Topical Reports Approved in FY2007
Publicly available topical reports may be found in the Agencywide Document Access and Management System.
On this page:
AREVA NP, Inc. Reports
Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
AREVA-BAW-10164(P), RELAP5/MOD2 – B&W, An Advanced Computer Program for LOCA and Non-LOCA Transient Analysis
Final NRC SE: 6/25/07 ML071620460
Accepted Version: AREVA checking status
AREVA-ANP-10249P, ACE/ATRUIM-10 Critical Power Correction, April 2006
Final NRC SE: 8/20/07 ML072280033
Accepted Version: AREVA checking status

Bacou-Dalloz Reports
Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
TR MURUBLU05NP, “Topical Report for Delta Protection Muruoa BLU Use Suit Systems”
Final NRC SE: ML06095049
Accepted Version:

Boiling Water Reactor Owners' Group (BWROG) Reports
Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
NEDO-33160, “Regulatory Relaxation for the Post Accident SRV Position Indication System”
Final NRC SE: ML062210067
Accepted Version: ML062910165
SIR-05-044, “Pressure Temperature Report Methodology for Boiling Water Reactors”
Final NRC SE: ML070180483
Accepted Version: expected May 2007

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)/Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Reports
Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
NEI 06-09, Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Initiative 4B, Risk-Managed Technical Specifications (RMTS) Guidelines
Final NRC SE: 5/17/07 ML1200238
Accepted Version:
NEI 04-10, Revision 1, Risk-Informed Technical Specification Initiative 5B, Risk-Informed Method for Control of Surveillance Frequencies
Final NRC SE: 9/19/07 ML072570267
Accepted Version:

GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas LLC (GHNE)/Global Nuclear Fuel (GNF)
Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
NEDE-33214P, “Densification Testing”
Final NRC SE: ML062930264
Accepted Version: 2/7/07, ML070440062
NEDE-24011P, "Amendment 28 to GESTAR II"
Final NRC SE: 3/8/07, ML070470055
Accepted Version: expected June 2008
NEDE-33147P, Revision 1, “DSS-CD TRACG Application”
Final NRC SE: 3/26/07, ML070810314
Accepted Version: 11/5/07, ML073120632
GEXL Correlation
Final NRC SE: 8/3/07, ML072080365
Accepted Version:9/14/07, ML072620192
NEDC-33006P, Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus
Final NRC SE: 9/17/07, ML072550225
Accepted Version:

PWR Owners Group (formerly Westinghouse Owners Group - WOG) Reports
Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
WCAP-16175-P, Revision 0, “Model for Failure of RCP Seals Given Loss of Seal Cooling in CE NSSS Plants”
Final NRC SE: ML070240429
Accepted Version: ML070240429
WCAP-15831-P and NP, Revision 0, “WOG Risk-Informed ATWS Assessment & Licensing Process.”
Final NRC SE: 5/8/07, ML070880469
Accepted Version: ML072550563
BAW-1543(NP), Revision 4, Supplement 6, “Supplement to the Master Integrated Reactor Vessel Surveilance”
Final NRC SE: 6/28/07, ML071770640
Accepted Version: ML072570104
B&WROG - BAW-2461, “Risk-Informed Justification for Containment Isolation Valve AOT”
Final NRC SE: 8/29/07 ML072330227
Accepted Version: ML072980529

Sargent & Lundy, LLC Reports
Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
SL-TR-1A, Revision 18, “Nuclear Quality Assurance Program”
Final NRC SE: ML070220504
Accepted Version: ML070660082

Westinghouse Vendor Reports
Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
WCAP-16045-P-A, Addendum 1, “Qualification of the NEXUS Nuclear Data Methodology”
Final NRC SE: ML070320398
Accepted Version: ML072570325
WCAP-16523-P, Westinghouse Correlations WSSV and WSSV-T for Predicting Critical Heat Flux in Rod Bundles with Side-Supported Mixing Vanes
Final NRC SE: 3/15/07 ML070310357
Accepted Version: ML072570325
CENPD-132, Supplement 4-P-A, Addendum 1 – P Calculative Methods for the CE Nuclear Power Large Break
Final NRC SE: 6/27/07 ML071730336
Accepted Version: ML072570325
WCAP-16500-P, CE 16x16 Next Generation Fuel, Core Reference Report
Final NRC SE: 7/30/07, ML071920269
Accepted Version: ML072500330
WCAP-10266, Rev. 2, Incorporation of LOCBART Method into Large Break LOCA Model with BASH-EM
Final NRC SE: 9/17/07 ML072490348
Accepted Version: ML073060057

Boiling Water Reactor Vessel and Internals Project (BWRVIP) Reports
Task ID (TAC No.) |
Title |
Evaluation of Crack Growth in BWR Shroud Vertical Welds (BWRVIP-80)
Final NRC SE: ML063380234
Accepted Version: **BWRVIP reports submit a –A version for NRC review and approval
Updated April 28, 2008 ML073050451