Public Meeting Schedule: Meeting Details

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Meeting info
To discuss issues associated with the safety review of licensing actions and/or Inspection, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) closures for SNC's Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4.
Meeting Feedback
Meeting Dates and Times
9:00AM - 12:00PM

Meeting Location
Webinar Link:
Webinar Meeting Number:4068916
Webinar Password:N/A
Alina Schiller
(301) 415-8177

Tanny Santos
(301) 415-7270

Participation Level
Category 1
NRC Participants
J. Rankin, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
C. Santos, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
External Participants
Southern Nuclear Company
Docket Numbers - Facility Names
05200025 - Vogtle Unit 3
05200026 - Vogtle Unit 4
Related Documents
ML20216A288 - 08/27/2020 Notice of Meeting With Southern Nuclear Operating Company

Bridge Number: (301) 415-0333
Passcode: 4068916#
Conference ID:null
The public is invited to participate in this meeting by discussing regulatory issues with the NRC at designated points during the meeting. Certain portions of this meeting may be closed to the public if the staff determines that the information is proprietary in nature. Interested members of the public may participate by dialing the above telephone number and entering the passcode followed by the #sign. This meeting is also being conducted by Skype. Please see the webinar information included. Interested members of the public without computer, internet, and/or long distance telephone resources, please send a message or call the meeting contacts to make alternative arrangements to participate in the meeting.

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, November 19, 2021