Information Notice No. 84-87: Piping Thermal Deflection Induced by Stratified Flow
SSINS No. 6835
IN 84-87
December 3, 1984
All nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating license (OL) or
construction permit (CP).
This notice is provided to inform licensees and applicants of a recent event
that demonstrates a previously unidentified mechanism for piping system and
pipe support damage. Recipients are expected to review the information for
applicability to their facilities and consider actions, if appropriate, to
preclude similar problems occurring at their facilities. However,
suggestions contained in this information notice do not constitute NRC
requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response is required.
Description of Circumstances:
On August 22, 1984, WNP-2 experienced a thermal transient that damaged a
portion of the feedwater system. Following an outage of about 5 days, the
plant began to slowly admit feedwater to the reactor vessel with the reactor
at about 1% power. About 15 minutes after beginning flow, the licensee heard
a dull "thud" in the plant. The licensee found several feedwater pipe
hangers and snubbers damaged and a flange loosened, allowing a small leak of
feedwater. The licensee reported the event to the NRC Operations Center as a
"water hammer"; but after consulting with experts and considering other
circumstances, the licensee determined that the event could be the result of
a thermal deflection induced by stratified flow. In this type of transient,
the plant's configuration and the slow admission of cold feedwater to a pipe
filled with high temperature water causes stratified flow in the pipe with
cold water cooling the bottom of the pipe and hot water remaining in the top
of the pipe. The difference in temperature between the top and bottom of the
pipe causes the pipe to bend and may pull hangers out of their supports.
An unusual design feature of the WNP-2 plant allows the feedwater system to
be heated by the reactor water cleanup system (RWCUS). The RWCUS return
lines join two 24-inch feedwater lines upstream of two isolation check
valves, but downstream of normally open motor-operated valves. In many
boiling water reactors, the RWCUS enters the feedwater system between the
inboard and outboard isolation check valves so that reverse flow of the
RWCUS into the feedwater system is not possible.
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December 3, 1984
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When the RWCUS is operating at WNP-2, but feedwater is not, flow is
insufficient to open both sets of check valves. Some of the RWCUS return
flows in the reverse direction back into the feedwater system before
returning to the vessel. Consequently, during hot standby, the RWCUS flow
heats a long run of horizontal feedwater piping. When a low rate of
feedwater flow is initiated, the cold feedwater (about 100 F) flows along
the bottom of the pipe. The pipe bending phenomenon occurs because of the
large temperature difference between the top of the pipe (previously heated
to about 400 F by the RWCUS flow) and the bottom of the pipe cooled by the
feedwater. Any system configuration and operating conditions where
stratified flow can cause large temperature differences between the top and
bottom of a pipe could produce the pipe bending phenomenon.
Following the event on August 22, 1984, the licensee instrumented the
feedwater line to detect and record pipe movement and differences in
temperature between the top and bottom of the pipe. The additional
instrumentation for detecting and recording pipe movement was installed both
in positions that were suspected of moving such as at a hanger that failed,
and in positions that were suspected of not moving such as at a hanger that
was believed to be acting as a fulcrum. Despite procedures designed to
preclude recurrence of the event, the event occurred again following a scram
from 60% power on September 10, 1984. Because of the instrumentation on the
feedwater lines the licensee can exclude other explanations for the
phenomenon, such as water hammer.
The licensee's investigation of this complex phenomenon is detailed in a
report titled "Design Engineering Report, WNP-2 Feedwater Thermal Deflection
Events" and will not be repeated here. Copies of the report may be obtained
Mr. P. L. Powell, Manager
WNP-2 Licensing
Washington Public Power Supply System
P. O. Box 968
3000 George Washington Way
Richland, Washington 99352
Although this report is useful as a description of the event, the NRC has
not evaluated the report and does not necessarily endorse all of the
conclusions of the report.
Other licensees may wish to consider whether events that are apparently
water hammer are caused by a pipe bending phenomenon similar to that which
has occurred at WNP-2. Any time a licensee slowly feeds cold water into a
hot filled pipe there may be the potential for this type of event.
There are several reasons why licensees may wish to determine if some
apparent water hammers are really a thermal-gradient-induced pipe bending
1. Piping systems can be designed to accommodate this phenomenon without
damage, thereby preventing further events. Repositioning,
strengthening, or modifying pipe supports or hangers and snubbers may
allow for pipe movement.
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December 3, 1984
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2. The stresses on the pipes subject to thermal pipe bending may or may
not be within the design capacity of the pipes.
3. Changes to operating procedures may prevent pipe bending caused by
stratified flow.
No specific action or written response is required by this information
notice. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact the
Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional office or this office.
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: Eric Weiss, IE
(301) 492-9005
Attachment: List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021