Information Notice No. 84-89: Stress Corrosion Cracking in Nonsensitized 316 Stainless Steel
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 84-89
December 7, 1984
Information Notice No. 84-89: STRESS CORROSION CRACKING IN
All boiling water power reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL)
or construction permit (CP).
This information notice is provided to alert recipients of a potentially
significant problem pertaining to cracking of Type 316L, low carbon
stainless steel jet pump inlet riser safe ends, especially in the safe end
to the thermal sleeve weld area. It is expected that recipients will review
the information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions,
if appropriate, to preclude a similar problem occurring at their facilities.
However, suggestions contained in this information notice do not constitute
NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response is
Description of Circumstances:
On July 27, 1984, the Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO) reported that
indications of cracks had been identified in the 12-in. jet pump inlet riser
(recirculation) safe ends during pipe replacement activities at the Peach
Bottom 2 plant. Liquid-dye-penetrant examination of three of the safe ends
revealed circumferential indications in the safe end near the thermal sleeve
attachment weld in two of the nozzles (see sketch). These indications were
about 0.25 to 0.70-in. in length. A boat sample containing the tip of one of
the indications was removed for examination. The safe ends are 12-in. Type
316L, low carbon stainless steel with a pipe-end wall thickness of 0.83 in.
and a vessel-end wall thickness of 1.20-in.
Ultrasonic examinations of the safe ends inboard of the thermal sleeve
attachment weld were deferred until decontamination because radiation levels
were high in this area. The configuration, required the use of special
automatic ultrasonic examination equipment. Several probes with different
scanning angles were used. On August 14, 1984, General Electric and PECO
provided preliminary ultrasonic examination results for the 10 jet pump
inlet riser safe ends. By August 20, it was ascertained by ultrasonic
examination of these safe ends and both 28-in. recirculation suction safe
ends that there were 14
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December 7, 1984
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shallow circumferential indications in five riser safe ends. These shallow
indications were present on the noncreviced side of the weld on all five
affected safe ends and on the creviced side of the weld on two of the five
safe ends. The majority of the indications on the noncreviced side were
about 1/2 in. long and 1/16 in. deep. The maximum reported,indication on the
creviced side was about 3 in. long by less than 1/8 in. deep. One additional
axial indication of undetermined length also was identified in one of these
safe ends. Ultrasonic examinations did not identify any indications irk the
recirculation suction safe ends.
Independent ultrasonic examination of the jet pump inlet riser safe ends
confirmed eight indications (seven circumferential, one axial). Additional
radiographic testing and liquid-dye-penetrant examinations will be performed
on the riser safe ends.
GE reported that metallurgical examination of the boat sample showed that
the indications were intergranular stress corrosion cracking, both on the
noncreviced side and the creviced side of the weld. In addition, the
cracking on the noncreviced side of the weld was associated with a surface
that had been upset or cold worked. It was confirmed that the material was
of low carbon content and nonsensitized.
This event raised a concern that may prove to have generic implications for
the following reasons:
1. The cracks are in low carbon stainless steel both in creviced and
noncreviced locations.
2. This represents the first field experience where cracking has occurred
in a low carbon grade austenitic stainless steel.
3. The design configuration at the safe end/thermal sleeve weld location
requires the use of special ultrasonic equipment and techniques.
4. Laboratory test data has shown that cracks could occur at creviced or
cold worked locations in low carbon grades of austenitic stainless
The NRC is continuing to review relevant design and material information for
all boiling water reactors to aid in assessing generic implications.
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December 7, 1984
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No specific action or written response is required by this information
notice. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the
Regional Administrator of the appropriate NRC regional office or this
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contacts: Warren Hazelton, NRR
(301) 492-8075
Paul Cortland, IE
(301) 492-4175
1. Sketch Showing Riser Safe End/Thermal Sleeve Attachment
2. List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021