Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
MC4260 |
ANF-1358, "Loss of Feedwater Heating Transient in Boiling Water Reactors" |
MA8237 |
BAW-10046, REV. 4, Method of Compliance with Fracture Toughness & Operational Requirements |
MB0591 |
BAW-10164,(NP), Rev.1, "Limited Scope High Burn-Up Lead Test Assemblies" |
MC0341 |
BAW-10166, BEACH APPENDICES H&I - Best Estimate Analyses for Core Heat Transfer, A Computer Program for Reflood Heat Transfer During LOCA |
MB9684 |
BAW-10179, Rev. 5, "Safety Criteria and Methodology for Acceptable Cycle Reload Analyses" |
MC6394 |
BAW-10179, Rev. 6, "Safety Criteria and Methodology for Acceptable Cycle Reload Analyses" |
MB7548 |
BAW-10186, Rev 1, Supplement 1 Mark BW Extended Burnup |
MC4262 |
BAW-10199(P), Addendum 3, "The BWU CHF Correlations" |
MB7547 |
BAW-10231-P- COPERNIC MOX Application |
MB7550 |
BAW-10238,"MOX Fuel Report" |
MB7551 |
BAW-10239,"Advanced MARK-BAW Fuel Assembly Design" |
MB7553 |
BAW-10240, "Incorporation of M5 Properties in Framatome ANP Approved Methods" |
MB7033 |
BAW-10241, "BHTP DNB Correlation Applied with LYNXT" |
MB9977 |
BAW-10242 (NP), Zero Power Physics testing for B&W Reactors |
MC4531 |
BAW-10243(P) "Statistical Fuel Assembly Hold Down Methodology |
MC0671 |
BAW-10244, "MK-BW CHF Correlations, Applied with XCOBRA-III C" |
MC3783 |
BAW-10252(P), Revision 0, "Analysis of Containment Response to Postulated Pipe Ruptures Using GOTHIC" |
MC1762 |
BAW-1543(NP) Rev. 4, Suppl. 5, Supplement to the Master Integrated Reactor Vessel Surveillance |
MB9474 |
BAW-2241-P, Revision 2, Fluence and Uncertainty Methodologies |
MB6336 |
BAW-2308, "Initial RT NDT of LINDE 80 Weld Material" |
MB7831 |
EMF-2103-P, Realistic Large-Break LOCA Methodology |
MB7680 |
EMF-2310 (P)(A), Clarification of Safety Evaluation for EMF-2310 (P)(A), SRP Chapter 15 Non-LOCA Methodology |
MB6335 |
EMF-85-74-Clarification of Exposure Limit Applicable to Framatome ANP BWR Fuel RODEX2A |
MB7552 |
EMF-85-74- Clarification of Exposure Limit Applicable to Framatome ANP BWR Fuel RODEX2A |
MC3223 |
EMF-92-153, Revision 1, "HTP [High Thermal Performance]: Departure From Nucleate Boiling For High Temperature Performance Fuel" |
MC5665 |
EMF-93-177, Rev. 1, "Mechanical Design for BWR Fuel Channels" |
MC0329 |
EMG-2310 (P) Rev. 1, "SRP Chapter 15 Non-LOCA Methodology for Pressurized Water Reactors" |
MB7557 |
PSC 2-00, “Core Flood Tank Line LOCA without LOOP” |