Information Notice No. 85-35, Supplement 1: Failure of Air Check Valves to Seat
May 17, 1988
Information Notice No. 85-35, SUPPLEMENT 1: FAILURE OF AIR CHECK
All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power
This information notice is being provided to alert addressees to potential
problems resulting from failures in instrument air system check valves
intended to isolate safety-related air accumulators under accident
conditions. It is expected that recipients will review the information for
applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as appropriate, to
avoid similar problems. However, suggestions contained in this information
notice do not constitute NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or
written response is required.
Description of Circumstances:
In December 1985 the NRC staff conducted a safety systems outage
modification inspection (SSOMI) at Fort Calhoun Station, Unit 1. As a result
of the escalated enforcement action following the SSOMI, the licensee
committed to test air check valves associated with the safety-related air
accumulators that provide air for various control valves and instruments on
loss of the instrument air system. On April 15, 1988, as a result of check
valve testing, the licensee found excessive leakage past four accumulator
check valves in the air bubbler instrumentation used for initiation of the
recirculation actuation signal (RAS). The valves had not been previously
tested or included in the plant surveillance program. The licensee found
that the check valves were not designed for air service and replaced them
with soft-seat, spring-loaded valves.
At Fort Calhoun the level in the safety injection and refueling water tank
(SIRWT) is determined from the pressure in six air bubbler lines that extend
to the bottom of the SIRWT. Two of the lines provide control room indication
of level along with high/low level alarms. Four of the lines are used in
two-out-of-four logic circuitry to provide input into the recirculation
actuation signal. This signal provides automatic emergency core cooling
system (ECCS) pump suction switchover from the SIRWT to the sump on low
SIRWT level. The instrument air system supplying all air bubbler lines is
not safety-related, seismically qualified or supplied with vital power.
IN 85-35, Supplement 1
May 17, 1988
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The four lines that provide for automatic ECCS switchover are provided with
safety-related accumulators designed to maintain air pressure following
design-basis events for which instrument air is assumed to be lost. Check
valves separate each of the four accumulators from the instrument air
system. Failure of these check valves would cause the accumulators to fully
or partially discharge through the instrument air system if instrument air
pressure was lost. Loss of accumulator air could cause a premature
switchover of the ECCS and containment spray pumps following a
loss-of-coolant accident. If premature switchover occurred, the containment
sump might be dry or might have an inadequate water level to provide net
positive suction pressure to the pumps during a design basis event. This
could lead to damage of the pumps and their subsequent unavailability. The
RAS initiation also secures the low pressure injection pumps and isolates
the miniflow recirculation lines for the SI pumps back to the SIRWT. In
addition, control room indication of SIRWT level would not be available if
the instrument air pressure were lost since these bubblers do not have air
Although the specific event described here occurred on a pressurized water
reactor, failure of air check valves to seat when required to ensure
availability of air from safety-related accumulators could be a problem on
any type reactor.
No specific action or written response is required by this information
notice. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the
technical contact listed below or the Regional Administrator of the
appropriate regional office.
Charles E. Rossi, Director
Division of Operational Events Assessment
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical Contact: John Thompson, NRR
(301) 492-1175
Attachment: List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021