Public Meeting Schedule: Meeting Details

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Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss with the nuclear industry and other stakeholders the initiatives within the industry and NRC related to the development and licensing of non-light water reactors in areas such as physical security, licensing basis events, use of PRA, and resolution of various policy issues
Meeting Feedback
Meeting Dates and Times
9:00AM - 4:30PM

9:00AM - 4:30PM

Meeting Location
NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Webinar Link:
Webinar Meeting Number:Webinar ID: 561-138-699
Webinar Password:n/a
William Reckley
(301) 415-7490

Participation Level
Category 2
NRC Participants
William Reckley, Office of New Reactors
External Participants
Industry Representatives
Docket Numbers - Facility Names
Related Documents
ML17104A254 - (1) DRAFT White Paper - Modernization of Technical Requirements for Licensing of Advanced Non-Light Water Reactors.

ML17026A474 - 12/14/2016 Proposed Physical Security Requirements for Advanced Reactor Technologies - NEI White Paper.

ML17108A693 - 05/03/2017 Notice of Meeting with Nuclear Industry Groups and other Stakeholders on Possible Regulatory Process Improvements for Advanced Reactor Designs

Bridge Number: (888) 793-9929
Passcode: 2985270
Conference ID:null
Documents to be discussed: Wed AM: Possible Physical Security Requirements for Advanced Reactors (ML17026A474) Wed PM: Licensing Basis Events (ML17104A254) Thu AM: Use of Probabilistic Risk Assessments Thu PM: Various Policy Issues

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, November 19, 2021