W20 NRC Oversight and Inspection During Periods of Site Inaccessibility

This session will focus on how the NRC had to adjust its regulatory approach to providing oversight and conducting inspections during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics to be discussed include lessons learned from conducting our regulatory oversight during the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., vendor and quality assurance implementation inspections, operator license examinations, regional inspections, etc.), permanent changes to our regulatory framework that could be implemented from the lessons learned, and improvements on how to share important safety information remotely.


  • Mike King, Deputy Office Director for Reactor Programs, NRR/NRC e-mail: Mike.King@nrc.gov



  • Antoinette Sakadales, Program Analyst, Quality Assurance Vendor Inspection Branch, Division of Reactor Oversight, NRR/NRC e-mail: Antoinette.Sakadales@nrc.gov

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, May 09, 2024