Public Meeting Schedule: Meeting Details

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Meeting info
To facilitate an exchange of technical information addressing key NDE challenges associated with advance manufacturing of components and identifying research or other strategies for addressing these challenges.
Meeting Feedback
Meeting Dates and Times
9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

Meeting Location
Two White Flint Auditorium
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Webinar Link:
Webinar Meeting Number:+ 301-576-2978
Webinar Password:614893660#
Webinar Link:
Webinar Meeting Number:+1 301-576-2978
Webinar Password:432226959#
Isaac Anchondo-Lopez
(915) 867-4012

Participation Level
NRC Participants
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
External Participants
Docket Numbers - Facility Names
Related Documents
ML23115A389 - Meeting Agenda - Technical Exchange on NDE of AMT

ML23115A390 - Meeting Program -Technical Exchange on NDE of AMT

ML23115A411 - 05/02/2023 Discussion on Nondestructive Examination (NDE) of Advance Manufactured Components

On December 2020, the NRC published a report (ADAMS number ML20349A012) addressing knowledge gaps and recommendations focused on current inspection and NDE methods that may be applied to AMT-fabricated components. As a follow-on effort, the NRC is planning research to assess the feasibility of NDE methods for the inservice inspection of AMT components. If you have any question, please contact Isaac Anchondo-Lopez at

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, November 19, 2021