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Area Chapter Title CN Number Word
TI 2515/194, Revision 2 Inspection of the Licensees' Implementation of Industry Initiative Associated with the Open Phase Condition Design Vulnerabilities in Electric Power Systems (NRC Bulletin 2012 01) 20-039 .docx
TI 2600/016, Revision 1 Inspection of Activities Associated with NRC Generic Letter 2015-01 16-029 .docx
TI 2690/011, Revision 1 Review of Aging Management Programs at Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations 20-010 .docx
TI 2800/041, Rev 1
10 CFR Part 37 Physical Protection of Category 1 And Category 2 Quantities Of Radioactive Material At Facilities With A 10 CFR Part 73 Physical Protection Program 15-013  
TI 2800/043 r4 Inspection of Facilities Potentially Contaminated With Discrete Radium-226 Sources 20-076 .docx
TI 2800/044 Assessment of Physical Protection Requirements Under 10 CFR 150.14 For Agreement State Licensees Possessing, Using, or Transporting Special Nuclear Material of Low Strategic Significance 23-005 .docx

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, July 18, 2024