Public Meeting Schedule

NOTE: When a meeting offers video conferencing at multiple locations, these details will be provided.

Detailed information for each meeting is available by selecting [more...]

Meetings presently scheduled from 09/20/2024 forward

Date/Time Purpose Location Contact
9:30AM -
1:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Topical Report PWROG-18068-NP, Revision 1, “Use of Direct Fracture Toughness for Evaluation of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Integrity” [more...]

Participation: Open


Christopher Brown
(301) 415-7360

1:00PM -
1:20PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for Westinghouse to introduce concepts that they intend for a future white paper for AP300 on "Codes & Standards" including ASME, ANSI, & IEEE codes and standards. This session is for the public and will be followed by a closed meeting to discuss proprietary information on this same topic. [more...]

Participation: Observation


William Gleaves
(301) 415-5848

Jordan Glisan
(301) 415-3478

1:00PM -
2:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of the meeting is for Arizona Power Services Company (APS) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to discuss APS’s planned alternative for the life of the plant pursuant to 10 CFR 50.55a(z)(1), related to pressurizer thermowell nozzle repairs completed at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1 during 2023 fall refueling outage. [more...]

Participation: Observation


William Orders
(301) 415-3329

1:20PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss sensitive proprietary information related to AP300 white paper on "Codes and Standards" between NRC and WEC staff. [more...]

Participation: Closed

William Gleaves
(301) 415-5848

Jordan Glisan
(301) 415-3478

10:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
Meeting with Global Laser Enrichment, LLC (GLE) to discuss the preliminary environmental data for their Paducah Laser Enrichment Facility (PLEF) to be licensed under 10 CFR Part 70. [more...]

Participation: Closed

Matt Bartlett
(301) 415-7154

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
Purpose: The purpose of this preapplication meeting is to discuss with SMR, LLC's (A Holtec International Company) preliminary considerations for the SMR-300 Modularity Design Philosophy. There will be an open portion for the public to participate (about 30 minutes) and a closed portion (about 90 minutes) limited to NRC and Hotlec personnel. The meeting link provided in this notice is for the open portion only. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Emmanuel Sayoc
(301) 415-4084

India Banks
(301) 287-0787

Carolyn Lauron
(301) 415-2736

* Date/Time Change *
3:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of of the meeting is to discuss Southern Nuclear Company's (SNC’s) plan to submit a License Amendment Request for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, regarding being excepted from Regulatory Guide 1.183, "Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors," Revision 0, Table 3, "Non-LOCA Fraction of Fission Product Inventory in Gap," Footnote 11 (L-2024-LRM-0108). [more...]

Participation: Observation


Zachary M. Turner
(301) 415-2258

6:00PM -
8:00PM CT

Meeting info
The NRC staff will present an in-person public outreach information session to discuss the NRC’s assessment of safety performance at Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 for 2023, as described in the 2023 annual assessment letter. The NRC will be available to respond to questions about the safety performance of the station and the role of the NRC and the resident inspectors in ensuring safe plant operations. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A

St. Charles Parish Courthouse
15045 River Road
Hahnville LA
Drew Childs
(817) 200-1981

Alfred Sanchez
(817) 200-1525

11:00AM -
2:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for NRC staff to provide clarification on the Request for Additional Information issued to the Department of Energy on the Draft Basis for Section 3116 Determination for Closure of the Calcined Solids Storage Facility. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Maurice Heath
(301) 415-3137

2:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for Constellation Energy Generation, LLC (Constellation) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff to discuss a planned license amendment submittal to modify the Technical Specifications for Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2, to facilitate modification of the Standby Gas Treatment common discharge line. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Robert Kuntz
(301) 415-3733

* Date/Time Change *
9:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The Forum aims at facilitating strategic discussions on codes and standards needs and priorities across standards development organizations, and organizations that rely on the development of those standards. Also, to facilitate discussions on how to collaborate in accelerating the development of codes and standards and the NRC's endorsement of these codes and standards in its regulations and regulatory guides. The Forum is an interactive meeting, sponsored by the NRC, that engages stakeholders, such as standards development organizations (e.g. ACI, AISC, ANS, ASCE, ASME, IEEE, etc.), industry representatives, research organizations, academia, the general public, and NRC staff. [more...]

Participation: Open

Hybrid - NRC Two White Flint North Auditorium
11545 Rockville Pike
and Microsoft Teams
Rockville MD
Meraj Rahimi
(301) 415-6802

Ramon Gascot Lozada
(301) 415-2004

Robert Roche Rivera
(301) 415-8113

9:00AM -
11:30AM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) topics with the nuclear industry and the public. [more...]

Participation: Observation

11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Brian Benney
(301) 415-2767

1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
The NRC staff is seeking input from external stakeholders as it prepares a report to Congress on efforts to facilitate efficient, timely, and predictable environmental reviews for nuclear reactor applications [more...]

Participation: Comment-Gathering


Lance Rakovan
(301) 415-2589

Ted Smith
(301) 415-6721

11:30AM -
1:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for Oklo to present its planned approach to operations for its advanced reactor design and discuss a topical report that it is considering submitting. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


Donna Williams
(301) 415-1322

* Date/Time Change *
1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting between Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy, the licensee) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff is to discuss a planned license amendment request related to the spent fuel pool racks at Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


Michael Mahoney
(301) 415-3867

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

* Date/Time Change *
1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss Kairos Power LLC's forthcoming topical report on the operator training and testing program and the exemptions necessary to apply the topical report. Approval of the topical report and granting of the exemption(s) will allow Kairos to administer their own reactor operator licensing exams for Hermes 1 and Hermes 2 reactor operators instead of the NRC performing that task. [more...]

Participation: Observation


NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Michael Orenak
(301) 415-3229

1:30PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this partially closed public meeting is to provide and discuss the NRC’s feedback from its review of ACU's white paper titled, "Molten Salt Research Reactor Material Control & Accounting (MC&A)." This discussion will allow ACU to engage with the staff to understand the feedback on the white paper and complete the review process. A closed portion has been scheduled for this meeting in the event that any of the topics require a more detailed discussion that may include proprietary or security related information. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed

Michelle Vega Rodriguez
(301) 415-1170

Richard Rivera
(301) 415-7190

8:30AM -
10:30AM ET

Meeting info
This is a follow-up meeting to the one held on August 8, 2024. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss NRC's feedback to a program that will provide a basis for extending the liquid penetrate testing (PT) examination frequency for embedded flaw repairs (EFR) performed on reactor vessel head penetrations discussed in WCAP-15897-NP-A, Rev. 2. "The NRC Safety Evaluation for WCAP-15897-NP-A, Rev. 2 requires a PT examination of an EFR every refueling outage.” [more...]

Participation: Observation

Virtual Only
Leslie Fields
(301) 415-1186

1:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to solicit external stakeholder input to support the development of the NRC report that will be submitted to Congress related to advanced methods of manufacturing and construction for nuclear energy projects, as described in Section 401 of the ADVANCE Act ( This meeting will be recorded to ensure that all the comments made during the meeting will captured and summarized appropriately for the meeting summary and the report. [more...]

Participation: Comment-Gathering


Mark Yoo
(301) 415-8583

1:00PM -
2:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting between Entergy Operations, Inc. (Entergy, the licensee) and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff is to discuss the licensee's planned exemption request concerning the use of decommissioning funds for disposal of major radiological components for Arkansas Nuclear One, Units 1 and 2. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Mahesh Chawla
(301) 415-8371

Jason Drake
(301) 415-8378

Thomas Byrd
(301) 415-3719

8:30AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Accident Analysis: Accident Selection in Support of Emergency Planning and Siting [more...]

Participation: Open


NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Michael Snodderly
(301) 415-7360

10/01/24 -
8:30AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose for this workshop is to explore the state of knowledge (including operating experience, research activities, and associated engineering analyses) related to the performance of passive systems, structures and components (SSCs) during long-term operations of existing light water reactors and identify any research needs to provide assurance of the continued adequacy of existing aging management programs. The workshop is focused on identifying new, or immature, research topics related to aging effects and mitigation that may become important at such long operating times. Such efforts are intended to be distinct from current and near-term research activities unless the current activities have specific aspects that support extended operation. On October 4th, there will be a Joint NRC- OECD/NEA Hybrid Workshop on International Concrete Harvesting at the same location. The detailed information and registration could be found in ADAMS ML#: ML24218A071 [more...]

Participation: Open


NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
TWFN Auditorium
Rockville MD
Mekonen Bayssie
(301) 415-1699

Jeff Poehler
(301) 415-8353

Madhumita Sircar
(301) 415-1804

9:00AM -
10:30AM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this preapplication meeting is to discuss with SMR, LLC (Holtec) its Control Rod Drive System (CRDS) Testing for the SMR-300 design. There will be a brief open session to introduce the topic to members of the public, followed by a proprietary closed session. [more...]

Participation: Observation


India Banks
(301) 287-0787

Emmanuel Sayoc
(301) 415-4084

Carolyn Lauron
(301) 415-2736

1:00PM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Design-Centered Review: NuScale Mitigate Beyond-Design-Basis Events Topical Report [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Michael Snodderly
(301) 415-7360

1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
To provide the results of the NRC staff's environmental review of the license renewal environmental report for Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1, as documented in its draft environmental impact statement, and provide an opportunity for public comment on the NRC Staff's findings. [more...]

Participation: Comment-Gathering


Lance Rakovan
(301) 415-2589

1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
This is a pre-application meeting to discuss TN Americas LLC plans to submit an amendment to the Certificate of Compliance No. 1004 requesting to add a 61BTH Type 3 dry shielded canister. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Christian Jacobs
(301) 415-6825

1:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
For the NRC management and BWROG executives to discuss current BWR issues of interest. [more...]

Participation: Observation

Demetrius Muray
(301) 415-7646

10/02/24 -
8:30AM -
6:00PM ET

Meeting info
719th ACRS Full Committee Meeting [more...]

Participation: Open


NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Quynh Nguyen
(301) 415-7360

11:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this pre-submittal meeting between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant is to discuss the future license amendment to remove the main steam line radiation monitor trip and isolation functions. [more...]

Participation: Observation


James Kim
(301) 415-4125

4:00PM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for the NRC staff to discuss with Holtec Decommissioning International (HDI) representatives questions regarding the NRC staff's review of the Main Steam Line Break Analysis for Palisades Plant [more...]

Participation: Closed

Ngola Otto
(301) 415-6695

Justin Poole
(301) 415-2048

6:00PM -
8:00PM ET

Meeting info
To provide the results of the NRC staff's environmental review of the license renewal environmental report for Perry Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1, as documented in its draft environmental impact statement, and provide an opportunity for public comment on the NRC Staff's findings. [more...]

Participation: Comment-Gathering


Lance Rakovan
(301) 415-2589

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

10:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
Meeting with the Organization of Agreement States and the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (Public Meeting) [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Commission Hearing Room
Rockville MD
Jeffrey Lynch
(301) 415-5041

12:30PM -
12:50PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this pre-application meeting is for Westinghouse to make a pre-submittal presentation on their AP300 white paper on "Emergency Planning Zone Definition." [more...]

Participation: Observation


William Gleaves
(301) 415-5848

Glisan, Jordan
(301) 415-3478

12:50PM -
2:20PM ET

Meeting info
This is a pre-submittal meeting to discuss proprietary information related to WECs future AP300 white paper on "Emergency Planning Zone" [more...]

Participation: Closed

William Gleaves
(301) 415-5848

Jordan Glisan
(301) 415-3478

* Date/Time Change *
10:30AM -
1:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to continue an ongoing discussion of the proposed guidance document developed by members of TRTR on compliance with the regulations in Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.59 “Changes, tests and experiments,” emphasizing aspects of digital upgrades specific to research and test reactors. This meeting will review comment responses from TRTR . NEI 23-03 was submitted to the NRC for endorsement as a supplement to NEI 21-06. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Duane A. Hardesty
(301) 415-3724

Norbert Carte
(301) 415-5890

Dave Beaulieu
(301) 415-3243

1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
Discuss the IMPEP Review Results with Wyoming [more...]

Participation: Observation


11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Robert Johnson
(301) 415-7314

Lee Smith
(301) 415-5139

Elaine Raphael
(301) 415-0836

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

8:30AM -
5:00PM ET

* Meeting Canceled *
Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Digital Instrumentation and Control and Electrical Systems: Review of Limerick Digital License Amendment Request and Staff Safety Evaluation [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Christina Antonescu
(301) 415-7360

10:00AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Regulatory Rulemaking, Policies, and Practices: Draft Office of the Secretary Paper on Nth-of-a-Kind (NOAK) Micro-Reactor Licensing [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Derek Widmayer
(301) 415-7360

12:30PM -
12:50PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for Westinghouse to introduce concepts that they intend for a future white paper for AP300 on "Safety Analysis Codes and Methods." This session is for the public and will be followed by a closed meeting to discuss proprietary information on this same topic. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Jordan Glisan
(301) 415-3478

William Gleaves
(301) 415-5848

12:50PM -
3:30PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for Westinghouse to introduce PROPRIETARY concepts that they intend for a future white paper for AP300 on "Safety Analysis Codes and Methods." [more...]

Participation: Closed

William Gleaves
(301) 415-5848

Jordan Glisan
(301) 415-3478

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

9:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
During this presubmittal meeting, NEI plans to describe changes to NEI 20-07, Draft Revision E. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed


Michael Marshall
(301) 415-2871

Robert "Rob" Kuntz
(301) 415-3733

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

10:00AM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
The purpose of these periodic advanced reactor stakeholder meetings is to share information and discuss topics related to the licensing and regulation of advanced reactors with the nuclear industry and other stakeholders. This meeting will be a hybrid meeting and use Microsoft Teams. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A


One White Flint North 01-F23
Ramachandran Subbaratnam
(301) 415-1116

1:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
Commission Meeting: Today and Tomorrow Across Region II Business Lines (Public Meeting) [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Region II Office, Marquis One Tower
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, NE,
8th Floor Conference Center
Atlanta GA
Katie McCurry
(404) 997-4438

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

8:30AM -
12:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on RG 1.251, "Technology Inclusive Risk Informed and Performance Based Methodology for Seismic Design of Advanced Reactors" (ML22061A016) and RG 1.252, "Seismically Isolated Nuclear Power Plants" (ML22061A019) [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Kent Howard
(301) 415-7360

1:00PM -
5:00PM ET

Meeting info
ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Design-Centered Review: NuScale Standard Design Approval on Chapters 3.1-6, 3.9.1, 3.9.3, 3C, 8, and 14 [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Michael Snodderly
(301) 415-7360

11/06/24 -
8:30AM -
6:00PM ET

Meeting info
720th ACRS Full Committee Meeting [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Quynh Nguyen
(301) 415-7360

1:00PM -
3:00PM ET

Meeting info
Discuss the IMPEP Review Results with North Dakota [more...]

Participation: Observation


11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Robert Johnson
(301) 415-7314

Lee Smith
(301) 415-5139

Elaine Raphael
(301) 415-0836

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

12/04/24 -
8:30AM -
6:00PM ET

Meeting info
721st ACRS Full Committee Meeting [more...]

Participation: Open

NRC Two White Flint North
11545 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Quynh Nguyen
(301) 415-7360

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

2:00PM -
4:00PM ET

Meeting info
To discuss NuScale Standard Design Approval Application. A portion of the meeting may be closed to the public for proprietary discussion. [more...]

Participation: Observation


Getachew Tesfaye
(301) 415-8013

Stacy Joseph
(301) 415-3256

9:00AM ET

Meeting info
testing 321 [more...]

Participation: Observation

NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
(202) 555-1212

9:00AM ET

Meeting info
Test BAW 2 [more...]

Participation: Observation

NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
(202) 555-1212

Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, November 19, 2021