management |
Section 11.4 "Solid Waste Management System"
06/12/17 |
12 |
Radiation Protection |
Section 12.2 "Radiation Sources"
02/01/18 |
Section 12.3 "Radiation Protection Design Features"
04/11/17 |
13 |
Conduct Of Operations |
Section 13.3 "Emergency Planning"
06/21/18 |
Section 13.5 "Plant Procedures"
07/02/18 |
14 |
Initial Test Program |
Section "Structural Task Group Review"
12/06/17 |
16 |
Technical Specifications |
06/19/19 |
19 |
Severe Accidents |
Section 19.1 "Probabilistic Risk Assessment"
12/04/18 |
Section "ABWR Containment Vent Design"
06/12/17 |
Section 19.5 "Aircraft Impact Assessment"
11/15/18 |
22 |
Requirements Resulting From Fukushima Near Term Task Force Recommendations |
06/19/19 |
Final Safety Evaluations
The following table provides access to Final Safety Evaluations that the NRC has issued in conjunction with its review of the application submitted by GE–Hitachi Nuclear Energy to renew the ABWR DC.
Chapter |
Description |
Date |
Abstract |
05/08/20 |
Table of Contents |
05/08/20 |
Abbreviations |
05/08/20 |
Appendix A Chronology |
05/08/20 |
Appendix B References |
05/08/20 |
Appendix C eRAI Report |
05/12/20 |
Appendix D Principal Contributors |
05/08/20 |
Appendix E Report by Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
10/31/19 |
1 |
Introduction and General Discussion |
03/31/20 |
2 |
Site Characteristics |
Section 2.3 "Meteorology"
03/31/20 |
Section 2.5 "Geological, Seismological, and Geotechnical Engineering"
03/31/20 |
Section 2.6.2 "Water Level (Flood) Design Site Parameters"
03/31/20 |
Section 2.6.8 "Requirements for Determination of ABWR Site Acceptability"
03/31/20 |
3 |
Design of Structures, Components, Equipment and Systems |
Section 3.2.3 "Safety Classifications"
03/31/20 |
Section 3.3 "Wind and Tornado Loadings"
03/31/20 |
Section "Missiles Generated by Natural Phenomena"
03/31/20 |
Section 3.7.3 "Seismic Subsystem Analysis"
03/31/20 |
4 |
Reactor |
Section 4.2, "Fuel System Design"
03/31/20 |
5 |
Reactor Coolant System and Connected Systems |
Section 5.2.5 "Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Leakage Detection"
03/31/20 |
Section 5.4.7 "Residual Heat Removal System"
03/31/20 |
Section, "ACIWA"
03/31/20 |
Section 5.4.8 "Reactor Water Cleanup System"
03/31/20 |
6 |
Engineered Safety Features |
Section "Short-Term Pressure Response"
03/31/20 |
Section "Suppression Pool Dynamic Loads"
03/31/20 |
Section "Containment Debris Protection for ECCS Strainers"
03/31/20 |
Section 6.3 "Emergency Core Cooling Systems"
03/31/20 |
7 |
Instrumentation and Control Systems |
Section, "Shutdown Panel"
03/31/20 |
Section, "Post Accident Monitoring System"
03/31/20 |
Section, "Control Rod Ganged Withdrawal Sequence Restrictions"
03/31/20 |
8 |
Electrical Power |
Sections 8.2.5 and, "NRC Bulletin 2012-01: Design Vulnerability in Electric Power System"
03/31/20 |
Section "Isolation Between Class 1E Buses and Loads Designated as Non-Class 1E"
03/31/20 |
9 |
Auxiliary Systems |
Section 9.1.1 "New Fuel Storage"
03/31/20 |
Section "New and Spent Fuel Storage"
03/31/20 |
Section "Fuel Racks"
03/31/20 |
Section 9.1.3 "Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup System"
03/31/20 |
Section 9.1.4 "Light Load Handling System (Related to Refueling)"
03/31/20 |
Section 9.1.5 "Overhead Heavy Load Handling Systems"
03/31/20 |
Section 9.5.1 "Fire Protection"
03/31/20 |
11 |
Radioactive Waste Management |
Section 11.4 "Solid Waste Management System"
03/31/20 |
12 |
Radiation Protection |
Section 12.2 "Radiation Sources"
03/31/20 |
Section 12.3 "Radiation Protection Design Features"
03/31/20 |
13 |
Conduct Of Operations |
Section 13.3 "Emergency Planning"
03/31/20 |
Section 13.5 "Plant Procedures"
03/31/20 |
14 |
Initial Test Program |
Section "Structural Task Group Review," and
Section, "Verification of As-Built Components"
03/31/20 |
16 |
Technical Specifications |
03/31/20 |
19 |
Severe Accidents |
Section 19.1 "Probabilistic Risk Assessment"
03/31/20 |
Section "ABWR Containment Vent Design"
03/31/20 |
Section 19.5 "Aircraft Impact Assessment"
03/31/20 |
22 |
Requirements Resulting From Fukushima Near Term Task Force Recommendations |
03/31/20 |
Contacts for the ABWR Design Certification Renewal |
Lead Project Manager |
James Shea |
Contact a Public Affairs Officer |