OI report and transcript for OI-4-2011-059 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0238 |
Log of all FOIA requests submitted concerning named Senator and Governor |
FOIA/PA-2012-0237 |
Copies of letters between former NRC Chairman Klein, Chairman Jaczko and Gov. Daniels and McDonnell |
FOIA/PA-2012-0236 |
Fort Calhoun, all communications June 1, 2011 through May 18, 2012 relating to Flood Damage Impacts Identified underground systems, structures and components, and recovery plan |
FOIA/PA-2012-0235 |
Document marked LA-356 regarding Trinity Nuclear Test conducted in 1945 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0234 |
Correspondence from or on behalf of Senator George Allen and named entities |
FOIA/PA-2012-0233 |
All copies of Radioactive Waste Materials Spent Fuel/Underground Storage Tanks of Petroleum in mentioned area of Florida |
FOIA/PA-2012-0232 |
All drafts and revisions of Sandia letter report, Analysis of Emergency Spray Mitigation of Spent Fuel Pool Loss-of-Coolant Inventory Accidents |
FOIA/PA-2012-0231 |
Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 and 2, any and all documents pertaining to asbestos-containing equipment, machinery, products, and materials installed 1967-1974 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0230 |
Closing memo, final report, report of investigation for each closed investigation mentioned in June 24, 2011 letter to Senators Grassley and Coburn |
FOIA/PA-2012-0229 |
Closing memo, final report, report of investigation for each closed investigation mentioned in November 10, 2011 letter to Senators Grassley and Coburn |
FOIA/PA-2012-0228 |
Closing memo, final report, report of investigation for each closed investigation mentioned in January 11, 2011 letter to Senators Grassley and Coburn |
FOIA/PA-2012-0227 |
Closing memo, final report, report of investigation for each of the closed investigations mentioned in June 15, 2010 letter to Senator Grassley and Coburn |
FOIA/PA-2012-0226 |
Records related to named individual early grade promotion, position description review, and desk audit from 1/27/11 – 5/16/12 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0225 |
Copy of the CD and digital photos sent by the NRC team in Tokyo to the NRC Operations Center as referenced in ML12128A335 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0224 |
Any and all information radioactive materials, environmental inspections, audits, permits, plans, enforcement releases, investigations, clean-ups at WestClox, Peru IL |
FOIA/PA-2012-0223 |
Numerical changes in covered titles between the issuance of the JFS and the required 12 month OPM implementation accomplishment date, May 31, 2012 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0222 |
Any and all records on releases of Uranium UF-6-Fluoride at Metropolis, IL (Allied Chemical) 1959-1962 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0221 |
Correspondence with Southern California Edison regarding Steam Generator replacement at San Onofre 2003-2012 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0220 |
Fukushima Daiichi lesson plans, power point presentations, timelines, etc..for R104, R304, R504 training courses and for the 3hr training session conducted by TTC instructor for OIG week of 4/23/12 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0219 |
Copy of Predictions of Spent Fuel Heatup After a Complete loss of Spent Fuel Pool Coolant |
FOIA/PA-2012-0218 |
Correspondence logs pertaining to Senator Rob Portman and his staff 1/13/11-5/4/12 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0217 |
Correspondence logs pertaining to Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels office from 1/10/05-5/4/12 and Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell office from 1/16/10-5/4/12 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0216 |
Any and all documents pertaining to incidents/accidents at Fort Calhoun Power Reactor 8/9/73-5/2/12 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0215 |
Records pertaining to Constellation Energy Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant regarding issue and suspension of plant unescorted access, including medical related documents and pre-access investigation documents on named individual 5/2008-8/2011 |
FOIA/PA-2012-0214 |
Any and all information on cannabinoids, use of cannabinoids toward economic gain, and agency policy related to public inquiry |
FOIA/PA-2012-0213 |
Complete listing of all permit recipients, contractors, sub-contractors working for the construction and operation of Plant Vogtle Reactors III and IV |
FOIA/PA-2012-0212 |
Any and all documents pertaining to the list of fire protection non-compliances, the compensatory measures at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station |
FOIA/PA-2012-0211 |
All documents that fall within listed document categories pertaining to Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., Erwin, TN |
FOIA/PA-2012-0210 |
PT Night Sights Las Vegas, NV, radioactive Materials License, materials permitted on-site and dates license was active |
FOIA/PA-2012-0209 |