Frequently Asked Questions About 10 CFR Part 37

This page provides answers to non-technical frequently asked questions about the implementation of 10 CFR Part 37. For answers to technical questions, please view NUREG-2155.

Index to All Frequently Asked Questions Pages

Is there a Part 37 training course?

NRC Materials Control, Security Systems, & Principles Course (S-201) is a week-long course that provides NRC and Agreement State staff with a basic understanding of physical protection systems and the NRC's security requirements for materials licensees that are authorized to possess Category 1 and 2 radioactive materials, as required under Part 37.

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When will the licensing guidance in the NUREG-1556 series be updated with references to Part 37?

Currently, all NUREG-1556 series have been updated. NUREG-1556 is publically available and a majority of the volumes will provide reference to Part 37.

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Is there a Part 37 implementing guide available?

The implementing guidance for Part 37 is in NUREG-2155 (Revision 1, as of January 2015).

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Is other guidance available for physical security?

In May 2014, the staff developed a "best practices guide" (NUREG-2166) to provide practical guidance on effective use of physical security technology and procedures.

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Are inspection procedures for Part 37 available?

Inspection procedure (IP-87137) was completed on December 3, 2020.

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Is there enforcement guidance available?

NRC's current enforcement guidance can be found in the NRC Enforcement Policy, and the NRC Enforcement Manual.

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Is there guidance on the protection of sensitive information?

The guidance for the protection of sensitive information is in RIS-2005-31, Revision 1 and was published on December 26, 2017.  It is estimated that the NRC will transition to the government-wide Controlled Unclassified Information program in 2022.

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What is the process for transmittal of security-related NRC generic communications to licensees?

The NRC's generic communications are typically transmitted to NRC materials licensees via e-mail, if provided, or mail using contact information stored in the NRC's Web-based Licensing (WBL) system.[1]  During the licensing process (i.e., applications for new licenses, amendments to existing licenses, or license renewals), NRC licensee contact information is recorded in WBL using information supplied by the licensee on the NRC Form 313, "Application for Materials License." 

How can I ensure that the appropriate licensee personnel responsible for implementing Part 37 physical protection requirements receive security-related NRC generic communications?

To ensure that the appropriate licensee personnel responsible for implementing Part 37 physical protection requirements receive NRC's generic communications, the NRC encourages NRC materials licensees to provide updates of contact information to the licensing team at the appropriate NRC regional office as listed on the NRC Form 313.  In the cases where the main licensee contact is not the individual responsible for implementing Part 37 physical protection requirements, it is expected that the licensee will distribute the generic communications to the appropriate personnel within their organization.

In addition, the NRC maintains an e-mail list server for electronic distribution of generic communications.  To subscribe to this list server, follow the instructions on the NRC Generic Communications Web site.  While subscribers to this list server will receive generic communications related to multiple disciplines (e.g., power reactors, materials, fuel cycle facilities), subscription to this list server can facilitate awareness of the availability of these communications, which, in turn, allows individuals and entities to identify and review correspondence of interest and relevance to their respective organizations and activities.

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Who can I contact if I have a question or concern?

For any questions or comments related to any 10 CFR Part 37 topic, please send an email to

[1] WBL provides an up-to-date repository of all licenses authorizing the possession of Category 1 and Category 2 quantities of radioactive material nationwide.  WBL serves as the authoritative licensing system for all specific materials licenses issued by the NRC and thus contains all NRC-issued licenses authorizing the possession of Category 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 quantities of radioactive material.  Agreement States may also choose to use WBL as their licensing system.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, January 28, 2022