Recent FOIA Requests – July 2014

This page presents a chronological listing of the subject and reference number of each Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act (FOIA/PA) Request submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) during July 2014. For additional detail, see the Index of Closed FOIA/PA Requests by Subject.

Description FOIA/PA Number
Copy of OI Report No. 3-2013-018 FOIA/PA-2014-0366
All communications between NRC and listed Japanese government's liaison officers FOIA/PA-2014-0365
Copies of investigation files, OI Report, and all other materials related to 1-2013-006 FOIA/PA-2014-0364
Copy of contract or interagency agreement that NRC secured regarding the One Million Radiation Worker and Atomic Veteran Study FOIA/PA-2014-0363
Request a FOIA release for USW Local 5-550, for document Security Incident Report No. 14-007 FOIA/PA-2014-0362
No Fear Act Annual Reports to Congress in accord. With section 203 of Pub. L. 107-174 FOIA/PA-2014-0361
Request documents related to original construction for Hope Creek Generating Station FOIA/PA-2014-0360
Complete "A" files for Roberto Martinez Bonilla FOIA/PA-2014-0359
Resubmittal Resubmittal  of FOIA/PA-2014-0218 FOIA/PA-2014-0358
Sites in possession/use of radioactive materials regulated by NRC FOIA/PA-2014-0357
All records concerning client who suffered radiation exposure at Farley NPP FOIA/PA-2014-0356
All emails in the possession of Marian Zobler sent or received on September 18,19 or 20, 2012 FOIA/PA-2014-0355
All emails in the possession of Susan Vrahoretis sent or received on September 18,19 or 20, 2012 FOIA/PA-2014-0354
Records associated wtih OIG Case #A13-07114 FOIA/PA-2014-0353
Records associated wtih OIG Case #A12-06876 FOIA/PA-2014-0352
Records associated wtih OIG Case #A13-07251 FOIA/PA-2014-0351
Records associated wtih OIG Case #A13-07295 FOIA/PA-2014-0350
Copies of information regarding cleanup and shutdown of the nuclear waste dump known as the Shallow Land Disposal Area (SLDA) in Parks Township, PA FOIA/PA-2014-0349
All correspondence by or addressed to NRC staffer concerning the Jocassee Dam and/or the flooding hazard at the Oconee nuclear power plant FOIA/PA-2014-0348
Records associated with OIG Case #A11-06828 FOIA/PA-2014-0347
Records associated with OIG Case #A11-06811 FOIA/PA-2014-0346
Records associated with OIG Case #A11-06710 FOIA/PA-2014-0345
Records associated with OIG Case #A10-06606 FOIA/PA-2014-0344
Documents related to construction of the Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant, up until 1980 FOIA/PA-2014-0343
Records associated with the explosion at Medina Base on November 13, 1963 FOIA/PA-2014-0342
Request records associated with OIG Allegation #A13-07258 and Case #13-045 FOIA/PA-2014-0341
Request for listed documents pertaining to Rulemaking FOIA/PA-2014-0340
Results of an investigation on the completeness and accuracy of information regarding steam generator degradation at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station FOIA/PA-2014-0339
Records associated with OIG Allegation #A13-07267 FOIA/PA-2014-0338
Records associated with OIG Allegation #A14-07312 FOIA/PA-2014-0337
Records associated with OIG Allegation #A13-07209 FOIA/PA-2014-0336
All emails in the possession of Chairman Macfarlane that were sent or received on Sept. 18, 19 or 20, 2012 FOIA/PA-2014-0335
All emails in the possession of Joseph McMillan that were sent or received on Sept. 18, 19 or 20, 2012 FOIA/PA-2014-0334
All emails in the possession of Daniel Cardenas sent or received on September 18,19 or 20, 2012 FOIA/PA-2014-0333
Records associated with OIG Allegation Case #13-07105 FOIA/PA-2014-0332
Records associated w/NRC-OIG Allegation Case #A13-07296 FOIA/PA-2014-0331
APPEAL: APPEAL:  Denial of Information (FOIA/PA-2014-0247) FOIA/PA-2014-0030A
Records associated with OIG case #A13-07231 FOIA/PA-2014-0330
Documents associated with the listed OIG closed investigations as specified FOIA/PA-2014-0329
Complete OI case file of the OSHA investigator of referenced case FOIA/PA-2014-0328
APPEAL: APPEAL:  Lack of Response (FOIA/PA-2014-0170) FOIA/PA-2014-0029A
All records pertaining to named individual contained in NRC's Privacy Act System of Records NRC-18 FOIA/PA-2014-0327
Records associated with OIG Allegation 12-07014 as specified FOIA/PA-2014-0326
Records associated with OIG Allegation 11-06702 as specified FOIA/PA-2014-0325
Records associated with OIG Allegation 11-06735 as specified FOIA/PA-2014-0324
Records associated with OIG Allegation 12-07095 as specified FOIA/PA-2014-0323
Records associated with OIG Allegation 12-07080 as specified FOIA/PA-2014-0322
Records associated with OIG Case 12-080 as specified FOIA/PA-2014-0321
Draft response to Missouri State Representative Jeanette Oxford from Chairman MacFarlane and related documents to that letter FOIA/PA-2014-0320
Documents pertaining to June 21, 2012 meeting in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building about Parks Township, PA nuclear waste dump FOIA/PA-2014-0319
Any premium travel annual report for any fiscal years transmitted to OMB, and first class reports from 2009 to most recent FOIA/PA-2014-0318
All documents related to the Stator Exchange Project at Arkansas Nuclear One, which resulted in an accident on March 31, 2013 FOIA/PA-2014-0317
Copy of listed documents for OIG investigation C 10 018 NRC Network Intrusions Project FOIA/PA-2014-0316
The three previous operational reactor safeguards exam reports for the USS San Juan FOIA/PA-2014-0315
All records of allegations and/or case opened by OIG in response to January 20, 2011 regarding a Shutdown Margin Calculation at Callaway Plant FOIA/PA-2014-0314
The NRC Rulemaking:  Web Assistance for Rulemaking Staff FOIA/PA-2014-0313
All correspondences generated for all listed RII allegation reports FOIA/PA-2014-0312
USA Federal Publications from when NRC started to present or to date FOIA/PA-2014-0311
NRC transition briefing materials FOIA/PA-2014-0310
Civil and administrative violations of the Atomic Energy Act for which monetary penalty was assessed for Calendar Year 2013 as specified FOIA/PA-2014-0309
Copy of each response to a Question for the Record (QFR) provided to Congress by NRC, since January 1, 2009 FOIA/PA-2014-0308
The statement of work and the winning proposal of contract no: NRC-DR-33-10-324 as described FOIA/PA-2014-0307
The statement of work and the winning proposal of contract no: NRC-DR-33-10-323 as described FOIA/PA-2014-0306
APPEAL: release decisions regarding 2014-0240 FOIA/PA-2014-0028A
APPEAL: Denial of Information (FOIA/PA-2014-0247) FOIA/PA-2014-0027A

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 9, 2021