Public Meeting Schedule: Meeting Details

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Meeting info
* Meeting Canceled *
To discuss Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC's (Duke Energy's) responses to select NRC requests for additional information (RAIs) associated with the safety review of the Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2, and 3 (ONS) Subsequent License Renewal Application (SLRA) and enable the staff to gain a better understanding of Duke Energy's approach to aging management.
Meeting Feedback
Meeting Dates and Times
9:00AM - 5:00PM ET

Meeting Location
Rockville MD
Webinar Link:
Webinar Meeting Number:+1 301-576-2978
Webinar Password:475 583 983#
Marieliz Johnson
(301) 415-5861

Angela Wu
(301) 415-2995

Participation Level
NRC Participants
External Participants
Docket Numbers - Facility Names
Related Documents
ML22131A316 - 05/26/2022 Oconee SLRA - Discussion of RAI Responses

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, November 19, 2021