Joint Reports of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and the NRC
Project Overview
On August 15, 2019, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC), signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) to increase collaboration on the technical reviews of advanced reactor and small modular reactor technologies. Under the MOC, the NRC and CNSC plan to issue joint reports that cover topics that are generally applicable to advanced reactor developers and designers, as well as targeted reports addressing specific technical aspects for individual vendors or potential applicants. The following table provides brief descriptions and links to completed joint reports.
Joint Reports Issued by NRC and CNSC
Joint Report Title and Summary |
Link |
CNSC-NRC joint report concerning a request by GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas LLC to obtain feedback on its Safety Strategy white paper for the BWRX-300. |
ML23135A151 |
CNSC-NRC joint report concerning the structural design for the BWRX-300 - This report documents the results of collaborative activities between CNSC and the USNRC concerning a request by GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas for feedback on the BWRX-300 steel-plate composite containment vessel and reactor building structural design. |
ML23100A032 |
U.S. NRC—CNSC Memorandum of Cooperation FINAL REPORT concerning Tristructural Isotropic (TRISO) Fuel Qualification)
This report establishes a common regulatory position on TRISO fuel qualification based on existing knowledge and data and identifies potential design-dependent gaps that should be addressed to enable TRISO use in advanced reactor licensing applications. Specifically, this report summarizes data, criteria, and approaches that can help support fuel-related regulatory findings for TRISO-fueled reactor designs. Previously released interim reports are available at ML22030A000 and ML22101A297.
ML23172A242 |
CNSC-NRC joint report concerning X-energy’s reactor pressure vessel construction code assessment white paper – This report documents the results of collaborative activities between the CNSC and the USNRC concerning X-energy’s position about the Xe-100 reactor pressure vessel construction code assessment. |
ML21166A304 |
CNSC-NRC joint report on technology-inclusive, risk-informed reviews for advanced reactors – This report documents the results of a broad overview of NRC and CNSC regulatory frameworks and provides a specific comparison of the licensing modernization project (LMP) endorsed in NRC Regulatory Guide 1.233 with the CNSC approach.
Key messages and FAQs associated with the LMP Report may be found at the following: ML21239A250 |
ML21225A101 |
CNSC-NRC joint report concerning GE Hitachi’s Containment Evaluation Method - This report documents the results of collaborative activities between the CNSC and the USNRC to assess a method for predicting the conditions inside the containment vessel following a loss-of-coolant accident for the GE Hitachi BWRX-300 reactor design. The method was proposed by GEH in the form of a licensing topical report. |
ML22091A201 |
Joint Report on Terrestrial Energy’s Methodology for Developing a Postulated Initiating Events List for the Integral Molten Salt Reactor - This report documents the results of collaborative activities between the CNSC and the USNRC concerning Terrestrial Energy USA’s white paper on Postulated Initiating Events for its Integral Molten Salt Reactor. |
ML22139A124 |
CNSC-NRC joint report on safety classification of and assignment of design requirements to structures, systems, and components. This report documents the results of collaborative activities between the CNSC and the NRC to assess how the agencies’ methods align and support development of common technical inputs for new reactor applications. The report concludes that CNSC and NRC largely agree on design requirements and, with application of risk-informed methods, minor differences can be addressed and common application inputs may be developed for both regulatory bodies. |
ML25024A256 |