Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) Toolbox

Section 274 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, provides broad authority for the NRC to establish a unique Federal and State relationship in the administration of regulatory programs for the protection of public health and safety in the industrial, medical, commercial, and research uses of agreement material.

  • Sec. 274b. provides the statutory basis by which the NRC may discontinue portions of its regulatory authority to license and regulate byproduct materials, source materials, and certain quantities of special nuclear material.
  • Sec. 274j. (IMPEP) requires that the NRC, in its oversight role, to periodically review Agreement States to ensure the radiation control programs are adequate to protect public health and safety and compatible with the NRC’s regulatory program.

The Agreement State Program Policy Statement provides further delineation of duties and responsibilities.

The NRC performs its oversight role by implementing Management Directive 5.6, "IMPEP".

State Agreement Procedures describes how the NRC conducts IMPEP reviews and the establishment of the Management Review Board.

For additional information about IMPEP, see Introduction to IMPEP.

Additional Information

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, December 20, 2023