Public Meeting Schedule: Meeting Details

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Meeting info
The purpose of this teleconference call between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is to discuss a planned license amendment request to revise the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant technical specifications associated with the logic for the standby main feedwater pumps.
Meeting Feedback
Meeting Dates and Times
* Date/Time Change *
9:30AM - 11:00AM

Meeting Location
Kim Green
(301) 415-1627

Mike Wentzel
(301) 415-6459

Participation Level
Category 1
NRC Participants
NRC Staff
External Participants
Tennessee Valley Authority
Docket Numbers - Facility Names
05000390 - Watts Bar 1
05000391 - Watts Bar 2
Related Documents
ML20212L559 - 08/11/2020 Pre-Submittal Teleconference Call with Tennessee Valley Authority Regarding an Upcoming License Amendment Request for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Related to the Standby Main Feedwater Pumps

ML20220A202 - Pre-Submittal Meeting Slides - Proposed License Approach Regarding a Change for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Technical Specification 3.3.2 Table 1 Function 6.e "Auxiliary Feedwater Auto-Start from Loss of Main Feedwater Pumps"(EPID L-2020-LRM-0064

Bridge Number: (301) 415-0333
Passcode: 4635761
Conference ID:null

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, November 19, 2021