Information Notice No. 84-81: Inadvertent Reduction in Primary Coolant Inventory in Boiling Water Reactors During Shutdown and Startup
SSINS No.: 6835
IN 84-81
November 16, 1984
All boiling water reactor (BWR) facilities holding an operating license (OL)
or construction permit (CP).
This information notice is being provided to inform licensees of a
potentially significant problem pertaining to the inadvertent reduction of
reactor pressure vessel (RPV) coolant inventory at BWRs. It is expected that
recipients will review this notice for applicability to their facilities and
consider actions, if appropriate, to preclude a similar problem from
occurring at their facilities. However, suggestions contained in this
information notice do not constitute NRC requirements; therefore, no
specific action or written response is required.
Description of Circumstances:
There have been five relatively recent events at BWR facilities involving
reductions of RPV inventory while the reactor was shut down or starting up.
Washington Nuclear Power Unit 2
On August 23, 1984, Washington Nuclear Power Unit 2 (WNP-2) experienced a
loss of 25 inches of RPV coolant inventory through the residual heat removal
(RHR) system to the radwaste system. The reactor was going to cold shutdown
from low power (~l%). While warming the B loop of the RHR system for
shutdown cooling, the shutdown cooling isolation valve closed because of a
shutdown line high-flow signal. Because it was not alarmed in the control
room, this condition was not noticed for about 15 minutes while the isolated
line continued to drain to the radwaste system. When the valve was reopened,
25 inches of RPV inventory drained into the evacuated RHR line. The drop in
RPV level was noticed by the operator, who reclosed the suction valve. The
reactor protective system (RPS) initiated a scram and the primary
containment isolation system (PCIS) isolated the RHR system with the vessel
level at +12.5 inches. This is approximately 174 inches above the top of the
core. The loop was refilled and warmup was continued. A plant modification
was made to provide audible annunciation in the control room of the closure
of the isolation valves.
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November 16, 1984
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On August 7, 1984, WNP-2 was starting up with the RPV at 400 psig and
feedwater flow not yet established with a condensate booster pump. The main
steam line drains were opened to the main condenser and RPV level decreased
to +13 inches in about 15 minutes. RPS and PCIS initiated to terminate the
event. The drain lines were closed and RPV level was restored. A caution
statement was added to the minimum startup checklist to prevent opening a
steam line flow path before establishing feedwater flow via the condensate
LaSalle Unit 1
On June 11, 1982, LaSalle 1 experienced a loss of approximately 3,000
gallons of RPV inventory to RHR piping. LaSalle 1 had an unirradiated core
and was in initial startup. The B loop of the RHR system was aligned in the
shutdown cooling mode and the A loop was in the standby mode. While
performing a local leak rate test on the A loop drywell spray outboard
isolation valve, a portion of RHR piping was drained. When the test was
completed and the RHR A loop was returned to the standby mode, water from
the RPV drained into the RHR piping. The RPS initiated a scram at a vessel
level of +12.5 inches, and the PCIS isolated the RHR system. Makeup water
was then supplied to the A loop from condensate and the B loop was verified
filled and vented. The scram and isolations were reset. The procedures for
the initiation of shutdown cooling were rewritten to include cautions for
the operator concerning level fluctuations.
On September 14, 1983, while LaSalle 1 was in cold shutdown and performing
an RHR system relay logic test on the B loop, 50 inches of RPV inventory was
drained to the suppression pool. To align the RHR system for the test,
several valves were open: both drywell spray valves, the suppression pool
spray valve, the test return to suppression pool valve, and the C loop
injection valve. When the B loop injection valve was opened to perform the
test, the only remaining valve available to isolate the RPV was a testable
check valve. This valve was held open because its actuator was misassembled
and, furthermore, its shaft packing gland was too tight to have permitted
closure. The RPS and PCIS initiated at +12.5 inches to terminate the event,
but the vessel level went from +50 inches to O inch (161.5 inches above the
top of the active fuel).
Several corrective actions were taken by the licensee. The inoperable
testable check valve was repaired and other testable check valves in the
RHR, low pressure core spray, high pressure core spray, and reactor core
isolation cooling systems were checked. Post maintenance local leak rate
testing was performed as needed. The test procedures were modified to
require the manual stop valve to be closed for the loop in test.
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November 16, 1984
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Brunswick Unit 2
On September 24, 1984, an integrated containment leak rate test was being
performed on Brunswick 2. Some RPV inventory was lost during an attempt to
lower torus water level. The RHR system was aligned in the shutdown cooling
mode with the RPV refueled and reassembled following a 5-month refueling and
maintenance outage. An operator opened a drain path from the RHR system to
the radwaste system thinking that RHR was in the torus cooling mode. Instead
of draining water from the torus as intended, the RPV was partially drained.
The RPS and PCIS initiated to terminate the event. The licensee altered the
procedures for the integrated containment leak rate test to require
additional operator monitoring during a containment test.
This information notice details five events in which RPV inventory was
partially drained through various systems--primarily because the procedures
focused on the system being tested without proper consideration for the
plant as a whole.* The RPS and PCIS functioned, as designed, to terminate
the events. However, the events were unnecessary challenges to safety
In addition, General Electric Company's SIL No. 388, "RHR Valve Misalignment
During Shutdown Cooling Operation for BWRs 3/4/5 and 6," February 1983,
addresses possible misalignments of the RHR system that could lead to a
reduction in RPV coolant inventory.
The potential for partially draining the RPV exists with all water systems
connected directly or indirectly to the RPV. Barriers exist to prevent a
loss of RPV inventory to systems not designed or intended to receive it. In
most cases, the system functions automatically to prevent a breach of these
barriers, but a system that is largely manually operated, such as RHR,
depends heavily on accurate procedures and appropriate operator actions.
Licensees may wish to review their procedures and training programs in view
of the events and corrective actions discussed above and the information
provided in the General Electric SIL.
* One of these events also involved an improperly maintained testable
check valve actuator. Several other instances of improperly maintained
testable check valve actuators have recently occurred at BWRs.
Information Notice 84-74, dated September 28, 1984, describes some of
these events in light of the concern with overpressurizing low-pressure
systems connected to the primary coolant system.
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November 16, 1984
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No specific action or written response is required by this information
notice. If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact the
Regional Administrator of the appropriate NRC regional office or this
Edward L. Jordan, Director
Division of Emergency Preparedness
and Engineering Response
Office of Inspection and Enforcement
Technical Contact: M. S. Wegner, IE
(301) 492-4511
Attachment: List of Recently Issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, March 09, 2021